Elizabeth Warren's story of racist grandparents disputed by Cherokee genealogist

Apparently your retardation is getting worse. Her brother saying that, shows that her family made the statements, the very same ones, Elizabeth said . The family told them they have indian heritage.

Apparently you have a THINKING problem; it doesn't fucking matter. She used it to her advantage without verification and it is a LIE.

Like your family told you that you were related to Hitler. Did you take a DNA test to prove it?

Awwww....did we touch a nerve again? Did your family tell you that you were a moron? Did you take an intelligent test to disprove it? :rofl2:
You come off sounding like someone who spends a lot of time staring into a mirror trying to make yourself believe that you matter and what you have to say is relevant to anyone who hears it.

Keep telling yourself that because you need all the encouragement you can muster.

You come off sounding like a moron. Yay you! :rofl2:
Step-brother would not share DNA with her, and you do not always get the DNA results you think you will based on the genetics of the parents.

My mother has 25% German DNA, me: none. Literally none.

So the stories of her German Ancestry were true, I just inherited none of it.

People inherit half of their DNA from both parents and this would make you 12.5% German.

Not trying to be a smart ass; but is there any possibility that your "Mom", was not your Mother?

The step brother was from the Father and neither her of her step brother showed any genetic markers that would point towards Native American Indians.
Interesting Distraction from The Fat Orange Elephant in The Room:

Elizabeth Warren is a Massachusetts Senator, her DNA or anyone else's DNA has ZERO Impact on my Day-to-Day life.

Her Grandparents of anyone else's Grandparents has ZERO Impact on my Day-to-Day life.

Donald Trump is News, Stormy Daniels is New, Elizabeth Warren Grandparents isn't News


And yet, while you say it has no impact; it evidently had enough for you to find the need to post your comments. :good4u:
Her brother said he was told the same thing. David Herring said " He was told hat his grandmother was part Delaware an itsy bity part Delaware, way back. And that a great grandmother was part Cherokee"

Why isn't her mother coming forth and defending her?
Well there you go; her brother said so too. Are you purposefully this stupid or just a dishonest hyper partisan dumbfuck? I am going with both on this one.

Translation; Warren doesn't need to prove her lie because....well....her brother said he heard it too. Moron.

I guess if the Trump family say that they are part Black, that the liberals would fall all over themselves accepting it as fact.
I see you're projecting again, Buckly. :good4u:
