Faith is not "without evidence" argument

You made the claim about my hatred today,

Anytime Doc complains about someone else's hatred, just laugh. He is the most hatefilled bastard on this board apart from BidenPresident. The only difference is BP seems genuinely angry...Doc seems to spread hate around to get himself off. He honestly seems to THRIVE on it. I've never seen someone quite so hatefilled but do it with such an "affable front" as Doc. Seriously he's one of those people who I hope is not like this IRL. If he were he'd be TRULY scary as an individual.
Anytime Doc complains about someone else's hatred, just laugh. He is the most hatefilled bastard on this board apart from BidenPresident. The only difference is BP seems genuinely angry...Doc seems to spread hate around to get himself off. He honestly seems to THRIVE on it. I've never seen someone quite so hatefilled but do it with such an "affable front" as Doc. Seriously he's one of those people who I hope is not like this IRL. If he were he'd be TRULY scary as an individual.

I'm not ready to label him a certain way just yet, but this approach is becoming more and more common. You bring up violent crime stats in primarily black inner cities and you're a racist . You state biological differences between males and females - you're a misogynist. It's odd.
I'm not ready to label him a certain way just yet, but this approach is becoming more and more common. You bring up violent crime stats in primarily black inner cities and you're a racist . You state biological differences between males and females - you're a misogynist. It's odd.

Ironically when it comes to most social issues it seems I don't diverge too far from Doc. We both appear to be pretty dyed in the wool liberals (I don't know for sure but he seems to espouse more liberal positions). Which makes it clear to me he loves the hate more than he likes the concepts. Which is why he merciless attacks me (and I'm returning the favor, no doubt!) But he will NEVER Let up. It's his schtick. He loves the hatred. He likes making everyone around him feel kind of ill I think.
You made the claim about my hatred today, based on recent posts in one or maybe 2 threads. Why would you need to go back beyond those one or two threads?
Quote where I said that.

I already quoted two of your posts. Why are you ignoring that fact, 'Mode?
I don't hate Jews Christians or their books. I never used the word hate.

In fact, I don't recall ever even expressing any negative thoughts about Jews or Christians.

What did I say that was negative about either group? Hell, I'll make it easy for you and let you quote from this thread OR the other one where religion was discussed.

Do you think a person has to use racial or religious epithets to be a racist or religious bigot, 'Mode?

Disagreed as I previously quoted back to you.
There is probably nothing that we can claim to be true with 100% certainty if you have a sufficiently creative brain, so it comes down to a level of certainty based on available evidence. The only current evidence of the existence of the God of the Bible, or any other gods, are writings by men. Men who, in that period of time and before, witnessed a world which they had no ability to scientifically explain. Men who killed and buried animals under buildings hoping to appease celestial beings and bring good luck. Their writings are the only current "evidence".

That being true, I don't see any reason to believe in gods.

All one has to do is apply the same requirements for belief in gods that you apply to anything else in life, to become a non-believer. You aren't going to read the Iliad and the Odyssey and start believing in those gods, right?
Try stepping off the Golden Gate bridge to see how often you can fly. I'm willing to bet my life savings you can't. 100% certain. LOL
To clarify before responding, you are questioning the requirement of believing in the Christian God to be saved by the Christian God, the existence of hell/the eternal lake of fire that is described in the bible and the claim that those who aren't saved are destined for hell/the lake of fire?
Yes. Citation please.
This is another interesting aspect of this forum. (Let's set aside Doc's various "issues" as he has many) but indeed the Bible seems clear on a "literal" basis of the existence of a physical hell etc. But most modern theologians seem to be of a mixed bag in how literal that actually is. There's a strong current of belief in damnation as being "extinction of the self" after death or "disassociation from God" as the ultimate punishment. Not quite as terrifying to an atheist who thinks that when they die they just disappear and cease to exist.

So it COULD be that Doc is of that stripe in his faith (whatever it is...I don't think he's ever clearly stated his beliefs...but that's par for the course with him). I would cut some slack on that front. But you are correct, literally it is in the Bible that way...but then the Bible also contains LITERAL examples of talking donkeys and talking snakes, most of which I'm certain we can all agree are metaphorical (except small hyperliteralist sects).

