Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

Still waiting on that 20 foot ocean level rise Gore said would be here by now. ....

We should all have been roasted alive by now!

The world is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters. This holds for the weather phenomena that have historically caused the most damage: tropical cyclones, floods, tornadoes and drought. Given how weather events have become politicized in debates over climate change, some find this hard to believe. Fortunately, government and IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) analyses allow such claims to be adjudicated based on science, and not politics.* Here I briefly summarize recent relevant data.

Every six months Munich Re publishes a tally of the costs of disasters around the world for the past half year. This is an excellent resource for tracking disaster costs over time.* The data allows us to compare disaster costs to global GDP, to get a sense of the magnitude of these costs in the context of economic activity.* Using data from the UN, here is how that data looks since 1990, when we have determined that data is most reliable and complete.




It appears your own source, a boutique private actuarial outfit catering to large corporations in Australia only, believes in AGW and its appreciable risks. You can pay them to tell you here.
Nothing Changes the Fact that Human Carbon Emission are Changing Climate

It's worth just reflecting on how much better off this nation would be if former Vice President of the United States, Nobel prize winner, and Academy award winner Al Gore had been in the Oval Office, instead of the guy you voted for: the disastrous George Dumyba Bush.

Changing Climate: Ten Years After Vice President, Nobel Prize Winner, and Academy Award Winner Al Gore's Movie.

In the 10 years since the movie sparked increased public discussion, climate scientists have made major advances. More observations, faster climate-simulating computers and an improved understanding of the planet’s inner workings now provide a clearer window on how Earth’s climate will change.

Some of the bold forecasts of the 2006 movie are holding, and others are on an accelerated track. A few of the most dire warnings need revising, says Thompson, at Ohio State University in Columbus. And plenty of questions remain. In a controversial paper in March in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, researchers argued that the effects of climate change could be even more severe and sudden than current predictions.

While a lot has changed, the fundamental understanding of climate change, dating back to the 19th century recognition that carbon dioxide warms the planet, has held strong, he says.

“The physics and chemistry that we’ve known about for over 200 years is bearing out,” Thompson says. “We’ve learned so much in the last 10 years, but the fact that the unprecedented climate change of the last 40 years is being driven by increased CO2 hasn’t changed.

The far-reaching effects of climate change — from ocean acidification to disrupted ecosystems — are too numerous to examine all at once. But below are a few of the areas where climate scientists have made significant progress since 2006.

It's worth just reflecting on how much better off this nation would be if former Vice President of the United States, Nobel prize winner, and Academy award winner Al Gore had been in the Oval Office, instead of the guy you voted for: the disastrous George Dumyba Bush.

You truly are a simpleton.
You truly are a simpleton.

Flaccid retort.

Denying climate science is so 1998. Luckily, the world has moved beyond you climate deniers. I leave you to your obscure, climate denying websites and rightwing conspiracy blogs.
Flaccid retort.

Denying climate science is so 1998. Luckily, the world has moved beyond you climate deniers. I leave you to your obscure, climate denying websites and rightwing conspiracy blogs.

Who is denying it? Once again, you are a simpleton. Actually just a fucking idiot.
Who is denying it? Once again, you are a simpleton. Actually just a fucking idiot.

I am aware you deniers have been moving the goal posts, backpedaling, and back tracking. Let's point out that you voted for a guy who said global warming was a Chinese hoax.

All I ever have seen from you deniers are threads that deny, downplay, or denigrate climate science.

I'd appreciate it if you could link to a few threads you personally started, in which you articulated that human induced climate changes is a serious environmental concern.
I am aware you deniers have been moving the goal posts, backpedaling, and back tracking. Let's point out that you voted for a guy who said global warming was a Chinese hoax.

All I ever have seen from you deniers are threads that deny, downplay, or denigrate climate science.

I'd appreciate it if you could link to a few threads you personally started, in which you articulated that human induced climate changes is a serious environmental concern.

You do realize you are just talking to yourself right? Making no sense? Referencing things and people that have nothing to do with me? And even taking the time to put things in italics. You should see a shrink. Seriously. There is something drastically, mentally wrong with you. A complete, irrational meltdown.
I am aware you deniers have been moving the goal posts, backpedaling, and back tracking. Let's point out that you voted for a guy who said global warming was a Chinese hoax.

All I ever have seen from you deniers are threads that deny, downplay, or denigrate climate science.

I'd appreciate it if you could link to a few threads you personally started, in which you articulated that human induced climate changes is a serious environmental concern.

Not their mission. They are partisan hacks. Truth is not valued by them AT ALL. This is a ground acquisition game to them. They certainly are not going to cede any voluntarily in the name of truth when they know there is no chance whatsoever of regaining it.
You do realize you are just talking to yourself right? Making no sense? Referencing things and people that have nothing to do with me? And even taking the time to put things in italics. You should see a shrink. Seriously. There is something drastically, mentally wrong with you. A complete, irrational meltdown.

Lol. He is talking to himself is your response. Your response. Response. Let that sink in. Why is it that everyone who makes valid points that undermine your positions is met, rather than with concession and counterpoint, are called mental, stupid, poor and miserable.

You should acknowledge your own issues to yourself, foremost is being an asshole.
Why is it that everyone who makes valid points that undermine your positions is met, rather than with concession and counterpoint, are called mental, stupid, poor and miserable.

You should acknowledge your own issues to yourself, foremost is being an asshole.

What valid points? Only a fucking partisan lunatic would consider any of that "valid points".
What valid points? Only a fucking partisan lunatic would consider any of that "valid points".

One of his points was the people today who are undermining climate science were yesterday's deniers. He also asked you to produce a single piece of evidence that you ever once did anything aside from denial or degrading or undermining climate science consensus opinion. Those are valid. You only responded ad hom. He therefore kicked your ass. Quick, volley another insult.