Elizabeth Warren's story of racist grandparents disputed by Cherokee genealogist

I was just asking and suggesting a possibility, seeing as how I know nothing of your family.

I'm not insulted. I laughed. No issues there, USFREEDOM911.

I found it quite fascinating. I truly believed that I would be some portion German because of the stories from my mother's side of the family. When my results came back and there was none I was stunned. Then my mother got her's done and she was 25% German I was doubly surprised, I was expecting to find none and was thinking maybe one of her female ancestors wasn't quite honorable about who they let into their bed. Mom is 99.9% European, 75% British/Irish and 25% German (with .1% unassigned in there, I rounded up the British/Irish). Then my sister got hers done... We both definitely have the same father and mother.
I'm not insulted. I laughed. No issues there, USFREEDOM911.

I found it quite fascinating. I truly believed that I would be some portion German because of the stories from my mother's side of the family. When my results came back and there was none I was stunned. Then my mother got her's done and she was 25% German I was doubly surprised, I was expecting to find none and was thinking maybe one of her female ancestors wasn't quite honorable about who they let into their bed. Mom is 99.9% European, 75% British/Irish and 25% German (with .1% unassigned in there, I rounded up the British/Irish). Then my sister got hers done... We both definitely have the same father and mother.

What I find really amusing, is that after all the countries that were invaded, conquered, and ruled over, in the past; how anyone can try to claim racial majority of any kind.

I've been thinking of doing the 23 and me test, just to see if I can pin point where my ancestors immigrated from.

The color of my eyes point to European and possibly royalty. :whoa:

Maybe there's some small country, who's been looking for a legitimate heir to their throne!!

Here's one for you.

My mother, before she died, had researched some of your ancestry and it appears that my Great-great Grandfather may have very well been married to two sisters, in the same town, on the same block, and just a few house apart.

A census from that time period show "two" men, with the same name and one using a middle initial, married to two women who had the same maiden last name, and who both gave birth to a son, with the same name (one with a middle initial) and a daughter with the same name (one with a middle initial) and who's birthday's had a 1 day difference.

There's a possibility that one had a son, the other had a daughter and they raised them together.

Considering the time period and the beliefs at that time, it's not that far fetched.

I believe it's my Great-great-great Grandfather who was supposed to have immigrated from somewhere in Europe, with his Wife, a daughter, and a son.

Scottish pipes and Irish ballads do stir my soul, for some unknown reason.
I just pray I'm not of Welsh heritage; but then I'm not attracted to sheep or farm animals, so I think I'm safe.

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Seeing as how I'm neither of the labels you mentioned, nor am I a racist.

This is just the liberal way of trying to promote something as fact, when there's not an iota of proof. :palm:

Your tacit approval of all your racist republican friends here is all the proof needed.
You fool no one.
BUT< BUT< BUT She is a liberal Icon.

Warren is even helping ungrateful wenches like you. She has fought for consumer rights against banks and credit card companies. She has forced them to simplify contracts so even rightys like you and understand them. Her agency the CFPB has fined banks billions and returned much to cheated customers. You idiots hate people on your side and love people like Trump and Ryan, who sell you for scrap.
This doesn't shown where I've approved of racism; just because you're hoping to score points.

All that you need to do is acknowledge the elephant in the room and simply state CFM is a racist. Something that everyone here knows with certainty.
You won't because you secretly agree with every vile thing he says and you wish to remain in his friendship.
Racists stick together and you and CFM are no exception.
Thanks for playing, racist.
All that you need to do is acknowledge the elephant in the room and simply state CFM is a racist. Something that everyone here knows with certainty.
You won't because you secretly agree with every vile thing he says and you wish to remain in his friendship.
Racists stick together and you and CFM are no exception.
Thanks for playing, racist.

So you need my help to prove I'm not a racist; but you can't prove I am a racist, all by yourself.

You lose, loser. :D

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So you need my help to prove I'm not a racist; but you can't prove I am a racist, all by yourself.

You lose, loser. :D


You have been given the opportunity to show that you are not a racist and you have failed, again.

CFM will thank you for not calling him out.

Thanks for playing, racist.
You have been given the opportunity to show that you are not a racist and you have failed, again.

CFM will thank you for not calling him out.

Thanks for playing, racist.

I'm not required to show I'm not something.

You made the comment and therefore the onus is on you to provide proof of the truthfulness of your comment.

Weren't you aware of that??

I'm not required to show I'm not something.

You made the comment and therefore the onus is on you to provide proof of the truthfulness of your comment.

Weren't you aware of that??


You have been given the opportunity to show that you are not a racist and you have failed, again.

CFM will thank you for not calling him out.

Thanks for playing, racist.
You have been given the opportunity to show that you are not a racist and you have failed, again.

CFM will thank you for not calling him out.

Thanks for playing, racist.

Once again, seeing as how you have trouble understanding.

I'm not required to show I'm not something.

You made the comment and therefore the onus is on you to provide proof of the truthfulness of your comment.

Weren't you aware of that??

Once again, seeing as how you have trouble understanding.

I'm not required to show I'm not something.

You made the comment and therefore the onus is on you to provide proof of the truthfulness of your comment.

Weren't you aware of that??


Maybe you could prove that you're not a cocksucking dumbass. :D