end the trolls has failed

it was beefy who said the troll thing had gotten out of hand, for some reason i remember damo saying something too, apparently i'm mistaken....

LOL I'm looking at your IP and all the trolls associated with it right now. Why don't you do us a favor and go troll up another board Mojo. Fuck the fuck off.

damo did say mojo wasn't a troll
Yep. He's stalking Yurt. Very Legionistic...

Maybe I am Legion, but Yurt is the one saying all the stupid shit that I respond to. Does that make me a stalker or Yurt a target that deserves attention? Bravo is way too far out there to bother with, Damn Yankee is a good sport, but plays games, but Yurt just blurts out stupidity that begs a response.

What is really funny to me, is that all you who acuse me of being LEGION can't see how much cleverer Legion is than I am. I am not calling myself stupid, but I don't have half the wit of Legion, from what I have seen.
Maybe I am Legion, but Yurt is the one saying all the stupid shit that I respond to. Does that make me a stalker or Yurt a target that deserves attention? Bravo is way too far out there to bother with, Damn Yankee is a good sport, but plays games, but Yurt just blurts out stupidity that begs a response.

What is really funny to me, is that all you who acuse me of being LEGION can't see how much cleverer Legion is than I am. I am not calling myself stupid, but I don't have half the wit of Legion, from what I have seen.

Consider quitting the stalking and the comments will quit.

Simple really.
we see that with cancel9 (an obvious troll after damo said this wouldn't happen)....and damo uses this as a true canceled member

trying to end trolls has caused suspicion. and the board owner and the mods can't figure out who are the trolls. they were wrong about old retired fella, mojo...etc...

given most of us like the board for its fairly lax moderation, should we continue trying to rid the board of trolls?

is this worth our time? the one troll legion comes back no matter what. he has an IP hide program. i have been accurate in my troll calls so far, and that now pisses people off. some like the trolls, because they are a fresh perspective. if the board owner doesn't care who signs up, i don't see why i should care.

so the question is....when does it matter and why?

Let the trolls have their day. They hurt nobody. Its just messageboard. Acting like an idiot is an online right that should never be extinguished.
In his first post on this thread where he put words in my mouth that I said it "wouldn't happen"...

total rubbish.

i already said it was beefy, i remembered it as you and it apparently wasn't...beefy started outing trolls, said it was out of control, i assumed it was a group mod decision and maybe that is why i lumped you in there

is everything cool now?
it was beefy who said the troll thing had gotten out of hand, for some reason i remember damo saying something too, apparently i'm mistaken....

damo did say mojo wasn't a troll

well clearly grind > damo and beefy