Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

Are you familiar with the environmental costs associated with rare earth mining? Probably not, and I'm willing to bet you don't care either as it's in China.




Again I made my point clear previously. I get that the human race is an industrious species, that pretty much has industrial control over the planet. I am not delusional to think there is a magical non environmental impact to what ever energy system we use. Up to AND including mining for rare earth metals. I am absolutely aware of it. I notice you chose to gloss over my point, that between the rare earth mining and the sucking up crude from the bottom of the ocean, to tankers that spill, to pipelines that leak in rivers & on land, not to mention ALL the atmospheric discharge, there IS no comparison. Like you & everyone on this forum or in the country we are apart of do not want to scrap the modern technological age we are apart of. What I DO want, what I think is actually reasonable is being smart in how we get our energy & use it. Green energy will have costs to extract just as any other form of energy, it's basic physics AND this is KEY, some forms of extraction on balance are less invasive to the overall footprint we place on the planet. One of those, the one you seem to think you got some special AH HA on is rare earth metals. Of course it has impact but on balance it is a hundred times less invasive than fossil fuel extraction. See I am not some all or nothing person. I am practical & realistic. You on the other hand want to posit some delusional bullshit that if one looks at ANYTHING else, one has to use gotcha crap to instigate an idea that we just keep doing the same shit because there was some derp de fucking derp environmental impact with the da' new stuff. My position is so fucking what. On balance, being realistic & looking at where the world is going OVERALL, I'll take a fucking hole in bum fuck Australia & a few other spots over the absolute cluster fuck of dirty crude smearing the planet.
At the end of the day there is no comparison, green energy on balance is a better route than the black snake.
I also noticed you chose to blatantly disregard the other real world fact because it doesn't fit your attempt to do a superficial gotcha' bullshit tactic and that's the 96 year old inventor of the Lithium-ion battery you know the RARE EARTH METAL used in these batteries is in the process and has gone past the experimental stages of creating a new battery that charges faster lasts longer & will at the end of the day use less rare earth metals. Showing another inconvenient fact, technology in the green sector is & will move MUCH faster than the fossil mentalities of the fossil industry. That new technologies will come along quicker & faster and are already out there in the experimental stage that will most likely move away from even rare earth metals. but alas that doesn't fit your superficial gotcha meme. I'm sorry son that shit don't work with me.
Ok its a fair cop guv! However before you start crowing too much I would point out that many children are used in the Congo to search for cobalt. I'd ask you to eat crow but that would like eating family.


There is also the question of rare earth mining and the pollution created now and when millions of batteries are not longer in service. A Tesla Model S battery array weighs half a ton so there is a huge problem potentially in the future.


Lastly here is a picture of the Greenbushes lithium mine in Western Australia which supplies around 23% of the world's supply!!



So then crowonthepiss, what do you have to say?

Oh I see 'Cokeistherazon' you are going for dumb shit name calling, how pathetic. I can play that too and trust me you'll look more foolish than I will.
Oh I see 'Cokeistherazon' you are going for dumb shit name calling, how pathetic. I can play that too and trust me you'll look more foolish than I will.
Well sorry but if you are going to be an arsehole then expect the same back. There are very real problems with the mining of cobalt, lithium and rare earths but you have chosen to ignore all that because you're butthurt!
Yes well I gave you a reprieve but you're still an enormous cock-gobbling arse badger.

You say that only because I made you look foolish and seem insecure in your quixotic quest to debunk climate science, one you fortify only by claim of authority from your ancient chemistry degree.
How many unstable elements weren't yet in the periodic table when you received that degree? But for that, we'd probably agree on much more. I'm sorry I intimidate you, and Sailor, your first "mate."
You say that only because I made you look foolish and seem insecure in your quixotic quest to debunk climate science, one you fortify only by claim of authority from your ancient chemistry degree.
How many unstable elements weren't yet in the periodic table when you received that degree? But for that, we'd probably agree on much more. I'm sorry I intimidate you, and Sailor, your first "mate."

Was climate change present when the glaciers that covered half of the USA present, or 20,000 years ago when these glaciers began melting? The fact is that climate change is real and much LESS PREVALENT now that it was in the past.

