Elizabeth Warren's story of racist grandparents disputed by Cherokee genealogist


Irony from the dumbass who wants to bring his TDS onto the thread. You really have a glaring lack of self awareness. Perhaps it's all your drinking affecting that addled little brain of yours? :rofl2:

Have another drink!
Why are you such a brain dead lying hyper partisan dumbfuck? She is the one making the claim her mommy told her you purposeful moron.

Her brother said he was told the same thing. David Herring said " He was told hat his grandmother was part Delaware an itsy bity part Delaware, way back. And that a great grandmother was part Cherokee"
Two epic irony threads from Trump supporters still going strong - this one & Stormy.

What happened to good ol' fashioned self-awareness?

I can't imagine anyone being this dishonest or stupid.

Translation; it's okay for politicians to lie as long as they are from the Party of the Jackass.
Don’t forget the “Trump is not a racist” thread. The Trumptards have been their asses kicked on that one since last May.

Only brain dead dullards like you claim he is a racist. Of course, in dumbfuck land where you wallow, anyone not kowtowing to a Fascist leftist agenda must be .....

No - just don't hit me with faux outrage about Warren allegedly fibbing about her ancestry (which we still don't know), when Trump did the same.

Trump didn't do the same thing you incoherent lying moron. Good lord, you people on the left truly are beyond belief.
A lying leftist with TDS whining about one track minds. As littleThingy likes to prattle; you have no sense of irony.

What irony am I missing since you all accept Trump lying about anything and everything like it's no problem yet seem upset that Warren may have lied about her ancestry. Why is that?

You all are the ones who are missing the irony.

I don't care if she is or isn't since I don't much pay attention to her either way.
Her brother said he was told the same thing. David Herring said " He was told hat his grandmother was part Delaware an itsy bity part Delaware, way back. And that a great grandmother was part Cherokee"

Well there you go; her brother said so too. Are you purposefully this stupid or just a dishonest hyper partisan dumbfuck? I am going with both on this one.

Translation; Warren doesn't need to prove her lie because....well....her brother said he heard it too. Moron.
What irony am I missing since you all accept Trump lying about anything and everything like it's no problem yet seem upset that Warren may have lied about her ancestry. Why is that?

I guess I need my crayons when dealing with a low IQ dumbfuck like you; your statement reeks of irony because of your massive case of TDS. We have ONE thread about Warren and get bombarded daily with whiny threads filled with lies about Trump.

Originally Posted by Gotta IQ of 68 View Post
Has it occurred to your one track mind

You all are the ones who are missing the irony.

Wrong again; but at least you are consistently stupid. You are the one's missing the irony. Unfortunately you lack the grey matter necessary between your ears to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

I don't care if she is or isn't since I don't much pay attention to her either way.

Of course you don't. You just felt compelled to emotionally erupt stupidly on the thread and whine. Dunce.
What irony am I missing since you all accept Trump lying about anything and everything like it's no problem yet seem upset that Warren may have lied about her ancestry. Why is that?

You all are the ones who are missing the irony.

I don't care if she is or isn't since I don't much pay attention to her either way.

This right here. Exactly what was said in this post.
I guess I need my crayons when dealing with a low IQ dumbfuck like you; your statement reeks of irony because of your massive case of TDS. We have ONE thread about Warren and get bombarded daily with whiny threads filled with lies about Trump.

Originally Posted by Gotta IQ of 68 View Post
Has it occurred to your one track mind

Wrong again; but at least you are consistently stupid. You are the one's missing the irony. Unfortunately you lack the grey matter necessary between your ears to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Of course you don't. You just felt compelled to emotionally erupt stupidly on the thread and whine. Dunce.

Where have I erupted emotionally anywhere on this forum? Go ahead, copy paste an example or shut the fuck up with your constant accusations. Warren isn't the fucking president so I don't give two fucks if she lied about her ancestry having Native American in it because damn near every American I have ever met makes that stupid claim whether they know for a fact or not. Who. Gives. A. Shit. about something petty like that compared to Trump's lie after lie after lie while residing in the White House?

