Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

LOL. The guy who doesn't understand basic intro chemistry concepts like freezing point depressions wants to posit great philosophical bullshit like consciousness as a quantum state. It just shows you CAN'T handle anyone who knows more science than you do so all YOU HAVE is petty grievance.


You talk like a new ager zombie.
I'm truly saddened you are sick, Perry. Your life can't be a very happy one.
It's a controversial hypothesis, but Roger Penrose buys it

My limited sense is the key takeaway is that a classical mechanistic system requires the transfer of force and energy (electrochemical) between the disparate parts of system. In a quantum entangled system, locality and transfers of forces are not required. The entangled quantum system acts as one single state since the quantum wave function collapse is instantaneous. In theory that would give human cognition a huge superiority over a classical mechanistic system.

Many scientists regard consciousness as a global manifestation of individual calculations by the brain’s billions of neurons. Penrose and Hameroff instead argue that consciousness is based on the non-computational collapse of coherent quantum superpositions between cellular structures within neurons known as microtubules. They reckon that while the superpositions guide classical neuronal processes, it is the continual gravity-related collapse of the quantum states that gives rise to our sense of self-awareness.

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There was mentally unbalanced guy here years ago who nursed an inferiority complex and lingering grudge who would follow me around everywhere hollering about all his complaints about me.

I think he finally flamed out and was institutionalized.


Maybe one day you or one of your family are one day institutionalized so that you will know what a VILE and HORRIBLE comment you just made. But you hate the mentally ill so I'm sure you are quite happy.

Why do you hate the mentally ill so much? Do you hate cancer victims as well?
Cypress! Break on through to the other side!

I'm genuinely curious why Cypress seems to harbor such hatred for the mentally ill. I understand Doc's hatred of the mentally ill...it's part of his problems after he found out he couldn't become a real psychologist after his stint in community college.
Mason is bat shit crazy, and it's not surprising Perry PhD runs to him for consolation.

Hey, Cypress, why do you like Doc so much? Was it the rules violation he supposedly got? Or is it the "bets" he likes to propose to people related to that rules violation?

Birds of a feather indeed.
Many scientists regard consciousness as a global manifestation of individual calculations by the brain’s billions of neurons.

This is why I've been talking about "emergent properties" so much on this topic. But you would hardly know it because all you ever do is attack me personally.

Penrose and Hameroff instead argue that consciousness is based on the non-computational collapse of coherent quantum superpositions

OH JEEEZUS do you even KNOW what half those words mean?

between cellular structures within neurons known as microtubules. They reckon that while the superpositions guide classical neuronal processes, it is the continual gravity-related collapse of the quantum states that gives rise to our sense of self-awareness.


Yup...frantic googler just posting stuff other people say without understanding any of it.

How about you learn basic chemistry BEFORE you try handling QM?
Whether or not I have a Platonic self, I have a unique physical brain and cognition capable of experience, learning, deduction, memories, and a collective personality which gives me powers of reason, reflection, introspection, and choice irrespective if one accepts a Platonic and Augustinian concept of lasting soul.
You are absolutely right. You DO have a unique brain, cognition, personality , etc and it's unique because we all have a unique combination of genes and life experiences that nobody else has

When you were deciding what you want to study in college, your unique stream of consciousness, that exists because of your unique life experiences, is what we're in play when your brain made a decision.

Where is free will in that scenario? Your personality, experience, cognition, learning ability are all unique to your brain and, as you said, your brain made a decision, without a self being involved to filter, reason, etc. It all is just happening. Your brain is doing the work and your consciousness is only experiencing the result, unmoderated, undeterred, unfiltered by a self.
You are absolutely right. You DO have a unique brain, cognition, personality , etc and it's unique because we all have a unique combination of genes and life experiences that nobody else has

When you were deciding what you want to study in college, your unique stream of consciousness, that exists because of your unique life experiences, is what we're in play when your brain made a decision.

Where is free will in that scenario? Your personality, experience, cognition, learning ability are all unique to your brain and, as you said, your brain made a decision, without a self being involved to filter, reason, etc. It all is just happening. Your brain is doing the work and your consciousness is only experiencing the result, unmoderated, undeterred, unfiltered by a self.

Free will was in play because I conciously chose one college major over others I was equally interested in, based on careful refection and weighing of information.

At no point did I feel that fate or a hidden hand was forcing me to a specific decision.

Is that how you felt about picking an undergraduate major, you were forced into it without having any choice?
fabricates a lie then keeps repeating it.

IMO, this is a sign of mental deficiency.

I've seen this with guys who have a resentful inferiority complex. In order to score a "victory" they flail around and then misrepresent, lie and embellish the story of their glorious victory.
More hatred of mental illness. I wonder if you hang out at children's cancer wards to mock them as well.

You seem like a really dark soul.

Cypress with all his learning,is clueless to what Mason says! So he coat tails Jerkoff Dutch!
Even though it's plain as day,where Mason is coming from! Instead of asking for an explanation, he runs and hides.
You are absolutely right. You DO have a unique brain, cognition, personality , etc and it's unique because we all have a unique combination of genes and life experiences that nobody else has

When you were deciding what you want to study in college, your unique stream of consciousness, that exists because of your unique life experiences, is what we're in play when your brain made a decision.

Where is free will in that scenario? Your personality, experience, cognition, learning ability are all unique to your brain and, as you said, your brain made a decision, without a self being involved to filter, reason, etc. It all is just happening. Your brain is doing the work and your consciousness is only experiencing the result, unmoderated, undeterred, unfiltered by a self.

That's an amazing post!
Free will was in play because I conciously chose one college major over others I was equally interested in, based on careful refection and weighing of information.

At no point did I feel that fate or a hidden hand was forcing me to a specific decision.

Is that how you felt about picking an undergraduate major, you were forced into it without having any choice?

You say that "you" chose, but there is no self to make a choice. Your brain is doing all the work and your consciousness, the part that you actually experience And people generally perceive as a self, is at the end of the process, completely blind to all of the inner workings of your brain.
I'm genuinely curious why Cypress seems to harbor such hatred for the mentally ill. I understand Doc's hatred of the mentally ill...it's part of his problems after he found out he couldn't become a real psychologist after his stint in community college.

He fears he's mentally ill!
I've seen this with guys who have a resentful inferiority complex. In order to score a "victory" they flail around and then misrepresent, lie and embellish the story of their glorious victory.

It's the "inferiority complex" AKA low self-esteem that can result in a range between an outward or inward response. Outward is blaming others, inward is accepting responsibility for what they can control.