Egypt - Now it all makes sense

You compensate, or try to, for your low intelligence by being an annoying asshole. Palestine is recognized as a state by 126 countries.
143 now, Martin- and 144 when the Slovakian parliament meets. More to follow.
Egypt was against Israel's move into Rafah. Now we know why.

Who'd a thought that a Muslim run country would be helping Palestine attack Israel?

Israel says it’s taken control of key area of Gaza’s border with Egypt awash in smuggling tunnels​

Hamas have been making hundreds of millions from smuggling, anybody that thinks otherwise is a fecking eejit.
The Palestinians are resistance fighters. Palestine is a sovereign state. It can use any means of self defense and tunnel anywhere it likes .

A Muslim Egyptian government would lend the Palestinians military aid immediately. Unfortunately, Egypt's leader is on the US payroll.

NOW it makes sense to you, eh ? Not.
Yeh you stupid cunt, that's how terrorists were able get into Sharm el-Sheikh. and plant a bomb onboard the Russian Airbus A321.
Hmm, seems similar to the lame story spun during the bogus invasion of Iraq .... defunct munitions touted as a current viable threat. Now it's tunnels.

Yahoo & company are proven liars. But Uncle Joe never met a war he didn't like throughout his career. Hell, he's on record saying that the USA would have to create an Israel to serve "our interests" in the region.

And the band played on.
Hmm, seems similar to the lame story spun during the bogus invasion of Iraq .... defunct munitions touted as a current viable threat. Now it's tunnels.

Yahoo & company are proven liars. But Uncle Joe never met a war he didn't like throughout his career. Hell, he's on record saying that the USA would have to create an Israel to serve "our interests" in the region.

And the band played on.
Fuck off, stupid cunt!
Smarty claims to be a journalist yet appears to not even be able to know basic facts ffs.
The countries recognizing Palestinia increase at a fast rate. More this week, perhaps.

You know, your government is going to wind up paying Palestinians compensation, Brit maggot.
Worry no more, you're on ignore bunky!!
When I put someone on ignore, I stipulate it's for a month or two. In that time frame, clowns like Dippy inundate my posts and threads DESPITE getting notification that I can't see their posts. They do this in hopes that other posters will respond because in the previous format I would see all of that exchange. On this old one, I don't. So it's going to be real interesting to see how long Tommy the Dip can keep his promise.
The Palestinians are resistance fighters. Palestine is a sovereign state. It can use any means of self defense and tunnel anywhere it likes .

A Muslim Egyptian government would lend the Palestinians military aid immediately. Unfortunately, Egypt's leader is on the US payroll.

NOW it makes sense to you, eh ? Not.
How many "zionists" did Hamas kill on Oct 7? Give us a number
Hamas is listed as a terrorist org...they have no right to self defense, they HAVE NO RIGHTS PEROID !!!!. And can be attacked by any means necessary as they are not protected under the Geneva Convention rules of war!
I thought self defense was one of them "natural rights" you conservative types go on about sometimes.