Only low life cretins like you, that's who.

There. Now you have ONE example of an emotional eruption. ;)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren sought Sunday to bolster her shaky claims of Cherokee ancestry with the story of how her racist grandparents drove her parents to elope.

But Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes says that account has its own credibility issues.

Ms. Barnes, who said her research into Ms. Warren's family found "no evidence" of Native American ancestry, has challenged key elements of the senator's tale of how her parents, Pauline Reed and Donald Herring, defied his parents by running off to marry.


After Ms. Warren said in the Globe that her mother told her "nobody came to her wedding at all," Ms. Barnes looked it up and found that her mother’s friend witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by a prominent Methodist clergyman, not a justice of the peace.

"This marriage does not look like an elopement. It looks very much like a Depression-era marriage ceremony instead," said Ms. Barnes in an August 2012 post. "Sometimes people didn’t have a lot of money to spend on a wedding so they just obtained their license, got married and then went back home."

She also found a detailed wedding announcement posted in the local newspaper in Wetumka, Oklahoma.


The fraud bitch known as Elizabeth Warren is an embarrassment to all native Americans.

dear fucking idiot,

she didn't know the family huh

a friend of the family is not a family member

there are more reasons to disapprove of a marriage than race

announcing in the paper a marriage proves what you idiot

family stories are not lies you evil shit

they are family lore

your family lied when they never told anyone you were born brainless and heartless

fuck you very much
Where have I erupted emotionally anywhere on this forum? Go ahead, copy paste an example or shut the fuck up with your constant accusations.

I just bolded another emotional eruption; I don't need cut and paste. You really are too stupid for words. :rofl2:

Warren isn't the fucking president so I don't give two fucks if she lied about her ancestry having Native American in it because damn near every American I have ever met makes that stupid claim whether they know for a fact or not. Who. Gives. A. Shit. about something petty like that compared to Trump's lie after lie after lie while residing in the White House?

More emotional eruptions. It seems to be never ending with you lying leftists. If you had a brain, you could comprehend the OBVIOUS. :rofl2:

Only low life cretins like you, that's who.

Another emotional eruption; you seem to be quite full of them today. I do wish you had a brain.

There. Now you have ONE example of an emotional eruption. ;)

I see that you are math challenged as well as being emotionally unstable, grammatically challenged and stupid.

By all means, erupt on! :rofl2:
Well there you go; her brother said so too. Are you purposefully this stupid or just a dishonest hyper partisan dumbfuck? I am going with both on this one.

Translation; Warren doesn't need to prove her lie because....well....her brother said he heard it too. Moron.

Apparently your retardation is getting worse. Her brother saying that, shows that her family made the statements, the very same ones, Elizabeth said . The family told them they have indian heritage. Like your family told you that you were related to Hitler. Did you take a DNA test to prove it?
I just bolded another emotional eruption; I don't need cut and paste. You really are too stupid for words. :rofl2:

More emotional eruptions. It seems to be never ending with you lying leftists. If you had a brain, you could comprehend the OBVIOUS. :rofl2:

Another emotional eruption; you seem to be quite full of them today. I do wish you had a brain.

I see that you are math challenged as well as being emotionally unstable, grammatically challenged and stupid.

By all means, erupt on! :rofl2:

You come off sounding like someone who spends a lot of time staring into a mirror trying to make yourself believe that you matter and what you have to say is relevant to anyone who hears it.

Keep telling yourself that because you need all the encouragement you can muster.
You live in a location, or claim to, that did gun confiscation in the hundreds of thousands. You should be embarrassed for that alone.

Not as embarrassed as you, for making stupid comments. There are plenty of guns in Australia. If nobody's buying guns, what are all these gun shops doing, genius?