Evidence is overwhelming.

I know you've been lying since this case began......you STILL can't name the second crime that elevates this to a felony under NY law......
He is not charged with a second crime. The crime that elevates this case does not have to be a specific crime, and the jury only has to believe that there is a second crime. They do not have to believe Trump is guilty of that second crime, only that Trump intended to violate any second crime OR that he tried to conceal any second crime.

Playing dumb for Trump is not a good look for you.
For the third (3rd.) time, there was no disruption of the vote. No delay. FACT!

That makes you stupid 3x. DUH!
Ya but the problem you have was the vote was disrupted and you are factually wrong, and oh, stupid.

And a LIAR. Why do you lie about such an easy thing to prove RB.

This was the first reports live at the time of the Insurrection...

McConnell Says Senate Will Not Be Intimidated, Will Complete Electoral Vote Count

...Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said he had "never lived through or even imagined an experience like the one we have witnessed at this Capitol." He said
those who disrupted the proceedings should not be called "protesters" but "goons" and "domestic terrorists." ...

So again i ask RB, why do you tell such obviously disprovable lies?
good lord......now it becomes obvious to everyone that you aren't really a lawyer......poster!.....
Jarod is right and you are wrong, oh and stupid.

This is like you guys screaming over and over again 'CLinton Socks case' and 'PResidential Records Act' thinking that is a defense to Trump stealing classified material. You guys are just incapable of understanding the law even when it is written clear and quoted to you.

HEre AGAIN is the law in this case, and as Jarod said CORRECTLY, the judge nor Prosecution DOES NOT have to settle on the underlying element of the crime that escalates this to a felony. A jury can decide that.

To convict Trump, Merchan told the jury they will have to find unanimously — that is, all 12 jurors must agree — that the former president created a fraudulent entry in his company’s records or caused someone else to do so, and that he did so with the intent of committing or concealing another crime.

What’s being distorted by some online is the judge’s instruction about how to reach a verdict about that second element.

Prosecutors say the crime Trump committed or hid is a violation of a New York election law making it illegal for two or more conspirators “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.”

Merchan gave the jurors three possible “unlawful means”: falsifying other business records, breaking the Federal Election Campaign Act or submitting false information on a tax return.

For a conviction, each juror would have to find that at least one of those three things happened, but they don’t have to agree unanimously which it was....

Ya but the problem you have was the vote was disrupted and you are factually wrong, and oh, stupid.

And a LIAR. Why do you lie about such an easy thing to prove RB.

This was the first reports live at the time of the Insurrection...

So again i ask RB, why do you tell such obviously disprovable lies?
Chuck Schumer is a DNC hack, and is full of shit. The vote went on as planned.
Chuck Schumer is a DNC hack, and is full of shit. The vote went on as planned.
And you wonder why people see you as stupid???

The same article quotes Mitch McConnell also identifying the disruption.

That you would lie and deny such an obviously element and claim no disruption occurred when they had to stop the proceedings and bring people back hours later to conclude it, is on you. It shows how deep in TDS and the magat cult you are that you would deny an obvious truth that they did disrupt the count.

Sad RB. But then the stupid, like you are easily duped and often liars.
We all know there is no connection to Biden, if there were it would be all over the place.
All over what place? We should the propaganda arm of the dem party to say something negative about biden? You are stupid aren't you?
uh, read what you typed... Does it make any sense?
One word is missing but this allows me to be more clear

You're a fucking retard if you want us to believe anything negative about Biden will be covered by what passes for the media in this country. The msm is the propaganda arm of the jackass party. That's you..a jackass.
One word is missing but this allows me to be more clear

You're a fucking retard if you want us to believe anything negative about Biden will be covered by what passes for the media in this country. The msm is the propaganda arm of the jackass party. That's you..a jackass.
No, I put fox on for at least 15 min's in the morning when I am getting ready for work. I get more negative Biden than even exists in that time.
Up to the jury to decide

Personally, I think he won’t be found guilty of a felony, nor acquitted, hung jury is more likely. Could see guilty of misdemeanor charges, but the felony is a reach
That's my take on it, too. I wonder if the jury instructions allow them to convict on less-than-felony level charges?