Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

You can accuse me of making up numbers, but to say there is no real number is false. We can't say all women have been raped, but there's also a chance it's not 0 either. The percentage is real, we just can't perfectly detect it for various reasons. But women do talk about it. They can't all be liars.
Void argument fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy. Claiming a random number exists and using that as a proof YOUR random number is correct is a fallacy.
The question was meant to evoke an answer that could lead to a better understanding of what 'normal' possibly means. But it seems that was fruitless.
Evasion. Define 'normal'. Redefinition fallacy (definition<->example).
Well this has been my second interaction with you and I hope it's my last.
Hope in vain.
You've presented a gish gallop of fallacy claims
Denial of logic. Bulverism.
designed to avoid saying anything
I have simply listed your errors in logic. It is YOU that is not saying anything. A fallacy is not a valid argument.
while maximizing criticism.
It is YOU that criticizing. Inversion fallacy.
If this where a debate class
You are not debating. This last post of yours contains no arguments.
I'm sure you'd get a gold star.
Argument of the stick fallacy. I don't care if you are giving out gold stars.
But for a less formal forum it just shows you're very skilled at avoiding the conversation.
What conversation? You have presented no arguments in your post.
They ask in the form of taxes. I assume the local rabbis or some authority figure collected taxes. But please tell me what the Jews were supposed to believe.

And the point is you do metaphorically carry around Caesars money today. Jesus would toss a US coin like a Roman one.

I don't understand where this is coming from.

You don't get so speak for Jesus. You don't get to usurp the judgements of Jesus. You only get to speak for you. You only get to make your own judgements.
Over the past 2,000 years, the globe has seen:

The Roman Warm Period

The cooler Dark Ages

The Medieval Warm Period

The Little Ice Age

A gradual 300-year warming

Don't believe the hysteria.

The climate is changing.

It always has. It always will.

Climate has no temperature. It is subjective word describing prevalent conditions, not even necessarily weather. There are desert climates, marine climates, arctic climates, wet climates, cold climates (still no temperature!), tropical climates, etc. There is no global climate. Earth contains many climates.

'Change' implies a quantitative value. What value is changing? There are no quantitative values in a climate.

Define 'climate change'.
Climate has no temperature. It is subjective word describing prevalent conditions, not even necessarily weather. There are desert climates, marine climates, arctic climates, wet climates, cold climates (still no temperature!), tropical climates, etc. There is no global climate. Earth contains many climates.

'Change' implies a quantitative value. What value is changing? There are no quantitative values in a climate.

Define 'climate change'.

My reference was to all the climates; because they all are changing, even as we speak.
'Change' implies a quantitative value. What value is changing? There are no quantitative values in a climate.

Define 'climate change'.

The quantitative value is that the average temperature of all of earths climates, be they desert climates, marine climates, arctic climates, wet climates, cold climates or tropical climates, is increasing.

Or as NASA for Kids describes it: "This information tells us that Earth's climate is getting warmer." https://climatekids.nasa.gov/climate-change-evidence/
They ask in the form of taxes. I assume the local rabbis or some authority figure collected taxes. But please tell me what the Jews were supposed to believe
And the point is you do metaphorically carry around Caesars money today. Jesus would toss a US coin like a Roman one..

No honest Jew believed in kow-towing to a pagan empire. They believed in their own country and their own religion, and a little later they rose up to re-establish it. You seem to think I support capitalist government. Why?

I don't understand where this is coming from.

If people believe in an all-powerful god, they don't believe petty Roman dictators are in a position to divide up the universe with him.
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No honest Jew believed in kow-towing to a pagan empire. They believed in their own country and their own religion, and a little later they rose up to re-establish it. You seem to think I support capitalist government. Why?

Well they did have a few rebellions, but they kept losing. As for your support for capitalism I don't think I suggested that. I'm just mentioning the US gov and taxes, not its economic system.

If people believe in an all-powerful god, they don't believe petty Roman dictators are in a position to divide up the universe with him.

Jesus tossing the coin has nothing to do with God's power or the legitimacy of the Roman authority. IMO it suggests don't worry about money or other earthly things. When rome asks for its coin, or the US, give it to them.
this is why lib'ruls love taxes........they think ALL money belongs to Caesar and its wrong for people to keep any of it........

lol do you not read the words on your money? Did you know its against the law to destroy US currency? That doesn't sound like your 'property'. And I didn't say we have to give all of it, Jesus just points out to give what is asked. There is no 100% tax rate. The point was though for the mega ich they shouldn't complain about higher taxes because those aren't a burden to them.
they are if the mother doesn't want to kill them...then you pretend they aren't......

That's the power of choice isn't it? I'm surprised given how quickly you accept abortion in case of rape, even if rare, you don't understand the nature of that choice. As if a rape baby is less human and deserves less protection.

if attachment is the final stage of conception and attachment doesn't happen, obviously conception is not complete.......that's why I said I would let you kill all the zygotes your heart desired.....of course, that only leaves you a three day window max......

What is conception from the religious stand point? I though it was once the zygote forms God sends it a soul. This phased conception of zygote, then attachment, then soul? If you're willing to abandon zygotes then when does the cell mass become a person? Because it won't be medically a fetus until around week 5.
lol do you not read the words on your money? Did you know its against the law to destroy US currency? That doesn't sound like your 'property'. And I didn't say we have to give all of it, Jesus just points out to give what is asked. There is no 100% tax rate. The point was though for the mega ich they shouldn't complain about higher taxes because those aren't a burden to them.
tell Bernie there is no 100% tax rate......
That's the power of choice isn't it? I'm surprised given how quickly you accept abortion in case of rape, even if rare, you don't understand the nature of that choice. As if a rape baby is less human and deserves less protection.
its a matter of pragmatism......I am willing to offer you the lives of the thousand to save the lives of the million........have I underestimated your lust for killing the unborn?......

What is conception from the religious stand point?

I was not aware religion had a stand point on a scientifically provable fact.......

then when does the cell mass become a person?

how quickly you forget.......at the time of conception......
its a matter of pragmatism......I am willing to offer you the lives of the thousand to save the lives of the million........have I underestimated your lust for killing the unborn?......

Pragmatism, the arch nemesis of principle. But a necessary evil for democratic society to exist. Anyways, I did mention those with dependents. I'm like a mouse if you give him a cookie. I also want the right to abort children with major chromosomal defects.

I was not aware religion had a stand point on a scientifically provable fact.......

Well not scientifically of course but there is some sort or religious explanation, no? Does God only send in a soul when He knows it'll implant, because that spontaneous abortion stuff could also happen in later stages, it's not all zygotes.
Pragmatism, the arch nemesis of principle. But a necessary evil for democratic society to exist. Anyways, I did mention those with dependents. I'm like a mouse if you give him a cookie. I also want the right to abort children with major chromosomal defects.

Well not scientifically of course but there is some sort or religious explanation, no? Does God only send in a soul when He knows it'll implant, because that spontaneous abortion stuff could also happen in later stages, it's not all zygotes.

I am not aware of any religious explanation of conception......there are the oft repeated verses regarding the womb.....
Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

Jeremiah 20:17
....because he did not kill me in the womb; so my mother would have been my grave, and her womb forever great...
It was an observation to be made to the Church, not a notification on behalf of the church. Literacy is a real problem on this forum.

so you feel qualified to instruct the church on what it should believe?......and the biblical literacy on which you base that qualification is what, by chance........