But since you believe that Hillary is the President you are not able to deal with reality
You say that only because I made you look foolish and seem insecure in your quixotic quest to debunk climate science, one you fortify only by claim of authority from your ancient chemistry degree.
How many unstable elements weren't yet in the periodic table when you received that degree? But for that, we'd probably agree on much more. I'm sorry I intimidate you, and Sailor, your first "mate."
You don't intimidate me in the least, I just find you intolerably arrogant and smug to be honest. In fact talking about unstable elements that precisely describes you. You've never actually said anything worthwhile on the subject of climate, excepting for an unremitting appeal to authority and the all-knowing consensus.
Again I made my point clear previously. I get that the human race is an industrious species, that pretty much has industrial control over the planet. I am not delusional to think there is a magical non environmental impact to what ever energy system we use. Up to AND including mining for rare earth metals. I am absolutely aware of it. I notice you chose to gloss over my point, that between the rare earth mining and the sucking up crude from the bottom of the ocean, to tankers that spill, to pipelines that leak in rivers & on land, not to mention ALL the atmospheric discharge, there IS no comparison. Like you & everyone on this forum or in the country we are apart of do not want to scrap the modern technological age we are apart of. What I DO want, what I think is actually reasonable is being smart in how we get our energy & use it. Green energy will have costs to extract just as any other form of energy, it's basic physics AND this is KEY, some forms of extraction on balance are less invasive to the overall footprint we place on the planet. One of those, the one you seem to think you got some special AH HA on is rare earth metals. Of course it has impact but on balance it is a hundred times less invasive than fossil fuel extraction. See I am not some all or nothing person. I am practical & realistic. You on the other hand want to posit some delusional bullshit that if one looks at ANYTHING else, one has to use gotcha crap to instigate an idea that we just keep doing the same shit because there was some derp de fucking derp environmental impact with the da' new stuff. My position is so fucking what. On balance, being realistic & looking at where the world is going OVERALL, I'll take a fucking hole in bum fuck Australia & a few other spots over the absolute cluster fuck of dirty crude smearing the planet.
At the end of the day there is no comparison, green energy on balance is a better route than the black snake.
I also noticed you chose to blatantly disregard the other real world fact because it doesn't fit your attempt to do a superficial gotcha' bullshit tactic and that's the 96 year old inventor of the Lithium-ion battery you know the RARE EARTH METAL used in these batteries is in the process and has gone past the experimental stages of creating a new battery that charges faster lasts longer & will at the end of the day use less rare earth metals. Showing another inconvenient fact, technology in the green sector is & will move MUCH faster than the fossil mentalities of the fossil industry. That new technologies will come along quicker & faster and are already out there in the experimental stage that will most likely move away from even rare earth metals. but alas that doesn't fit your superficial gotcha meme. I'm sorry son that shit don't work with me.
I know about that glass electrode research, it is still very experimental and decades away from being a proven technology if indeed it ever will be. Lithium ion is the chosen technology for the foreseeable future, Tesla are in the process of building two huge factories in the US and Australia. Do you think they will just abandon those and start on another path entirely?

Oil and gas, even coal, will be around for several more decades at least, you might as well get used to that fact. Today's cars are far far less polluting than those of even forty years ago, so when you compare them with electric cars there isn't a lot of difference in their emissions over the product lifetime. This is especially true if the car is charged with electricity generated from fossil fuels.
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Was climate change present when the glaciers that covered half of the USA present, or 20,000 years ago when these glaciers began melting? The fact is that climate change is real and much LESS PREVALENT now that it was in the past.

But since you believe that Hillary is the President you are not able to deal with reality
What I can't fathom, and seemingly none of the climate alarmists on here can either, is how so many maximum state temperatures are in the first half of the 20th century and none are in the 21st.

You don't intimidate me in the least, I just find you intolerably arrogant and smug to be honest. In fact talking about unstable elements that precisely describes you. You've never actually said anything worthwhile on the subject of climate, excepting for an unremitting appeal to authority and the all-knowing consensus.

Of course I did, for neither of us are climate scientists, and the fast overwhelming consensus of those who are all are in lockstep agreement with them, the same in number as cartographers who agree the earth is spherical. That puts you in league with the flat earthers.