Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

Another example of a green technology!

which site is left fucking dirty and causes earthquakes and damaged water supplies

which site can be easily reconditiioned into a wildlife preserve.

which site makes short lived resources and which lasts for ever and is recyclable

Baystreet Staff - Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Did Google Just Tackle The Biggest Problem In Energy?

Any news about energy storage advancement is bound to make a splash. After all, storage is the main stumbling block for renewable energy—data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance reveals that over the first six months of 2017, California lost more than 300,000 MW of solar and wind power because there was no storage capacity. China is losing about 17 percent of its renewable power because it can’t store all of it either. On top of that, Bloomberg notes, utilities are shunning renewable energy because of the intermittent nature of solar and wind power generation.

Energy storage is essential for the viability of renewables, leaving pioneers in the industry desperately searching for the only path toward increasing the presence of renewables in the energy market: finding suitable storage solutions.

And to that end, there has been a string of new projects in the energy storage department. Last month, Tesla said it was starting to build the largest lithium-ion storage system in the world in Australia. Later that month, Siemens and AES announced a joint venture—Fluence—which will focus on energy storage system development and marketing.

Now, Alphabet, Google’s parent, is joining the party with an alternative to the lithium-ion battery systems. Its Malta project, led by the X research lab of the company, is working on a prototype of a system that uses salt and a hydrocarbon fluid, such as antifreeze, to transform electricity into air and vice versa. If that sounds a bit vague, Bloomberg’s Mark Bergen has provided a more detailed explanation:

“Two tanks are filled with salt, and two are filled with antifreeze or a hydrocarbon liquid. The system takes in energy in the form of electricity and turns it into separate streams of hot and cold air. The hot air heats up the salt, while the cold air cools the antifreeze, a bit like a refrigerator. The jet engine part: Flip a switch and the process reverses. Hot and cold air rush toward each other, creating powerful gusts that spin a turbine and spit out electricity when the grid needs it.”

It sounds simple, and it also sounds cheap, which is a top priority in energy storage systems to make them commercially viable on a wide enough scale. Yet this X prototype seems to be in the preliminary stages of development, and years may pass before it’s market-ready.

Meanwhile, other alternatives are popping up, too. Earlier this year, a new battery that uses glass instead of liquid electrolytes received well-deserved media coverage. According to the researchers who developed it, the battery has at least three times the energy density of other lithium-ion batteries, and it has a longer life cycle (a minimum of 1,200 charge-discharge cycles), and it charges more quickly—in minutes instead of hours. On top of all of this, the low-cost battery—yes, it’s cheap—can work in both subzero temperatures (-20 degrees Celsius) and major heat (60 degrees Celsius).

the thread subject
Always, about everything.

Let me know when you learn the difference between inference and implication, dumb fuck!:)

Never. Not once. Let me know when you learn the difference between farmed fish, hatchery raised fish, "Clinton will win" or anything to do with law. Dumb fuck.
Clinton did win

You fucks cheated with a russian dictators help

cheating is not winning

didnt your mommy and daddy teach you that
Clinton did win

You fucks cheated with a russian dictators help

cheating is not winning

didnt your mommy and daddy teach you that

According to the electoral laws of the United States of America, Clinton lost. Big time. You might want to start dealing with that fact.
Have you learned the US uses common law jurisprudence yet, ignorant fuck?

It is apparent that truth about you knowing nothing about law or legalities ( why would you? Fake lawyer) got your pink panties in a wad. Must have taken you a long time googling again to try and come up with using legal terms.
As you keep proving, any fake lawyer can do it. Once again there though unemployed paralegal, have you figured out the difference between farmed fish and hatchery fish?
Always, about everything.

Let me know when you learn the difference between inference and implication, dumb fuck!:)

Being right about everything when I am dealing with imbeciles like you, is really not much of an achievement...........

Too bad your Mom was not more of an abortion rights advocate huh
Another example of a green technology!

