Electricity storage impossible with current rtechnologies

If they catch a wild salmon put it in a hatchery, birth the bitches, put them in pens and raise them to juveniles, that's enough farming to call it farming, dick wrinkle. I could care less if the industry calls that "wild caught." Fact is Don was right and there is a category of fish that is raised in a hatchery then released to the wild. You are wrong.

Again the only reason to release farmed fish is because all the wild ones are already extinct and we the people do not want to accept this and remove all the damaging dams. Farm bred fish do not return to spawn....................how can they with the dam in the way
If they catch a wild salmon put it in a hatchery, birth the bitches, put them in pens and raise them to juveniles, that's enough farming to call it farming, dick wrinkle. I could care less if the industry calls that "wild caught." Fact is Don was right and there is a category of fish that is raised in a hatchery then released to the wild. You are wrong.

No. Not all all. Not even close. Learn something before you speak of it. You have a bad habit of doing that, talking out your ass.
If they catch a wild salmon put it in a hatchery, birth the bitches, put them in pens and raise them to juveniles, that's enough farming to call it farming, dick wrinkle. I could care less if the industry calls that "wild caught." Fact is Don was right and there is a category of fish that is raised in a hatchery then released to the wild. You are wrong.

Dude don't go there.
Sailor knows what he is talking about.
Shithead; farmed fish are raised in pens and sold to the public.
You really are a stupid fuckhead.

Are you really stupid enough to want every American to own an assault rifle??????????????????????

SHITHEAD, The mercury is from butning coal so shut thr guck up.

Dams are collecting mercury, and converting this mercury into yhe most dangerous form which is methylmercury, this has been known for some time, the mercury is causing entire fish populations upstream from the dam to become not edible.


Talk is cheap moron

While the source of this mercury is known – a combination of human emissions, primarily from burning coal and natural sources – ecologists have been bewildered why this mercury is being converted to its most toxic form, and not sinking safely to the ocean floor.

So the announcement in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of an answer to this question is highly significant. The discovery was made as a result of an investigation into the impact of the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric dam on the estuarine fjord Lake Melville, and indicates there is a cost to such projects beyond what has previously been recognized.

The dam is set to be finished by 2017. Much of the affected area will lie within the Inuit autonomous region of Nunatsiavut. After an unsuccessful effort to challenge the dam, Nunatsiavut’s government asked Harvard's Dr. Elsie Sunderland to investigate its potential effects, including the increase in methylmercury after a dam was built higher up the Churchill River, which feeds Lake Melville.

Of course. Without commercial farms we couldn't support half the population we have now.
They have to feed them astaxanthin to turn the flesh pink, otherwise the customers would freak out at the grey pallid colour. They also have to use hydrogen peroxide to keep down sea lice and antibiotics to prevent diseases.