Elizabeth Warren's story of racist grandparents disputed by Cherokee genealogist

Look it up. If you're too stupid, that's your problem.

There is nothing in the record where you specifically either admit or deny that you are a racist.
If you said it. I can't find it.
Why are you afraid to answer a simple question about your convictions?
There is nothing in the record where you specifically either admit or deny that you are a racist.
If you said it. I can't find it.
Why are you afraid to answer a simple question about your convictions?

Proof you are really that stupid, boy.

Why can't you find something that easy to find?
Proof you are really that stupid, boy.

Why can't you find something that easy to find?

Because it's not there.
You may think you are being clever and slippery but you are coming off as obtuse and evasive.
We all know what you are. It is a curiosity on my part to learn what you believe you are.
Why are you so afraid?
Are you ashamed of being a racist?
Because it's not there.
You may think you are being clever and slippery but you are coming off as obtuse and evasive.
We all know what you are. It is a curiosity on my part to learn what you believe you are.
Why are you so afraid?
Are you ashamed of being a racist?

I know what you are. Are you ashamed of being a nigger? You should be yet you aren't.
I know what you are. Are you ashamed of being a nigger? You should be yet you aren't.

I know that the language that you use is generally associated with racists, and so, most everyone here agrees that you are a racist.
Why can't you declare your convictions about what you believe, CFM.
The definition in my signature may help you to decide.
Be a man, if you can.
I know that the language that you use is generally associated with racists, and so, most everyone here agrees that you are a racist.
Why can't you declare your convictions about what you believe, CFM.
The definition in my signature may help you to decide.
Be a man, if you can.

Apparently you are ashamed of being what you are yet you can't stop being one.
Liz Warren made her bed a long time ago and it's going to cost her any success if she decides to run for president. She stated something-several things in fact- that make her a confirmed liar. All presidential aspirations she ever had are gone.
If she decides to run, the RNC will salivate the same way they did when McGovern won the democratic nomination in 1972.
I'm calling you what you are, BOY.

If you haven't figured it out yet your childish slurs have no effect on me.
Where I am from the term "Boy" is a term of friendship and endearment.
Your impotent childish attempts to bait me have failed.
With that said, are you man enough to answer my question.
Do you consider yourself to be a racist?
Man up, if you can, coward.
If you haven't figured it out yet your childish slurs have no effect on me.
Where I am from the term "Boy" is a term of friendship and endearment.
Your impotent childish attempts to bait me have failed.
With that said, are you man enough to answer my question.
Do you consider yourself to be a racist?
Man up, if you can, coward.

Since I'm not where you're from, what you consider it is meaningless.

Yet you keep coming back for more abuse.
If you haven't figured it out yet your childish slurs have no effect on me.
Where I am from the term "Boy" is a term of friendship and endearment.
Your impotent childish attempts to bait me have failed.
With that said, are you man enough to answer my question.
Do you consider yourself to be a racist?
Man up, if you can, coward.

How long have you lived in a Gay Bar??