Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

Salmon are already extinct in many dammed rivers because their normal migrations are disrupted.

Farmed salmon taste like shit, as does Tilapia................

Wild fish is always superior, because it is not fed the shit (literally) that farmed fish are fed

Running a fish hatchery is inexpensive compared to the electricity that a dam produces.
Salmon are already extinct in many dammed rivers because their normal migrations are disrupted.

Farmed salmon taste like shit, as does Tilapia................

Wild fish is always superior, because it is not fed the shit (literally) that farmed fish are fed

There are virtually no native Atlantic salmon left.
The runs were killed hundreds of years ago before the invention of fish ladders.
On the west coast salmon runs are intact because of fish ladders.
LOL, the dams bring the mercury to the dam where it being very heavy falls to the base of the upstream side of the dam where bottom dwellers such as catfish become poisoned..................

You are arguing in favor of euthanasia, Dr Kevorkian would have helped you, really

Read your own link, retard
Retard, where do they go once released into a dammed river?

You need medication, you are wrong, are advocating for killing birds and fish and calling it green.

Did you know it's legal for a fucking wind turbine to kill bald eagles


Real fucking green

Do you know what farmed Salmon is? Apparently not. They are not released back into the wild. Seems the only retard here is the one yapping about things he knows nothing about.
Do you know what farmed Salmon is? Apparently not. They are not released back into the wild. Seems the only retard here is the one yapping about things he knows nothing about.

You can not release farmed salmon into a river that has multiple dams and expect them to do better than the now extinct wild fish in that particular river.

Your green power is killing everything, including eagles

Hell no I am laughing my ass off at how easy you libtards are to make dance

I am not a liberal. Just pointing out quite correctly that you have no idea of which you speak. Unfortunately even conservatives have dumb fucks in their midst.
I am not a liberal. Just pointing out quite correctly that you have no idea of which you speak. Unfortunately even conservatives have dumb fucks in their midst.

So wind farms killing bald eagles and dams destroying entire ecosystems is ok with you..............

So wind farms killing bald eagles and dams destroying entire ecosystems is ok with you..............


People with limited knowledge talking about things they know nothing about are not ok with me. Read a little more, try to understand it then come on back.
People with limited knowledge talking about things they know nothing about are not ok with me. Read a little more, try to understand it then come on back.

The last bull trout in California was caught in 1975 by UC Davis graduate student Jamie Sturgess after two fruitless summers spent searching for them in the McCloud River. Attempts to reintroduce bull trout into the river in the 1980s failed. The Clear Lake splittail was not described as a species until 1973, by which time it was probably already extinct. Finally, the last recorded thicktail chub was caught in Steamboat Slough in the Delta in 1957.

So libtard just because you farm fish does not mean that they live in the wild...................The destruction to ecosystems by dams is TOTAL

If you want to pretend that this is not real, go ahead, you are still pretending that Hillary is the President.

This equates to mental illness