Evidence is overwhelming.

The problem you have is that is not the 'fact'.

It did not go off as planned at all. That is a LIE. They had to create a secondary plan to have it 'go off' as the first plan, you claim was not disrupted, was in FACT disrupted.

Again this is the same as you saying 'well the bank is fine and is carrying out business as usual' after the bank robbery is foiled, as if that means the bank robbery had no meaning.

Simply because the COngress recovered and got things going again eventually does not change the fact the insurrection happened and was very serious.

So as always the stupid one is you.
There was NO insurrection, you incompetent twit. You are a perfect example of stupid.
You're just a left wing whiny assed lunatic.. Back to the kitty litter sandbox with you!
I cannot predict what a jury will do, but I agree with the prosecutor, "the Evidence against Trump in hush money case is ‘overwhelming’".

That's not merely an outright moronic lie, but delusional as well. There is ZERO evidence any crime was ever committed by the Trump company or Trump himself.

Provide us with this evidence you find so compelling and we will tear it apart for you piece by piece. But alas, you're a coward who never wants to have an open honest debate on the facts.

Does celebrity/power 'trump' guilt in America's Criminal Justice System? We are about to find out.

Wrong. Does hyper partisan corrupt malfeasance trump our justice system is the better question.

Trump caused documents to be created that were false... the fraudulent documents were presented as payments to Cohen for 'Legal Services'. Why did Trump cause these documents to be created? The clear answer is to prevent the public from finding out he paid people off to keep them from talking.

Trump had nothing to do with any documents. His bookkeepers and accountant made those determinations themselves based on facts.

Bragg is so dishonest he never stated what the correct accounting should have been.

NDAs are not illegal. Payments for keeping bad news out of the public eye is not illegal.

Booking legal fees as legal fees is not illegal.

ALL campaigns attempt to influence the outcome of elections. That is what they do so the premise itself is moronic and stupid.

One of the goals of the FEC is to promote transparency in how money is spent in campaigns. Trump intentionally tried to hide this payment from the FEC, that is clear. Hiding a payment that is required to be disclosed is a crime...

The FEC says you are lying and dead wrong about everything. They didn't even fine the campaign.

Can anyone dispute this??

I dispute it with facts every day. You, being the lying leftist coward you are, run and hide and do nothing but flail and deflect when caught in your lies. :palm:
So, you admit he is guilty?

Has he been found guilty after all the appeals are done? NO. Has he been proven to have committed a crime? NO.

You can pound your tiny insignificant little fists on the table all day but it doesn't make your shrill nonsense any less stupid.
The jury knows Trump always brags about breaking the law on purpose. They will vote guilty.

There you go with those dumb lies again. I don't think leftists suffering from severe TDS can post without lying and looking factually ignorant.
Like paying off Stormy Daniels and the other woman?
You forgot to go back and ask a lawyer about the odds of this happening,

Given, Merchan is an acting judge that donated to the democratic party, Stop Republicans, and the Progressive Turnout Project.

What are the odds that this particular acting judge, not within the pool of 24 sitting judges waiting to be assigned a case, could possibly have been "randomly" chosen to try the Bannon case, the Trump hush money case, and the Trump organization fraud case all in the same year?

Asking for another friend.
You forgot to go back and ask a lawyer about the odds of this happening,

Given, Merchan is an acting judge that donated to the democratic party, Stop Republicans, and the Progressive Turnout Project.

What are the odds that this particular acting judge, not within the pool of 24 sitting judges waiting to be assigned a case, could possibly have been "randomly" chosen to try the Bannon case, the Trump hush money case, and the Trump organization fraud case all in the same year?

Asking for another friend.
Random, I bet almost all judges donate to campaigns. You have no evidence for your wild claim.
Random, I bet almost all judges donate to campaigns. You have no evidence for your wild claim.
He was NOT in the pool of 24 sitting judges.
Then, the odds of getting two Trump and one Bannon trial all in the period of one year?

Give me a break