Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

Lol if the GOP wants to protect all children why do they try to cut funding for school lunch programs? Whydo they try to cut funding to child medical care? Why do they do nothing about school shootings?


People like you think that's what others think. It's sad and shows how much of a bad faith actor you really are when it comes to this discussion.

Seeing how I'm the only one using sources the fact is no - not all zygotes will grow into fetuses. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. https://www.sciencealert.com/meta-a...-human-pregnancies-end-in-miscarriage-biorxiv

Have you done any research on the reasons women get abortions? Or do you think all abortions are just for fun?

Lol if the GOP wants to protect all children why do they try to cut funding for school lunch programs? Whydo they try to cut funding to child medical care? Why do they do nothing about school shootings?


If you weren't so blind to anything other than what you read on your trash liberal web sites you might learn something. Can you name one bill in the House or Senate that is aimed at school lunch programs or children's health care?

People like you think that's what others think. It's sad and shows how much of a bad faith actor you really are when it comes to this discussion.
Wrong? We, including me base our opinions on the actions and words of people like you!
So I've indulged once or twice - you can't pin all the millions on me. And with miscarries being surprisingly common what does it actually mean for the 'life' being lost?
I know of no woman that would say what you just said. It shows that you are self centered and even resorts to comparing a miscarrage to abortion while abortion is voluntary a miscarrage is not and results in severe anguish to the mother!

Seeing how I'm the only one using sources the fact is no - not all zygotes will grow into fetuses. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage.

So that gives you justification to abort? LOL

Have you done any research on the reasons women get abortions? Or do you think all abortions are just for fun?

"the reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman's education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents' or partners' desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.'
Neglect and manslaughter don't require an action per se. Just a level of carelessness.

/shrugs....well certainly if her actions are not remarkable I would see no reason to charge her with neglect or manslaughter........maybe if you had cited an example of an overdose of drugs or something.....

Simple logic yet you ignore the link and reality. You show up to work and your boss is threatening to harm you and other employees - do you stay at work? You're eating a meal and you being to feel sick - do you keep eating? You find out you're pregenent but after medical examination the baby will be non-viable due to deformity, do you continue to gestate?
then talk about a right to terminate, not a right to produce.....

Except when you dlete the link that shows a women was forced to wait to give birth to a dead baby instead of getting an abortion.

you don't need an abortion to remove a dead baby.......does that confuse you?......
Lol if the GOP wants to protect all children why do they try to cut funding for school lunch programs?

its sad the way you demmycunts lie.....from YOUR link.....
Because about 79.71
percent of households with children participating in SNAP have school aged
children, we estimate that about 545,500 households with school-aged children may no longer
participate in SNAP under the proposal. Their eligibility for school meals would vary based on
household income:
 About 45 percent would no longer be asset eligible for SNAP but would still be eligible for
free school meals because their household income is 130 percent or less of the Federal
poverty level, the income threshold for free meals in NSLP and SBP.
 The other 55 percent would no longer be income eligible for free school meals. However,
roughly 93 percent2
of these households, or about 51 percent of all affected households,
would be eligible for reduced price meals due to their household income of 185 percent or
less than the federal poverty level, the income threshold for reduced-price meals in NSLP
and SBP.
 The remaining four percent of households with children would be eligible only for paid
school meals because their household income exceeds 185 percent of the federal poverty
Households seeking free or reduced-price meals would need to submit an application to do so

the "cut" (which actually wasn't a cut) was actually only an impact on the 4% of recipients who didn't actually meet the financial qualifications which had previously been in place........
The gospel of Luke and Acts is practically the world's first Communist manifesto. The Jesus of Luke counsels rich people to share everything they have with the poor, and the first Christians in Judea lived in communes where all property and wealth was shared.

Christ also taught it to be voluntary also. He did not compel anyone. Communism is compulsion by force. Do not confuse communism with charity.
You willfully ignore that I cited the writings of Luke which includes the Gospel and Acts

"In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus brings good news to the poor and oppressed and tells rich people to sell their possessions. In Acts, early christians live out that vision by sharing their property and wealth with the poor and with each other. Luke tells us believers retained no private property but they held everything in common."

