Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

Squab is a domesticated pigeon, I hear it is quite yummy!

The restaurant was recommended to me by a French national now American as the best in the city of Lyon, which is renowned as possibly the best foodie city on earth.
So, yes, when they served pigeon, I bought it. No regrets. I had duck yesterday. Fowl is fowl.
Why are the vast majority of hottest temperatures in the first half of the 20th century and none in the 21st?
The restaurant was recommended to me by a French national now American as the best in the city of Lyon, which is renowned as possibly the best foodie city on earth.
So, yes, when they served pigeon, I bought it. No regrets. I had duck yesterday. Fowl is fowl.

Do you happen to know what the slang for pigeon is in France? Someone who gets duped. You got pigeoned on pigeon. Typical dumbass American traveling overseas.
The restaurant was recommended to me by a French national now American as the best in the city of Lyon, which is renowned as possibly the best foodie city on earth.
So, yes, when they served pigeon, I bought it. No regrets. I had duck yesterday. Fowl is fowl.
I love pheasant, ptarmigan and quail, turtle dove, too.
Why are the vast majority of hottest temperatures in the first half of the 20th century and none in the 21st?

I don't know. Old school thermometers notoriously sucked ass? But what exactly is that? Those are spot temps in spot locations. That's relatively meaningless.
Yeah, commonly known as weather.

Definitely discrete microclimate events. If the top 50 single waves in Hawaii all happened early 20th century that doesn't mean data showing the entire oceans are rising in the last 40 years is false. It's an interesting factoid, I must admit, but it deserves the context that it merits.
Definitely discrete microclimate events. If the top 50 single waves in Hawaii all happened early 20th century that doesn't mean data showing the entire oceans are rising in the last 40 years is false. It's an interesting factoid, I must admit, but it deserves the context that it merits.

It is interesting, my mother spoke of the event, the dirty 30's, the heat wave and the horrible snow drifts of the winter that followed. Very interesting, not sure what caused it.
Times change, what was once acceptable is taboo today and what is acceptable now was once taboo.

Correct, like the once routine practice in 1912 of yokels reading their thermometer contraptions in direct sunlight next to the outhouse and sending the "data" by carrier pigeon to the farm almanac man. That's no longer acceptable.
The world is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters. This holds for the weather phenomena that have historically caused the most damage: tropical cyclones, floods, tornadoes and drought. Given how weather events have become politicized in debates over climate change, some find this hard to believe. Fortunately, government and IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) analyses allow such claims to be adjudicated based on science, and not politics.* Here I briefly summarize recent relevant data.

Every six months Munich Re publishes a tally of the costs of disasters around the world for the past half year. This is an excellent resource for tracking disaster costs over time.* The data allows us to compare disaster costs to global GDP, to get a sense of the magnitude of these costs in the context of economic activity.* Using data from the UN, here is how that data looks since 1990, when we have determined that data is most reliable and complete.

