Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

I've long been an advocate for using natural gas as a transport fuel. Rune, of course, missed that soft ball completely.

Why would you need to convert natural gas to hydrogen? Isn't CNG or conversion to propane more economical?

Most hydrogen is already obtained from methane by steam reforming anyway. There are many ways to produce methane. Underground coal gasification (UCG), biomass, algae and sewage all spring to mind.
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I've long been an advocate for using natural gas as a transport fuel. Rune, of course, missed that soft ball completely.

Why would you need to convert natural gas to hydrogen? Isn't CNG or conversion to propane more economical?

mostly because it burns clean
Electricity isn't shipped world-wide. It's generated and used regionally. And in this case an entire region (the UK) is declaring all gas and diesel illegal in cars. Yet you said that "#1 No one says all cars will be electric." What will they power cars in the UK when those laws comes into effect then?

So the UK wants nuclear powered cars to replace the gas ones. Seriously are the Britts really this stupid? Do they really want more nuke plants producing electricity?

Yea, they could be that stupid


I've long been an advocate for using natural gas as a transport fuel. Rune, of course, missed that soft ball completely.

Why would you need to convert natural gas to hydrogen? Isn't CNG or conversion to propane more economical?

Natural gas is already transported......................honest
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In the vehicle itself, of course, but when the total life cycle is considered, I kinda doubt it. I have not seen data on it.

Byproducts of combustion of propane include CO, CO2 and N.

Combustion of hydrogen produces water only.
When you consider that today's cars emit less than 5% of the pollutants of cars from fifty years ago, they are pretty damn clean in comparison. In fact depending on the source of the electricity electric vehicles can as polluting or worse.


Or electrics can run with zero emissions if they are charged from a green source.

Furthermore I fault the study for consideration of pollutant dispersal.
That is a bullshit metric.
Byproducts of combustion of propane include CO, CO2 and N.

Combustion of hydrogen produces water only.

CO and N2O only if the engine isn't running right.

You are, of course, neglecting these types of emissions during the H conversion process, because it doesn't suit your political agenda.
CO and N2O only if the engine isn't running right.

You are, of course, neglecting these types of emissions during the H conversion process, because it doesn't suit your political agenda.
since the stoichiometric ratio can never be met perfectly, there will always be CO and N, AND, retard, Hydrogen doesn't suit my agenda, accuracy does.