Elizabeth Warren's story of racist grandparents disputed by Cherokee genealogist

Something her mother told her, eh?

Why are you guys so obsessed w/ Warren, anyway?

Left did not start the thread. Typical righty showing his Warren obsession. We are well aware the Indian heritage is an absolute nothing. Meaningless and silly by rightys to fixate on it.
Can you identify CFM as a racist?
It's not a difficult question.
Most here can, and will.

Do not try and change the subject here. You made a claim USF911 is a racist. Prove it or just shut the fuck up. You crying "racist" when it does not exist just shows your weakness. Come to think of it though, I have never seen you take on CFM or any real racist on this board. How about you do that? You know, live up to your bullshit signature on the bottom.
Do not try and change the subject here. You made a claim USF911 is a racist. Prove it or just shut the fuck up. You crying "racist" when it does not exist just shows your weakness. Come to think of it though, I have never seen you take on CFM or any real racist on this board. How about you do that? You know, live up to your bullshit signature on the bottom.

Maybe you are just like USFREEDOM. Maybe you can't call out CFM as the racist he most obviously is.
Others can. Why not you and USFREEDOM?
The answer is becoming more and more clear.
Maybe you are just like USFREEDOM. Maybe you can't call out CFM as the racist he most obviously is.
Others can. Why not you and USFREEDOM?
The answer is becoming more and more clear.

I see you sweating Peon. You have nothing on USF and you certainly do not live up to your signature. You allow racism. Because you are afraid of them. Just a big old pile of liberal bullshit. All talk, absolutely no action. Just so you can make yourself feel like you are actually doing something when you never do.
I see you sweating Peon. You have nothing on USF and you certainly do not live up to your signature. You allow racism. Because you are afraid of them. Just a big old pile of liberal bullshit. All talk, absolutely no action. Just so you can make yourself feel like you are actually doing something when you never do.

CFM is in good hands with friends like you and USFREEDOM defending and protecting him.
Tacit racism is thriving here among republican Trumptards.
Thanks for coming out sailor.
CFM is in good hands with friends like you and USFREEDOM defending and protecting him.
Tacit racism is thriving here among republican Trumptards.
Thanks for coming out sailor.

Nice try dickbreath. And fail as usual. So back to the original question. Where is the post that you say proves USF as a racist? Come on now, you should easily be able to bring it up. While you are at it, find any that you have gone after CFM, PraiseK or the rest of the obvious racists. You never seem to bother them. Racist.
You mad, racist?
It's not my fault that you insist on protecting and covering for all your racist friends.

For me to be mad, would mean I would have to care in the first place and I don't. :D

But it is apparent that you're mad; because I won't dance to your tune.

You demand that I PROVE I'm not a racist; but you aren't willing to prove that you're not a cocksucking dumbass. :good4u:
For me to be mad, would mean I would have to care in the first place and I don't. :D

But it is apparent that you're mad; because I won't dance to your tune.

You demand that I PROVE I'm not a racist; but you aren't willing to prove that you're not a cocksucking dumbass. :good4u:

You are dancing right now, racist.
Nice try dickbreath. And fail as usual. So back to the original question. Where is the post that you say proves USF as a racist? Come on now, you should easily be able to bring it up. While you are at it, find any that you have gone after CFM, PraiseK or the rest of the obvious racists. You never seem to bother them. Racist.

The refusal from you and USFREEDOM to call out CFM as the racist he is, is all the example needed to prove where your sympathies lay.
Thanks for playing, racist.
I'm quite sure CFM will thank you as well.
The refusal from you and USFREEDOM to call out CFM as the racist he is, is all the example needed to prove where your sympathies lay.
Thanks for playing, racist.
I'm quite sure CFM will thank you as well.

Once again, a fail Peon. You are lamely and limp wristedly trying to change the subject. Unlike you and your fake signature I have called out plenty of racists on this board. You however, never. So by your own twisted logic, you are a racist. By your own rules.
A coward for sure.
Once again, a fail Peon. You are lamely and limp wristedly trying to change the subject. Unlike you and your fake signature I have called out plenty of racists on this board. You however, never. So by your own twisted logic, you are a racist. By your own rules.
A coward for sure.
He has no trouble labelling all Asian women, especially from Thailand, as bar girls, whores and gold diggers though.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
He has no trouble labelling all Asian women, especially from Thailand, as bar girls, whores and gold diggers though.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

Peon does not like women from any nation. Mommy issues. The reason he is a tad bit light on his feet.
He has no trouble labelling all Asian women, especially from Thailand, as bar girls, whores and gold diggers though.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

CFM wants to thank you for covering for him.

You can get out the fetal position and go change your panties Peon. Fact is CFM, PraiseK and some other obvious racist fucks are on the board right now. No reason at all for you to cower over here. Lets see what you made of.