Evidence is overwhelming.

No, I put fox on for at least 15 min's in the morning when I am getting ready for work. I get more negative Biden than even exists in that time.
Wow one fucking place. You must be devastated. How do you carry on with the rest of your day? You're so "brave". You're an idiot.
Jarod is right and you are wrong, oh and stupid.

This is like you guys screaming over and over again 'CLinton Socks case' and 'PResidential Records Act' thinking that is a defense to Trump stealing classified material. You guys are just incapable of understanding the law even when it is written clear and quoted to you.

HEre AGAIN is the law in this case, and as Jarod said CORRECTLY, the judge nor Prosecution DOES NOT have to settle on the underlying element of the crime that escalates this to a felony. A jury can decide that.
you have dribble on your chin......
That's my take on it, too. I wonder if the jury instructions allow them to convict on less-than-felony level charges?
Nope, neither the prosecution nor the Trump team asked for a 'lesser charge of the misdemeanor only' to be included, which the judge could have considered and did.

Most think that is very good for the Prosecution and terrible for Trump, but Trump will never allow any element to be admitted.

It was considered great folly for Trumps defenders to argue Stormy was lying about the sex, that McDougal was lying about everything, and that Pecker was lying when making some meaningless admissions to obvious things could give him some credibility with the jury.

Instead Trump's defense is he is the ONLY honest person and everyone else around him is a criminal and liar, and that is what they demand the jury accept.
I cannot predict what a jury will do, but I agree with the prosecutor, "the Evidence against Trump in hush money case is ‘overwhelming’".

Does celebrity/power 'trump' guilt in America's Criminal Justice System? We are about to find out.

Trump caused documents to be created that were false... the fraudulent documents were presented as payments to Cohen for 'Legal Services'. Why did Trump cause these documents to be created? The clear answer is to prevent the public from finding out he paid people off to keep them from talking.

One of the goals of the FEC is to promote transparency in how money is spent in campaigns. Trump intentionally tried to hide this payment from the FEC, that is clear. Hiding a payment that is required to be disclosed is a crime...

Can anyone dispute this??
Cohen performed legal services for Trump and was being reimbursed.
Such a wrong post. The 34 incidents of criminally cheating, and using paperwork to cover up the payoffs are real. The Trump organization is steeped in lies and cheating. Those are misdemeanors. Connecting them to the campaign makes them felonies. That is what the testimony showed. Pecker kicked it off and the other witnesses fortified it.
but connecting them to the campaign is insane.

hence why trump will go free.
And you wonder why people see you as stupid???

The same article quotes Mitch McConnell also identifying the disruption.

That you would lie and deny such an obviously element and claim no disruption occurred when they had to stop the proceedings and bring people back hours later to conclude it, is on you. It shows how deep in TDS and the magat cult you are that you would deny an obvious truth that they did disrupt the count.

Sad RB. But then the stupid, like you are easily duped and often liars.
So, the fact still remains the vote went off as planned.
You act as if the whole thing had to be rescheduled. It wasn't.

That makes YOU the stupid person, doesn't it? Yep, it sure does!
So, the fact still remains the vote went off as planned.
You act as if the whole thing had to be rescheduled. It wasn't.

That makes YOU the stupid person, doesn't it? Yep, it sure does!
The problem you have is that is not the 'fact'.

It did not go off as planned at all. That is a LIE. They had to create a secondary plan to have it 'go off' as the first plan, you claim was not disrupted, was in FACT disrupted.

Again this is the same as you saying 'well the bank is fine and is carrying out business as usual' after the bank robbery is foiled, as if that means the bank robbery had no meaning.

Simply because the COngress recovered and got things going again eventually does not change the fact the insurrection happened and was very serious.

So as always the stupid one is you.