Egypt - Now it all makes sense

The Palestinians are resistance fighters.

No, they are terrorists you mentally challenged buffoon.

Palestine is a sovereign state.

No, it isn't. Never had been. Never will be. But alas, you're a mentally challenged buffoon.

It can use any means of self defense and tunnel anywhere it likes .

The only one's defending are the Israelis who were britally attacked by Hamas terrorists who hide behind women and chlidren and sotckpile arms and hide tunnels under hospoitals and sxchools.

It takes a severe level of mental retardation to support such a despicable repugnant organization. But here you are, a severely handicapped mental case on steroids.

A Muslim Egyptian government would lend the Palestinians military aid immediately. Unfortunately, Egypt's leader is on the US payroll.

Lie and lame. Egypt's leader, much like every other Arab leader in the region want nothing to do with terrorists.

NOW it makes sense to you, eh ? Not.

Your lunatic ravings only make sense to the mentally handicapped and terrorist loving dumbasses.
Incorrect. A minority of countries list Hamas as terrorists. Those that do are beholden to the US and its insane support for genocidal Zionism.
Hamas individuals are not stateless. They are Palestinians- operating within their own country- and protected by international and humanitarian law.
The genocidal Jews - those within Palestine- are not.

Nothing but lies from this mentally deranged halfwit on steroids. :palm:
In favor of ...does not mean its a legal state!!! u stupid fucking terrorist

40 million people can be in favor of no speed limit laws.....does not make it legal to do 125mph

You're arguing with a mentally deranged, serial lying terrorist loving moron. Facts won't matter to such deranged morons.
Troofie- your ream of juvenile crap embarrasses only you.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
What do you think Palestine is if not a state,

How in the fuck is it a nation state? Are you a simple-minded moron? Or just that woefully uneducated and ignorant?

just an area of the planet up for grabs?

Palestine was an area in the Middle East comprised of Jordan and a lot of Syria, former Judea roamed primarily by wandering Arabs a Jewish settlements.

It wasn't a country. Never was a country and never will be a country no matter how many lies morons like you bloviate or how many times you pound your tiny insignificant fists on the table.

States are effectively defined by their recognition as states by other states, and Palestine has received that recognition.

There is no recognition of any nation called Palestine shit-for-brains. Never has been. Never will be.
Your history is more an embellished current event. Palestine predates Israel. Arabs and Jews contested the land in the 1930's until it was divided between them by the UN, which has since recognized both regions as states.

That's a pile of historical bile shit-for-brains. Good lord, no wonder you say the dumbest shit. :palm:
The legal borders of Israel and Palestine are defined by UNGAR 181. Borders can never be changed by war- only by agreement between parties.

You'd do well to rid yourself of your fixation . Already, 144 countries recognize Palestine on the Green Line. More are in the offing.

P.S. Naughty Jews are going to jail
..and illegal squatters are going back to Israel

:lolup: Never argue with serial liars that love terrorists.
????? Hamas, not Palestine attacked Israel. Since then, Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians. We have no idea whether Hamas would win a vote in Palestine. The last election was in 2004. Do you think they did not have another one because they would win?

There is no thing as Palestine halfwit. This one is mental for sure. :palm:
Incorrect. A minority of countries list Hamas as terrorists. Those that do are beholden to the US and its insane support for genocidal Zionism.
Hamas individuals are not stateless. They are Palestinians- operating within their own country- and protected by international and humanitarian law.
The genocidal Jews - those within Palestine- are not.
72 countries comprising virtually all First World states, and most Second tier countries do. It's only the Turd World really that doesn't because Hamas doesn't do their terrorism there...
How in the fuck is it a nation state? Are you a simple-minded moron? Or just that woefully uneducated and ignorant?

There is no recognition of any nation called Palestine shit-for-brains. Never has been. Never will be.

You compensate, or try to, for your low intelligence by being an annoying asshole. Palestine is recognized as a state by 126 countries.
????? Hamas, not Palestine attacked Israel. Since then, Israel has been slaughtering Palestinians. We have no idea whether Hamas would win a vote in Palestine. The last election was in 2004. Do you think they did not have another one because they would win?
Know who used to live near the border with Gaza? Peaceniks. People who spent their days pursuing peace with the Palestinian Gazans: hiring them, having tea with them, ferrying them and their children to doctor’s appointments in Israel, going to peacenik committee meetings with them. People who deeply, deeply, BELEIVED that peace was an achievable goal.
The Palestinians they befriended are the ‘Innocent Civilians of Gaza’ who provided maps and intelligence to Hamas: including who was expected to be out of town, who kept a dog, and the location of the nursery schools, all marked in Arabic.
They were the third wave of terrorists who came across the border in the wake of Hamas proper, to rape, pillage, commit their OWN atrocities and take their OWN hostages, who called home to boast, who uploaded video footage of their crimes to the internet.
Hamas is the government of Gaza. Gaza is part of Palestine. Therefore, Palestine attacked Israel. People die in wars. If you start one and are really shitty at fighting one, expect to get your ass kicked. Hamas / the Palestinians are really shitty at fighting wars. They shouldn't have started one.

It doesn't matter if Hamas turned themselves into a defacto dictatorship after being duly elected. They are the government of Gaza, part of Palestine.
Try and make sense.Just because you cannot discern the difference between Hamas's army and Palestine does not mean there isn't any,. Hamas has not run an election since 2004 because they could not win one. Now they likely could.
Try and make sense.Just because you cannot discern the difference between Hamas's army and Palestine does not mean there isn't any,. Hamas has not run an election since 2004 because they could not win one. Now they likely could.
How would you know they can't win one?

Polling shows 90% + support for Hamas in Gaza RIGHT NOW!

The Israeli media is more generous saying only 70%+ support

Even before Oct 7, they had serious support. Back then it was 50 to 60% support. Even this left leaning site says so buried in their article.

That's more than enough to win an election where there'd be multiple parties running.