Elizabeth Warren's story of racist grandparents disputed by Cherokee genealogist

Since she lied about her heritage to benefit from doing so, it appears as if she cares about herself and herself only.

Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes said there was "no evidence" of native American ancestry in Warren's background. That's conclusive.

She did not lie. that is what you are doing.
Stupid racists.,. Elizabeths brother David herring said "I was told my grandfather was part Delaware, an isty bitsy part from long ago. And my grandmother was part Cherokee". This thread is just because they think she is running for president and they want to deal with the important issue that are impacting the country. Wonder if the Repubs are going to have an investigating committee on it? Or maybe Benghazi time again.
Warren has never once said or showed she had an interest in running for president. She would be a great one. She actually cares about consumers and the rights of the people. She would be a force against bank extremes and corporate theft. She is exactly what we need. An intelligent woman president who cares about a fair playing field for the people.

The heritage thing is so irrelevant. It was created by Repubs in Mass. who had no answers against her candidacy. Experts who checked found it INCONCLUSIVE. Do you know what that means. And why does it matter?

Trumpkin males have to maintain their self imposed manhoods, and tearing at any Female that could be an Alpha, is a pastime for them. Guys got to be in charge in the past, because of primitive ideas that a woman's place is raising children. It's funny to see evolved people devolve themselves with primitive thoughts. No one needs children, or even a spouse. Everyone does need to earn a living though, and bigots, and dinosaurs have made it tough for women through the years. I never understand these types of ego freaks, as I myself would rather die than live in such a flawed, and crooked society. One good reason I'm a non secular person. These fools can blubber about it till their blue, in the end it doesn't amount to jack.
The dean that hired her aid ' I knew nothing about it". Rightys are just trying to keep her from presidency, even though she is not running. Just pound early and often. It worked on hillary.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren sought Sunday to bolster her shaky claims of Cherokee ancestry with the story of how her racist grandparents drove her parents to elope.

But Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes says that account has its own credibility issues.

Ms. Barnes, who said her research into Ms. Warren's family found "no evidence" of Native American ancestry, has challenged key elements of the senator's tale of how her parents, Pauline Reed and Donald Herring, defied his parents by running off to marry.


After Ms. Warren said in the Globe that her mother told her "nobody came to her wedding at all," Ms. Barnes looked it up and found that her mother’s friend witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by a prominent Methodist clergyman, not a justice of the peace.

"This marriage does not look like an elopement. It looks very much like a Depression-era marriage ceremony instead," said Ms. Barnes in an August 2012 post. "Sometimes people didn’t have a lot of money to spend on a wedding so they just obtained their license, got married and then went back home."

She also found a detailed wedding announcement posted in the local newspaper in Wetumka, Oklahoma.


The fraud bitch known as Elizabeth Warren is an embarrassment to all native Americans.

Since she lied about her heritage to benefit from doing so, it appears as if she cares about herself and herself only.

Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes said there was "no evidence" of native American ancestry in Warren's background. That's conclusive.

Maybe someone will collect some DNA from something she discards and have the test run. :good4u:
Oh what a twisted web we weave when first we practice to decieve....
So the Indian cheekbones story wasn't working so she makes up a new one about young love and that's more phoney than the first. Throw in the assertion that she never used her fake native lie to her advantage which was all ready known to be false and her house of lies is on fire all around her.
It would be unbelievable except she's a lib and we know honesty is not a virtue all too often with them.

My step-sister's side of the family, had a similar story that had been handed down over the years.

My niece had the 23 and me test ran and guess what.


She did find a step-brother that had been talked about.
Has it occurred to your one track mind that possibly that is the story Warren was told by her parents. I know my parents told me some stories that they greatly embellished...as people do.

Are her parents or anyone else in the family saying that that's what was done??
Warren has never once said or showed she had an interest in running for president.

It was obvious she was heading in that direction. She's been shot down by Trump and her own lies. She announced she wouldn't be running in 2020. Who does that if they weren't planning to run? Have I announced that I'm not running?
I don't know that I would consider Warren's claims up to the level of shaky. Shaky would assume, although very little, that her claims could be true.

She's an embarrassment to all Americans.

True. But over here we have plenty of people going around saying they're aboriginals, when they look like the dame out of the Sound of Music. We're probably more embarrassed than you.
Has it occurred to your one track mind that possibly that is the story Warren was told by her parents. I know my parents told me some stories that they greatly embellished...as people do.
Has it occurred to you that she could have had the story checked out first?

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