- Dr. David Brakke, PhD, professor of religious history, Ohio State University

Yes, there have been communities where property was shared. It was voluntary to live there. It did not steal wealth. It was a form of charity, for as long as that community lasted. Communism is compulsion. It is not charity.
Lol if the GOP wants to protect all children why do they
First, this is bigotry. The GOP is made up of many different people, all with different backgrounds, beliefs, and value systems. Like anyone group, they generally want to protect children. That's why they become parents, give their kids an education, and try to teach them enough wisdom and skillsets to be productive in society when they become adults.
try to cut funding for school lunch programs?
They aren't. What was cut was the amount of increase in the budget, not the budget itself. It should eliminated. The federal government has no authorization to implement such a program. Such programs should be left to the States to implement. They are the ones with that authority, if it is in their constitutions. Another method is simply the school district itself funding such programs through local elections.
Why do they try to cut funding to child medical care?
Again. It should be ELIMINATED. It is unconstitutional. This is a family issue. At most a State issue, if anything.
Why do they do nothing about school shootings?
They are. Some schools are no longer 'gun free zones', the cause of many school shootings. Teachers and staff can conceal carry and not even tell their boss. This depends on the States again, not the federal government, which has no authority in this area. Some schools are also finally installing steel doors instead of cheap hollow core doors on classrooms. Yes...they stop bullets from pistols and even many rifles. Drop slats cued from the office can isolate a shooter, trapping them. No school shooting has gone longer then ten minutes before the shooter was captured, killed, or he shot himself. First aid training has expanded too. The application of simple to apply chest seals can save a life, for example.
...deleted Holy Links...
ABC and other news sources are not the Universal or Holy Truth. There is a reason Trump calls them 'fake news'. They sell fear. It's what sells papers.
People like you think that's what others think. It's sad and shows how much of a bad faith actor you really are when it comes to this discussion.
Seeing how I'm the only one using sources the fact is no - not all zygotes will grow into fetuses. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage.
...deleted Holy Link...
Have you done any research on the reasons women get abortions? Or do you think all abortions are just for fun?

No abortions are just for fun. You are killing a human life. Yes, there is sometimes a reason to take a human life to save others. It is never pleasant to do so.
Yes, there have been communities where property was shared. It was voluntary to live there. It did not steal wealth. It was a form of charity, for as long as that community lasted. Communism is compulsion. It is not charity.
^^ Straw man fallacy.
There is nothing about religion which is compulsory, and I never suggested there was.

If you chose to live a Christian life, if you choose to live the vision Jesus provided us, if you chose to put into practice the Christian doctrines from Luke and Acts, then you need to eschew wealth and possessions, you need to share money and property collectively with the poor, and with the community.

If you do not do these things, then you are not an authentic Christian. At least, according to Luke/Acts.
If you do choose to be an authentic Christian, and live out this vision, then you are much closer to being a Communist than to being a wealthy, landed capitalist.
/shrugs....well certainly if her actions are not remarkable I would see no reason to charge her with neglect or manslaughter........maybe if you had cited an example of an overdose of drugs or something.....

By why not? There was a legitimate life in her care, and it failed to live. That's an important death, right? That was a person?

then talk about a right to terminate, not a right to produce.....

That's what abortion is right? The choice to terminate.

you don't need an abortion to remove a dead baby.......does that confuse you?......

Didn't you read the story? The confused ones are the Government that restricts abortions. Don't you care about life no more when it's fatally deformed? It's still alive. It's life.

How strange of me to bring you to this point. What do you think the term "late-term" and "partial birth" abortion refer to? When it's that far along it's for defect reasons, not just a change of heart.
First, this is bigotry. The GOP is made up of many different people, all with different backgrounds, beliefs, and value systems. Like anyone group, they generally want to protect children. That's why they become parents, give their kids an education, and try to teach them enough wisdom and skillsets to be productive in society when they become adults.

Well this is my first interaction with you. Hello Mr. Toucan. That's a nice slogan of diversity you got there. Do they want to protect children when they vote for an accused sex pest like Roy Moore or Donald Trump?

They aren't. What was cut was the amount of increase in the budget, not the budget itself. It should eliminated. The federal government has no authorization to implement such a program. Such programs should be left to the States to implement. They are the ones with that authority, if it is in their constitutions. Another method is simply the school district itself funding such programs through local elections.

A cut is still a cut when the budget will probably keep growing. And all this stuff about Constitutionality of federal programs vs states rights is fascinating but a far deviation from the topic.

ABC and other news sources are not the Universal or Holy Truth. There is a reason Trump calls them 'fake news'. They sell fear. It's what sells papers.

I've tried avoiding the big ones like cnn and msnbc the MSM isn't pro Bernie either - but at some point you have to ask - what sources are you guys using then? And more importantly what makes your holy sources better than mine?

No abortions are just for fun. You are killing a human life. Yes, there is sometimes a reason to take a human life to save others. It is never pleasant to do so.

It is never pleasant, but necessary. If we lived in a different society designed to care for the child, or where sex education was the norm instead of abstinence (depending on state of course) then maybe abortion would be less necessary. But we're a ways to go on that front.
its sad the way you demmycunts lie.....from YOUR link.....

So even though the information came from the link you still think it's a lie? Fascinating. This is why bringing sources is important, so people can examine it. You try it now.

the "cut" (which actually wasn't a cut) was actually only an impact on the 4% of recipients who didn't actually meet the financial qualifications which had previously been in place........

A cut is still a cut to future funding is still a cut when the budget keeps growing.
By why not?

because all action is not criminal action.........that's a lesson you should have learned from the Trump unpeachment.........

