'F--- Trump' heard yelled in tunnel as Alabama approached field before CFP title game

Wasn't it fun? Pity no other teams can get players to do things like that, huh?

If you're the kind that supports thug players doing those types of things. Based on what I've seen, Saban supports it.

I didn't see but two teams playing last night. Only one of those two had players that acted like thugs.
Judging by the way those thugs act and how they have a history of doing so, I suspect they do it for free and because they don't to act any better. It seems to come natural to them.

Oh no, there are special training classes. Spring training involves Thug 101, Thug 102, and a graduate level class called "Enlightened Thuggery".
Weelll ... THAT's the end of his presidency, for sure :palm:

History is not going to be kind to a president with approval rating mired in the low to mid 30s, and who lost the popular vote of Americans by millions of votes. He never had, and will never have, the consent of the governed.

But, years from now you can always pretend that you never supported Trump.... that being the same strategy you use in claiming you never supported George Dumbya Bush and the Iraq War, eh?
History is not going to be kind to a president with approval rating mired in the low to mid 30s, and who lost the popular vote of Americans by millions of votes. He never had, and will never have, the consent of the governed.

But, years from now you can always pretend that you never supported Trump.... that being the same strategy you use in claiming you never supported George Dumbya Bush and the Iraq War, eh?
There are rumors that Trump is about to lose more of his administration, McMasters and McGahn. McMasters leaving is scary.
There are rumors that Trump is about to lose more of his administration, McMasters and McGahn. McMasters leaving is scary.

I agree with you.
We need to have some sane people around the hapless and dangerously incompetent Trump.
There need to be contingency plans to grab the nuclear football away from him, if this fat ass loses the rest of his marbles!
I agree with you.
We need to have some sane people around the hapless and dangerously incompetent Trump.
There need to be contingency plans to grab the nuclear football away from him, if this fat ass loses the rest of his marbles!

Yeah, maybe you Socialist Authoritarians can create a subversive element within the Gov't.

We could call it ... the Deep State ... or something like that

And we could call the contingency plan ... an insurance policy :palm:
Weelll ... THAT's the end of his presidency, for sure :palm:

I'm numb to it by now. I don't expect better behavior from these uneducated animals. They were raised and taught to scream obscenities and show no particular interest in civilized adult human interaction.
I'm numb to it by now. I don't expect better behavior from these uneducated animals. They were raised and taught to scream obscenities and show no particular interest in civilized adult human interaction.

What an odd statement from somebody who worships President "Grab 'em by the pussy.".

On another tangent, several of your rightwing buddies on this board call women cunts and black posters niggers, so if you are genuinely interested in complaining about civilized behavior that would be a good place for you to start.
Like I said before, I just don't expect civilized behavior from these jocks anymore. After a lifetime of enjoying football season, I haven't bothered watching one pro or college game this season and don't miss it a bit.
What an odd statement from somebody who worships President "Grab 'em by the pussy.".

On another tangent, several of your rightwing buddies on this board call women cunts and black posters niggers, so if you are genuinely interested in complaining about civilized behavior that would be a good place for you to start.
Pay no attention Cypress sanctimony. I'm not going to try to recall whom to excoriate when writing my thoughts
Trump looked good in the bicameral meeting at the WH today.
What an odd statement from somebody who worships President "Grab 'em by the pussy.".

On another tangent, several of your rightwing buddies on this board call women cunts and black posters niggers, so if you are genuinely interested in complaining about civilized behavior that would be a good place for you to start.

Isn't it Mr. PRESIDENT "Grab 'em by the pussy."? It sure isn't Mrs. president "Grab 'em by the pussy," now is it?
Oh, and by the way, I doubt anyone "worships" him.
What an odd statement from somebody who worships President "Grab 'em by the pussy.".

On another tangent, several of your rightwing buddies on this board call women cunts and black posters niggers, so if you are genuinely interested in complaining about civilized behavior that would be a good place for you to start.
An odd statement from someone who apparently is ignoring that your "leftwing buddies" on this board call women the c-word and use the n-word, and are basically much more vile and perverted and threatening around here in their posts to others. If that is a to concern you, perhaps complaining about them and asking that they clean up their act (especially the un-ladylike ones....women calling other women the c-word-hard to imagine I know:) would be a good place to begin:)
Oh no, there are special training classes. Spring training involves Thug 101, Thug 102, and a graduate level class called "Enlightened Thuggery".

There doesn't need to be special classes for the ones that do such things. It comes naturally to them.
There are some behaviors on the field that should result in an immediate trip to the locker room, per coaches orders. I'm not sure why that didn't happen...
Yeah, you can just feel the love for Trump?



tell us, this makes you feel how? exactly?

vindicated, not alone in the world, tough? hopeful?
There are some behaviors on the field that should result in an immediate trip to the locker room, per coaches orders. I'm not sure why that didn't happen...

With the punch thrown by Mekhi Brown, the coaches need not have the opportunity. The referees should have made the decision to send him.

Since Alabama won, I'm sure his thug actions on the field and going after a coach will all be forgotten or excused away. Wonder if his actions would have had a different reaction with a loss.
With the punch thrown by Mekhi Brown, the coaches need not have the opportunity. The referees should have made the decision to send him.

Since Alabama won, I'm sure his thug actions on the field and going after a coach will all be forgotten or excused away. Wonder if his actions would have had a different reaction with a loss.
I agree that something should have been done. I doubt his actions will be forgotten or excused away, though. We probably won't hear about it, though. Saban does comes off very poorly though if he doesn't offer an explanation for why action wasn't taken.
I haven't followed up, though.