Otherwise I'd not bother trying to have a serious conversation with Doc. He's only on here to spread his bile and hatred. He gets off on it for some strange reason. He once posted the word "cocksucker" in reply to my post like a couple dozen times. It was weird. He's a "special case" if you know what I mean.

I've explained that your questions are typical strawmen
I have explained to you that you do not get to make that declaration. You have only one job: answer the questions. They should be easy-peezy-lemon-squeezy. The only possible explanation for an inability to answer such easy, direct, clear and straightforward questions is that you are a typical leftist troll who is too stupid to think on her own and too cowardly of a snowflake to face any ideas that aren't found in your pampering safe-space.

We've been over this. You rush to pretend that you are mighty judo superhero who is going to kick my ass in a lame attempt to bully me into some sort of submission. It totally gives you away. I'm probably not the only one who is getting the distinct impression that any ninth-grader who can find his way into your safe space would smack the snot out of you. Don't trip on your tail between your legs.

I'm close to putting you on my ignore list, old man.
Hey, it's what all the cowards do. It's what you have to do. You have no other choice. You can't hang with me. You can't face reality and that's what I bring; unfortunately you are so far down in the elementary school intramural leagues that it would be best for you to just turn off your computer. You shouldn't even be on the internet in the first place; it's for adults, not children coloring at the kids' table.

Put me on ignore so I don't have to listen to your whining and temper tantrums.
I'm not ready to label him a certain way just yet, but this approach is becoming more and more common. You bring up violent crime stats in primarily black inner cities and you're a racist . You state biological differences between males and females - you're a misogynist. It's odd.

QED on disingenuousness.

Quoting stats is good. Leaping to conclusions from those stats is not. Look at volsrock on this thread to see what I mean:
It's always interesting to spot the antisemites. They never attack the Bhagavad Gita, the Bardo Thodol or the Quran. Just the Jews and Christians through the OT. Odd.

I've mocked Islam on here. I don't mock the other religions because they're aren't oppressive in the West like Christianity and Islam are.
I have explained to you that you do not get to make that declaration. You have only one job: answer the questions. They should be easy-peezy-lemon-squeezy. The only possible explanation for an inability to answer such easy, direct, clear and straightforward questions is that you are a typical leftist troll who is too stupid to think on her own and too cowardly of a snowflake to face any ideas that aren't found in your pampering safe-space.

We've been over this. You rush to pretend that you are mighty judo superhero who is going to kick my ass in a lame attempt to bully me into some sort of submission. It totally gives you away. I'm probably not the only one who is getting the distinct impression that any ninth-grader who can find his way into your safe space would smack the snot out of you. Don't trip on your tail between your legs.

Hey, it's what all the cowards do. It's what you have to do. You have no other choice. You can't hang with me. You can't face reality and that's what I bring; unfortunately you are so far down in the elementary school intramural leagues that it would be best for you to just turn off your computer. You shouldn't even be on the internet in the first place; it's for adults, not children coloring at the kids' table.

Put me on ignore so I don't have to listen to your whining and temper tantrums.

You're wrong. You don't get to force someone to defend a strawman, you idiot. If I ask Bob why he likes murdering when there is no evidence that he's ever murdered someone, he isn't being a coward for refusing to answer such a question. How do you not understand this? You've asked me inane strawmen questions about abortion and demand that I accept them as valid questions. Fuck you, you arrogant moron.
Quote where I said that.

I already quoted two of your posts. Why are you ignoring that fact, 'Mode?

Post #190:

Jesus was a Jew. Muslims believe in the God of Abraham. Why do you single out the Christians, cite the Old Testament, which is Jewish origin, and not admit you're both antisemitic and anti-Muslim?

Post #201:

You hate Jews just like you hate Christians, don't you? You admitted you hate the Old Testament. Who do you think wrote all those nasty laws you hate so much? Hint; five letter word, begins with "M".

You aren't a messenger, dumbass. You're the sender of the message. Get a fucking clue, moron.