dq the racist per darla

But, we still have a great deal of respect for each other.

There are so many wrongs that have been committed on both sides, I just feel that Israel is a bully because it has a standing army that is well trained, well organized, well financed and deadly.

The forces that Israel has gone up against have always been poorly organized and not very well armed. Now that other nations in the area growing wealthier with oil money, they are finally able to give the Arab militias weapons other than the sticks and stones that the Palestinian youth have used to assault the tanks that were mowing down their neighborhoods.

It is tragic because there is no magic answer and in this case the innocent on both sides suffer greatly because of the actions of a few.

The Israelis have been given far more by the West and as a recent a huge resentment has grown. If we had started both sides out on equal footing, how different do you think it would be now?

i do not know, too much of what is happening is about power

since israel was founded, islamics have wanted to destroy it, but they cannot form an alliance to do it and now israel is too strong so the islamics fall back on rhetoric and propaganda - they sting israel until it must respond, their military hides among the civilians so any strikes against them will kill civilians

it is what it is and must be approached for what it is :(
i do not know, too much of what is happening is about power

since israel was founded, islamics have wanted to destroy it, but they cannot form an alliance to do it and now israel is too strong so the islamics fall back on rhetoric and propaganda - they sting israel until it must respond, their military hides among the civilians so any strikes against them will kill civilians

it is what it is and must be approached for what it is :(

On the other side however, israel keeps making new settlements closer and closer into the rocket fire. I guess they like the stinging?

And you still refuse to acknowledge the violent unwanted creation of israel in the first place. It is what is it, and it must be approached for what it is.
Come for third DQ, you but dally, I pray you pass with your best violence. I'm afeared you make a wanton of me!

the Iranians should run with there hands up in the air cryin like sissies to surrender and squeel with delight when they are accepted as criminal prisoners & at the local country club battalion in the desert sahara.

more posts please - we need you :)

the world is an irrational place at best

nobody's right if everybody's wrong

paranoia strikes deep, into your life it has crept

follow Bacchus and pan into frolic beyondhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysus#cite_note-1
Come for third DQ, you but dally, I pray you pass with your best violence. I'm afeared you make a wanton of me!

the Iranians should run with there hands up in the air cryin like sissies to surrender and squeel with delight when they are accepted as criminal prisoners & at the local country club battalion in the desert sahara.

more posts please - we need you :)

the world is an irrational place at best

nobody's right if everybody's wrong

paranoia strikes deep, into your life it has crept

follow Bacchus and pan into frolic beyond
You're a moron.

you do not like bacchus and pan or to frolic

tis brillig

there is a dark power in the land - it is called investment bankers

i wonder about the new sw

throw sand in the ram and rom...if it is iron and magnetized - or reverse the polarity to mimsy
the arabs have been murdering each other longer than the israelis...at least for the last 200 years

the history of the region is filled with one nation brutalizing another

this does not make it right, but what i object to is the rather one sided propaganda

also, why is it alright for iran to feed the conflict with their weapons

No, you don't object to one sided propaganda, or you'd be making posts about our United States Congress passing a one-sided resolution last week supporting Israel.

You object to anyone telling the Palestianian side. You're a racist.
and i do not want one

war is natures way of proving darwin was right

i am perfectly happy to let other nations fight their fights some place other than where me and mine are

war is mainly organized insanity

fyi, originally israel was supposed to be a portion of germany as a way to punish the germans for killing so many - but they decided to punish the palestinians instead

oh well

You are of course, a depraved person whose opinion is of no importance as proved by this post.

However, your racist propoganda will be challanged.
you do not like bacchus and pan or to frolic

tis brillig

there is a dark power in the land - it is called investment bankers

i wonder about the new sw

throw sand in the ram and rom...if it is iron and magnetized - or reverse the polarity to mimsy

Ok. You got me there. I do like to frolic.:rolleyes:
People who think like DQ are the ones creating the new global order. If you think it's gonna be about human rights and fairness, think again. It's about elitist assholes in all nations ganging up on ALL LOCAL POPULATIONS, and "continuing evolution".
What's really funny about Asshat's hate of Israel is that the quasi-religious, forced homogeneous nature of the state is exactly what he advocates for America but denies to Israel.
What's really funny about Asshat's hate of Israel is that the quasi-religious, forced homogeneous nature of the state is exactly what he advocates for America but denies to Israel.

I don't think I have ever advocated for a quasi-religious forced homogenous nature for out state. Can you provide examples of this?

Do you mean opposition to theocracy, and/or official second class citizenship? because if that's what you mean, I'm guilty as charged.
You have absolutely argued for a homogenous culture. Or at the very least against a diverse one.

Where? I have done no such thing. I have argued against unrestriced immigration, but purely because it drives wages down. I believe the state has a duty to regulate these matters somewhat, or at least let massive changes happen slowly enough that people can adapt. We don't pay taxes just so we can be prostituted at the whims of corporate greed.
People who know me know that I used to be the biggest internationalist fascist around, like superfreak, dixie, epicurus, and an assortment of other dillholes combined, until I woke the f up.
Jewish isn't a race, people. It is a religion. There are secular Israelis, and some of the Jews are Zionist, but not all Zionists are Jews.

People are amiss when they claim racism against the Jews. The Jews were originally a Semitic tribe, Hebrew, like their Arab brothers. Jews do not share a common ancestry or biological traits. A person of Chinese descent may become a Jew, but he is still Chinese.

I laugh when people claim antisemitism, are we talking against the Jews? Not all Jews are Semites.

We know the Jews aren't a race. It's just more convienent to call them that.
no, israel and muslims have a different god. christians and muslims have a different god. don't forget the prophecies that jesus would also be rejected, however, muhammad claims god never had a son, nor would he ever.

ask yourself this....allah all knowing, yet he has his muslims pray to jerusalem and then change direction because the jews didn't believe in allah. why didn't the all knowing allah forsee this?

