Egypt - Now it all makes sense

Egypt was against Israel's move into Rafah. Now we know why.

Who'd a thought that a Muslim run country would be helping Palestine attack Israel?

Israel says it’s taken control of key area of Gaza’s border with Egypt awash in smuggling tunnels​

Egypt as a country has destroyed dozens of not more tunnels. They don't want terrorist infiltrating Egypt and that is one of the main reasons they will not allow Palestinians into Egypt. Egypt is the one that started flooding tunnels with sea water. Hamas leaders use the tunnel as money makers and charge a tax on everything moved through the tunnels. Hamas leaders have become personally wealthy from these smugglers taxes.
What do you think Palestine is if not a state, just an area of the planet up for grabs? States are effectively defined by their recognition as states by other states, and Palestine has received that recognition.
A territory of Israel that Israel has allowed to rule itself since 2005.
A territory of Israel that Israel has allowed to rule itself since 2005.
Your history is more an embellished current event. Palestine predates Israel. Arabs and Jews contested the land in the 1930's until it was divided between them by the UN, which has since recognized both regions as states.
What do you think Palestine is if not a state, just an area of the planet up for grabs? States are effectively defined by their recognition as states by other states, and Palestine has received that recognition.
A State with NO BORDERS is NOT a State.

Every white lib refuses to define the borders of the "State of Palestine".
A State with NO BORDERS is NOT a State.

Every white lib refuses to define the borders of the "State of Palestine".
The legal borders of Israel and Palestine are defined by UNGAR 181. Borders can never be changed by war- only by agreement between parties.

You'd do well to rid yourself of your fixation . Already, 144 countries recognize Palestine on the Green Line. More are in the offing.

P.S. Naughty Jews are going to jail
..and illegal squatters are going back to Israel
The legal borders of Israel and Palestine are defined by UNGAR 181. Borders can never be changed by war- only by agreement between parties.

You'd do well to rid yourself of your fixation . Already, 144 countries recognize Palestine on the Green Line. More are in the offing.

P.S. Naughty Jews are going to jail
..and illegal squatters are going back to Israel
Wrong. Palestinians never agreed to the 181 borders. They chose war to wipe Israel off the map. Stop lying.

Your "agreement" argument falls flat on its face.
Wrong. Palestinians never agreed to the 181 borders. They chose war to wipe Israel off the map. Stop lying.

So your "agreement" argument falls flat on its face.
You are flailing. Palestinians couldn't vote in UNGAR 181. Neither could Israel- which didn't exist.

Maybe you should bandage that nose.
PThe legal borders of Israel and Palestine are defined by UNGAR 181. Borders can never be changed by war- only by agreement between parties.

You'd do well to rid yourself of your fixation . Already, 144 countries recognize Palestine on the Green Line. More are in the offing.
P.S. Naughty Jews are going to jail
..and illegal squatters are going back to Israel
You spout the same old shit over and over, it is no consequence that the vast majority of the signatories are either Islamic, former Communist countries or of little consequence like Ireland.
You spout the same old shit over and over, it is no consequence that the vast majority of the signatories are either Islamic, former Communist countries or of little consequence like Ireland.
Go bomb 'em, Geronimo.


Haw, haw............................................haw.
Egypt doesn't try to help Hamas get weapons, but the country has a pretty sizable faction of anti-government types friendly to Hamas that does.
????? Hamas, not Palestine attacked Israel. Since then, Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians. We have no idea whether Hamas would win a vote in Palestine. The last election was in 2004. Do you think they did not have another one because they would win?
????? Hamas, not Palestine attacked Israel. Since then, Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians. We have no idea whether Hamas would win a vote in Palestine. The last election was in 2004. Do you think they did not have another one because they would win?
Hamas is the government of Gaza. Gaza is part of Palestine. Therefore, Palestine attacked Israel. People die in wars. If you start one and are really shitty at fighting one, expect to get your ass kicked. Hamas / the Palestinians are really shitty at fighting wars. They shouldn't have started one.

It doesn't matter if Hamas turned themselves into a defacto dictatorship after being duly elected. They are the government of Gaza, part of Palestine.