Elizabeth Warren's story of racist grandparents disputed by Cherokee genealogist

No - just don't hit me with faux outrage about Warren allegedly fibbing about her ancestry (which we still don't know), when Trump did the same.

We still don't know?

An expert indicated there was "no evidence" to support Warren's claim.
Oh; an expert. That settles it.

Did he/she say there was evidence to dispute the claim?

Yes, none to back it up. That's how it works.

Whose word should we take. A lying POS Democrat like Warren that can't prove her claim?
No - just don't hit me with faux outrage about Warren allegedly fibbing about her ancestry (which we still don't know), when Trump did the same.
The only lesson I learn from this is that all politicians lie, it's part of the job spec.

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Actually, that isn't how it works.

Actually, the one making the claim has to prove the claim. Warren, according to experts, hasn't done so. When is Warren going to provide proof? You don't care. You'll take the cunt's word no matter what she says she is.
Is there a big Cherokee vote in Massachusetts?

I had an uncle by marriage who claimed to be part Cherokee (he came from Minnesota, so if anything he should have been part Sioux). Anyway, he said that's why he got mean when he drank firewater.

Absurdity; the last refuge for ignorance and stupidity.
Has it occurred to your one track mind that possibly that is the story Warren was told by her parents. I know my parents told me some stories that they greatly embellished...as people do.

A lying leftist with TDS whining about one track minds. As littleThingy likes to prattle; you have no sense of irony.