It's always nice to see those that are so easily duped.
Lately this set of images has been circulating:
Why golly, that does look bad, doesn’t it? Know what? Someone is a f#@%ing liar. Because the top picture is a copper mine

Yeah about that...http://imgur.com/gallery/2hDIc

In short, this attempt to portray oil sands as an energy source much more environmentally-friendly than
(batteries derived from) lithium mines used a photograph of a completely different type of mine for the latter, and a misleading photograph of a non-representative site for the former.

Go back to your think tank bubble chamber & come up with another good cattle post.
It's always nice to see those that are so easily duped.
Lately this set of images has been circulating:
Why golly, that does look bad, doesn’t it? Know what? Someone is a f#@%ing liar. Because the top picture is a copper mine

Yeah about that...http://imgur.com/gallery/2hDIc

In short, this attempt to portray oil sands as an energy source much more environmentally-friendly than
(batteries derived from) lithium mines used a photograph of a completely different type of mine for the latter, and a misleading photograph of a non-representative site for the former.

Go back to your think tank bubble chamber & come up with another good cattle post.

Ok its a fair cop guv! However before you start crowing too much I would point out that many children are used in the Congo to search for cobalt. I'd ask you to eat crow but that would like eating family.


There is also the question of rare earth mining and the pollution created now and when millions of batteries are not longer in service. A Tesla Model S battery array weighs half a ton so there is a huge problem potentially in the future.


Lastly here is a picture of the Greenbushes lithium mine in Western Australia which supplies around 23% of the world's supply!!



So then crowonthepiss, what do you have to say?
I went to Australia some 10 years ago. The logging and mining were very noticeable. Not sure what the rebound is, but they weren't seemingly doing much to ameliorate the ugly tracks.
Amazing wildlife and people there though. I hope they strike a better balance.
Ok its a fair cop guv! However before you start crowing too much I would point out that many children are used in the Congo to search for cobalt. I'd ask you to eat crow but that would like eating family.


There is also the question of rare earth mining and the pollution created now and when millions of batteries are not longer in service. A Tesla Model S battery array weighs half a ton so there is a huge problem potentially in the future.


Lastly here is a picture of the Greenbushes lithium mine in Western Australia which supplies around 23% of the world's supply!!



So then crowonthepiss, what do you have to say?

Is that supposed to look good to us? Seriously? It's a 50 mile fucking impact crater from alph centauri. I'd hate to know what you could find if you were actually looking for something bad.
Is that supposed to look good to us? Seriously? It's a 50 mile fucking impact crater from alph centauri. I'd hate to know what you could find if you were actually looking for something bad.

No worries, things are moving fast & will continue to.
Are you familiar with the inventor of the Lithium Ion battery? He's working on something better turns out.

Of course there's always trade offs with new technology but in general, it is cleaner less invasive then say I don't dumping oil in the oceans, ground water, rivers, land etc. Not even considering all the emissions that have already altered the atmosphere. Yeah I'll take a hole in the middle of bum fuck nowhere over all that... ANY day.
No worries, things are moving fast & will continue to.
Are you familiar with the inventor of the Lithium Ion battery? He's working on something better turns out.

Of course there's always trade offs with new technology but in general, it is cleaner less invasive then say I don't dumping oil in the oceans, ground water, rivers, land etc. Not even considering all the emissions that have already altered the atmosphere. Yeah I'll take a hole in the middle of bum fuck nowhere over all that... ANY day.
So you only want to respond to me when you think you have some dirt, is that it?
No worries, things are moving fast & will continue to.
Are you familiar with the inventor of the Lithium Ion battery? He's working on something better turns out.

Of course there's always trade offs with new technology but in general, it is cleaner less invasive then say I don't dumping oil in the oceans, ground water, rivers, land etc. Not even considering all the emissions that have already altered the atmosphere. Yeah I'll take a hole in the middle of bum fuck nowhere over all that... ANY day.

Are you familiar with the environmental costs associated with rare earth mining? Probably not, and I'm willing to bet you don't care either as it's in China.


