Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

Wanting wealth does not mean that you are placing it above God. You can want wealth to use it for God-pleasing purposes.

none of that changes the fact that killing your unborn children is a sick and evil ideology......that isn't because of a religious argument.......that's a human argument......what does it mean that the US was intended to be secular......you have no right to impose a sick and evil ideology, whether it be "secular" or religious, on the millions of unborn children you've killed

That I've killed? So I've indulged once or twice - you can't pin all the millions on me. And with miscarries being surprisingly common what does it actually mean for the 'life' being lost? Are zygotes a "person"? https://www.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/im-pregnant/early-pregnancy/how-common-miscarriage
Wanting wealth does not mean that you are placing it above God. You can want wealth to use it for God-pleasing purposes.

Idk, given Jesus like to talk in metaphores it's possiply open to interpretation. You're laboring for Caesars due. And given the mass poverty and simultaneous wealth that could aleve it - it's not done.
That I've killed? So I've indulged once or twice - you can't pin all the millions on me. And with miscarries being surprisingly common what does it actually mean for the 'life' being lost? Are zygotes a "person"? https://www.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/im-pregnant/early-pregnancy/how-common-miscarriage

every time you voice support for the killing of unborn children you've killed them all.......though I won't burden you with the blame for those who ended naturally.......you have enough blood on your hands as it is......
life begins at conception......zygotes are part of the process of conception which becomes complete when the zygote attaches to the uterine wall........at that point the person is no longer a zygote......

reproductive choice doesn't BEGIN after reproduction.....
Idk, given Jesus like to talk in metaphores it's possiply open to interpretation. You're laboring for Caesars due. And given the mass poverty and simultaneous wealth that could aleve it - it's not done.
Jesus was making a joke about graven images on foreign money. What do you reckon doesn't belong to God?
Jesus was making a joke about graven images on foreign money. What do you reckon doesn't belong to God?

If God grants all authority then the Bible is chalk full of jokes we can't begin to understand.

Do you think the money you hold is any less foreign than the coin Jesus tossed back?
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life begins at conception......zygotes are part of the process of conception which becomes complete when the zygote attaches to the uterine wall........at that point the person is no longer a zygote......

Define life, because both sperm and eggs are alive, why does life only start at their union?

Why does attachment matter when you said life starts at conception? So after attachment, if there's a miscarriage should a woman be prosecuted for child neglect or manslaughter as if she'd allowed a born child to die? If a person is a zygote, then miscarriages would open up women to prosecution for killing people. https://www.businessinsider.com/women-30-years-prison-miscarriage-georgia-abortion-2019-5

reproductive choice doesn't BEGIN after reproduction.....

Says who? It's a continual process. What kind of heartless mad man would force a woman to give birth to a non-viable baby? https://www.sciencealert.com/strict...forced-a-woman-to-give-birth-to-a-doomed-baby
Define life, because both sperm and eggs are alive, why does life only start at their union?

Why does attachment matter when you said life starts at conception? So after attachment, if there's a miscarriage should a woman be prosecuted for child neglect or manslaughter as if she'd allowed a born child to die? If a person is a zygote, then miscarriages would open up women to prosecution for killing people. https://www.businessinsider.com/women-30-years-prison-miscarriage-georgia-abortion-2019-5

Says who? It's a continual process. What kind of heartless mad man would force a woman to give birth to a non-viable baby? https://www.sciencealert.com/strict...forced-a-woman-to-give-birth-to-a-doomed-baby

He doesn't give a rats ass as long as a conservative old man decides.
Why does attachment matter when you said life starts at conception?
because attachment signals the completion of the process of conception

So after attachment, if there's a miscarriage should a woman be prosecuted for child neglect or manslaughter as if she'd allowed a born child to die?

you will have to be more specific.......what action has she done that resulted in the miscarriage?......

Says who?
simple logic......do you choose to go to work after you've arrived?........do you choose to eat after you finish your meal?........once you have reproduced its a bit silly to say you now have to choose whether or not to reproduce.......
If God grants all authority then the Bible is chalk full of jokes we can't begin to understand.

Do you think the money you hold is any less foreign than the coin Jesus tossed back?

Yes - it's English, just as theirs was Roman - Occupation money good Pharisees shouldn't be carrying around.
That I've killed? So I've indulged once or twice - you can't pin all the millions on me. And with miscarries being surprisingly common what does it actually mean for the 'life' being lost? Are zygotes a "person"? https://www.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/im-pregnant/early-pregnancy/how-common-miscarriage

So I've indulged once or twice

ONCE or TWICE????? So you are telling us that you use abortion as birth control. Aborting a fetus is only one step away from mowing down a nursery school class with an AK 47.

Are zygotes a "person"?
The zygote contains all of the genetic information (DNA) needed to become a baby. Therefore technically it is human.
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Which shows your ignorance of evolutionary theory. Evolutionary theory doesn’t predict that man descended from Apes. It predicts that man and apes had common ancestors.

This proves what an uneducated dupe you can be. "All life on Earth is connected and related to each other," and this diversity of life is a product of "modifications of populations by natural selection, where some traits were favored in and environment over others,"

Man and Ape lived in the similar environments. Yet some evolved into man? :laugh: ;)

I bet you believe man can change the climate too. :laugh:
You are right, and that is why I said Luke/Acts was practically a communist manifesto, not literally one.

Communist political theory did not exist in the first century CE. But the concept that rich people need to share their property and wealth with the poor, and that property and wealth should be shared collectively by communities of people have been with us for 2000 years. And in my opinion, that concept of inclusion of the poor and oppressed is Christianity's greatest contribution to the Western philosophical tradition

Yup - everything depends on the state of human development. American Republicans, for instance, have not developed to the point when they can even conceive of socialism. On the other hand, from very early on, many, many people knew that the codswallop the bosses had made of Christianity was exactly that. Way back in the Fourteenth Century they were saying,

'When Adam delvEd and Eve span
Who was the gentleman',

and they were far from the first. Knowing what's wrong inevitably precedes knowing how to put it right, and people knew something was wrong from the moment they were first made to pay 'rent' for the land they thought God made.

"The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society. What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had some one pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: "Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!"

- Jean Jacques Rousseau

^Two morons of equal stupidity on different continents. :laugh: