Egypt - Now it all makes sense


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Egypt was against Israel's move into Rafah. Now we know why.

Who'd a thought that a Muslim run country would be helping Palestine attack Israel?

Israel says it’s taken control of key area of Gaza’s border with Egypt awash in smuggling tunnels​

The Palestinians are resistance fighters. Palestine is a sovereign state. It can use any means of self defense and tunnel anywhere it likes .

A Muslim Egyptian government would lend the Palestinians military aid immediately. Unfortunately, Egypt's leader is on the US payroll.

NOW it makes sense to you, eh ? Not.
The Palestinians are resistance fighters. Palestine is a sovereign state. It can use any means of self defense and tunnel anywhere it likes .

A Muslim Egyptian government would lend the Palestinians military aid immediately. Unfortunately, Egypt's leader is on the US payroll.

NOW it makes sense to you, eh ? Not.
Hamas is listed as a terrorist org...they have no right to self defense, they HAVE NO RIGHTS PEROID !!!!. And can be attacked by any means necessary as they are not protected under the Geneva Convention rules of war!
Hamas is listed as a terrorist has no right to self defense, has NO RIGHTS PEROID !!!!. And can be attacked by any means necessary as they are not protected under the Geneva Convention
Incorrect. A minority of countries list Hamas as terrorists. Those that do are beholden to the US and its insane support for genocidal Zionism.
Hamas individuals are not stateless. They are Palestinians- operating within their own country- and protected by international and humanitarian law.
The genocidal Jews - those within Palestine- are not.
Incorrect. A minority of countries list Hamas as terrorists. Those that do are beholden to the US and its insane support for genocidal Zionism.
Hamas individuals are not stateless. They are Palestinians- operating within their own country- and protected by international and humanitarian law.
The genocidal Jews - those within Palestine- are not.
It is not a country

Legal Status of Palestine

Palestine is an autonomous entity, not a state. Palestine has not yet met the de facto requirements of statehood.

at this point and time,Palestine cannot legally be considered a state under international law.

It is not a country

Legal Status of Palestine

Palestine is an autonomous entity, not a state. Palestine has not yet met the de facto requirements of statehood.

Palestine is recognized as a state by 144 countries and was recognized by the UN in 2012. Your information is false.

In favor of ...does not mean its a legal state!!! u stupid fucking terrorist

40 million people can be in favor of no speed limit laws.....does not make it legal to do 125mph
You really are intellectually challenged, aincha. A vote ' in favor ' means that the Resolution passed . Palestine became a UN-recognized sovereign state. The Palestinian flag flies at the UN along with the other UN-recognized states.
Why don't you go along to the UN and demand that they take it down as you don't think that it's legal ?

The new status equates Palestine with that of the Holy See within the United Nations system[8] and implicitly recognises Palestinian sovereignty.[9][10]


Haw, haw......................................haw.
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'Riyad Mansour, the head of the Palestinian UN observer mission, then wrote a letter requesting the name change on 12 December.[59] On 17 December, the UN head of official protocol, Yeocheol Yoon, replied that the request is accepted,[58][59] and that henceforth the designation of "State of Palestine" shall be used by the Secretariat in all official United Nations documents[59] and the title of the Palestinian mission.[59] The designation is now on all nameplates at the UN,[58] and will appear in activities related to the UN, such as international conferences.[59]'
Incorrect. A minority of countries list Hamas as terrorists. Those that do are beholden to the US and its insane support for genocidal Zionism.
Hamas individuals are not stateless. They are Palestinians- operating within their own country- and protected by international and humanitarian law.
The genocidal Jews - those within Palestine- are not.
Egypt was against Israel's move into Rafah. Now we know why.

Who'd a thought that a Muslim run country would be helping Palestine attack Israel?

Israel says it’s taken control of key area of Gaza’s border with Egypt awash in smuggling tunnels​

Egypt doesn't try to help Hamas get weapons, but the country has a pretty sizable faction of anti-government types friendly to Hamas that does.
Palestine is recognized as a state by 144 countries and was recognized by the UN in 2012. Your information is false.

Fine by me. If Palestine is a state, and Gaza is part of that state, and Hamas is the duly elected government of Gaza, and Hamas declares war on Israel by invasion and surprise attack, then the nation of Palestine should be prepared for the consequences of that act, which in this case means getting their collective asses stomped in the dirt.

Egypt was against Israel's move into Rafah. Now we know why.

Who'd a thought that a Muslim run country would be helping Palestine attack Israel?

Israel says it’s taken control of key area of Gaza’s border with Egypt awash in smuggling tunnels​

It's hard to believe anything coming out of Netanyahu's propaganda machine. He consistently lies in order to support his atrocities against Palestinians.

From the article:

It was not clear if the tunnels were currently in use

Smuggling tunnels were dug under the Gaza-Egypt border to get around the Israeli-Egyptian blockade, imposed after Hamas took over. Some of the tunnels were large enough for vehicles. Hamas brought in weapons and supplies, and Gaza residents smuggled in commercial goods, from livestock to construction materials.

That changed over the past decade, as Egypt battled Islamic militants in Sinai. The Egyptian military cracked down on the tunnels and destroyed hundreds of them.
The Palestinians are resistance fighters. Palestine is a sovereign state. It can use any means of self defense and tunnel anywhere it likes .

A Muslim Egyptian government would lend the Palestinians military aid immediately. Unfortunately, Egypt's leader is on the US payroll.

NOW it makes sense to you, eh ? Not.
Hamas resists food for Palestinians.......they resist health care for Palestinians....they resist safety for Palestinians.......they certainly are resistance fighters.....