That's what abortion is right? The choice to terminate.

then you admit you fucked up by saying reproduction instead of termination.......that was the purpose in bringing it up....

Didn't you read the story?
yes, and you didn't.......you said the child was dead and she couldn't get a doctor to remove it, yet the story clearly states the child died AFTER birth.......another misrepresentation on your part....

How strange of me to bring you to this point. What do you think the term "late-term" and "partial birth" abortion refer to? When it's that far along it's for defect reasons, not just a change of heart.

and tell me......now that you've found a justification for killing unborn children, shall we restrict abortions to only those cases where the child is clinically dead in the womb?......what percentage do you think that will cover......a hundredth of a percent?......two hundredths?......
What do you think the real number is?

as I recall, Planned Parenthood statistics have abortions in rape situations to be something less than 1%.......if we spot you abortions for rape, abortions to save the life of the mother and abortions of brain dead babies, will you agree to bar the other 97.8%?......
Judaism does not teach young earth creationism. It is 5780 (Jewish calendar) years since a soul was put into the body of man and thus created a human being. Before that there was a physical being without a soul which did not qualify as man, but as just another animal however intelligent it was. The Torah does not necessitate that the earth was created in 7 24 hour periods, after all the 24 hour periods could only be measured after the creation of the sun and moon. In his book “Genesis and the Big Bang” the physicist Gerald Schroeder reconciles Genesis with the time periods of the Big Bang theory based on relative frames of reference.
because all action is not criminal action.........that's a lesson you should have learned from the Trump unpeachment.........

then you admit you fucked up by saying reproduction instead of termination.......that was the purpose in bringing it up....

yes, and you didn't.......you said the child was dead and she couldn't get a doctor to remove it, yet the story clearly states the child died AFTER birth.......another misrepresentation on your part....

and tell me......now that you've found a justification for killing unborn children, shall we restrict abortions to only those cases where the child is clinically dead in the womb?......what percentage do you think that will cover......a hundredth of a percent?......two hundredths?......

Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” Elsewhere, the Talmud indicates that the ancient rabbis regarded a fetus as part of its mother throughout the pregnancy, dependent fully on her for its life — a view that echoes the position that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies.
Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” Elsewhere, the Talmud indicates that the ancient rabbis regarded a fetus as part of its mother throughout the pregnancy, dependent fully on her for its life — a view that echoes the position that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies.

that Jewish law was written before there was this thing called biology.........we now know scientifically that the the only difference between the unborn child and what American law considers a human being fully invested with constitutional rights is the scalpel that severs the umbilical cord.....
So Jesus was saying that we should pay taxes to both foreign occupiers and our own cultural authority? What is the issue we're having now?

No - he was saying the Pharisees were a lot of hypocrites, asking him questions to get him into trouble with the Occupation forces. You pay taxes to whomever you choose mate, none of my business.
because all action is not criminal action.........that's a lesson you should have learned from the Trump unpeachment.........

That tautology doesn't answer the question but alright. The lesson to be learned is just how loyal the Republican party can be. And its voting population doesn't care or understand what that means. Perhaps they do understand.

then you admit you fucked up by saying reproduction instead of termination.......that was the purpose in bringing it up....

Jesus calm down. Is it not obvious we're talking about terminating the gestation? The reproductive cycle?

yes, and you didn't.......you said the child was dead and she couldn't get a doctor to remove it, yet the story clearly states the child died AFTER birth.......another misrepresentation on your part....

And yet you still think it would have been wrong to abort the baby diagnosed with a fatal deformity? Because it was "alive"? So it couldn't die by hand in the womb - but once it passed through the holy ritual vagina to die moments later - that's God's plan?

and tell me......now that you've found a justification for killing unborn children, shall we restrict abortions to only those cases where the child is clinically dead in the womb?......what percentage do you think that will cover......a hundredth of a percent?......two hundredths?......

No, as you're aware the unborn was alive in the womb kept on life support via the reproductive process. Without a brain. I think only a liar would call that "life". So I said dead. Big whoops - she couldn't get the abortion because it was legally "alive".

IIRC the deformity was 1 out of 1260 births. something like that. I'd guess there are hundreds of thousands of births per year in the US so that's at least 4 figures in cases. That's kinda of a lot of dead babies. Its a little sad, I remember Bush jr used banning partial birth abortion as a political rally for evangelicals. But the only women who actually get late term abortions are for the very extreme reason we're talking about.

as I recall, Planned Parenthood statistics have abortions in rape situations to be something less than 1%.......if we spot you abortions for rape, abortions to save the life of the mother and abortions of brain dead babies, will you agree to bar the other 97.8%?......

There's also incest. But perhaps we can come to an agreement. Are we just talking about late term abortions? Because when that other guy cites that 73% of reason to terminate is 'education, work, or dependents' that's a lot of people. Idk about work or education but dependents is an issue. If a person has a dependent a new child takes away from that situation.