Firing into Civilians - Israel isn't going after Hamas

What seems clear though, is like most uneducated bigots, you race to demonize all people who aren't racists like you. You become a totally dishonest fuck when the topic is Israel. You got bent out of shape when I pointed out that Israel is not licensed to commit war crimes. Your racist position is that Israel should naturally commit all the war crimes they please with impunity because Palestinians are no better than dogs. There is no excuse that is too lame for you to use to justify your hatred for Palestinians.

I never said that I hate Israel. Why are you calling me a bigot? All I said is that anyone committing war crimes should answer for it. I also pointed out some of the war crimes committed by the IDF. The mere insinuation that the IDF not kill Palestinians needlessly sent you ballistic, because you are a shitty person with no morals and no conscience.

Yes, Israel has every right to defend itself ... and that does not excuse Israeli atrocities, although in your book it does.
Yes, Israel has a right to exist ... and that does not excuse Israeli atrocities, although in your book it does.
Yes, Israel was attacked ... and that does not morally empower Israel to begin killing civilian populations, to include women and children, just to satisfy your HATRED of Palestinians.
Yes, some Palestinians voted for Hamas in elections ... and their individual election choices do not come with a penal code; their election choices do not amount to being found guilty of a capital offense.
No, some Palestinians never voted for Hamas and the IDF killed them anyway. Some of those killed were too young to even vote.

Israel is happy to let their Iranian attackers walk away without retribution as long as Israel gets to kill Palestinians. You seem to be just fine with that arrangement.

This is all that anyone needs to read. Thank you for finally being honest.

... even though it is Israel that launches air strikes into civilian populations ... just because.

Quit your whining! Israel is expected to not commit war crimes.

The IDF is not incompetent; they know how to handle those situations without carelessly killing civilians.

Israel is the only party responsible for how they conduct their wars. They can't blame anyone else for that. They can only blame Hamas for what Hamas does. You, on the other hand, blame everything on Hamas, but then imply that Palestinian civilians are all to blame, including for all attacks made by the Ayatollah of Iran. The absurd things you write aren't even believable.

Why you are trying to defend Hamas actions is beyond me.
Iran attacked Israel. Hamas was simply the Ayatollah's tool.

Since Israel was attacked by Iran and since the Ayatollah's obsession is to destroy Israel, obviously Israel should respond by feeding your racism and wiping all Palestinians off the face of the earth, right?

Stop your whining, you fucking racist shitbag!

Would you be kind enough to link to videos of all the rallies by Arabs in Gaza condemning the acts by Hamas?

Because all I can find are videos of so-called "Palestinians" dancing in the streets in response to the brutal terrorist attack by Hamas.

That would sure make it seem like the Arabs in Gaza fully support Hamas. But I'm sure you have TONS of evidence that they really oppose Hamas - because otherwise that would make you a terrorist supporter....
I know, Israel claims they are at war with Hamas, and Israel has vowed to destroy Hamas. Israeli actions, however, indicate they are at war with (civilian) Palestinians.

* Israeli forces killed three Palestinian teenagers (15 years of age) and one 11-year-old in the occupied West Bank on 20 October 2023, when an Israeli Apache attack helicopter fired a missile at Palestinian civilians. An Apache helicopter. A missile at civilians. It was obviously a group of civilians because they were mostly children and it was a refugee camp. There has not been any profuse apologies by Israel with vows to settle up with the families. There has been no announcement that the pilot has been grounded pending any investigation. Two other children (15-year old teenagers) were simply shot by Israel forces in separate incidences on that same day. The attached video shows Israelis destroying presumably legitimate Hamas targets. However, Israel doesn't seem to be restraining themselves from executing the same kind of attacks in populated areas, even places Israel previously declared as "safe zones" for Palestinians to shelter.

* As of 20 October 2023, Israel had killed more than 4,100 Palestinians, wounded more than 13,000 and had left more than 1000 missing (Palestinian Ministry of Health) due to air strikes!. More than 1,600 of the killed were children. One of the targets was Saint Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza City, one of the oldest churches on the planet, sheltering hundreds of Palestinians at the time. Who can reasonably claim to be selectively targeting Hamas with air strikes in Gaza?


* 20 October 2023 marked Israel's permission to allow a few aid trucks into Gaza. Up to that point, the Israelis were simply starving out the Palestinians. Why? Why not? Isn't starvation the perfect compliment to air strikes? Palestinians were lucky to get one meal per day with some dirty water to drink it down. I really am wondering why Israel clamped down on the Gaza blockade.

It really looks like the Israelis are hunting Palestinians, viewing Gaza as a target-rich environment. The pretense of only going after Hamas seems rather absurd. I predict that once Israel has killed all the Palestinians, ... there still won't be peace. Israel knows that they will have to destroy Iran if they want the terrorism to end. So why is Israel waging war against defenseless civilians, to include air strikes? I think it's pretty clear that Israel simply HATES Palestinians and just wants to kill the lot of them, and starve them while they are waiting to die. After all, Israel was attacked by Hamas, so Israel is totally justified in killing whoever they want in retaliation, right?

truth be told, this jew motherfucker wants to wipe the Palestines off the fuckin map and with fuckin frail Biden giving him the okay, its just a matter of time......Bush jr got a shoe thrown at him, I fear Joe will get the entire shoe store someday for what he's doing....but Biden is old, frail and so lost into yesterdays ideology and ways....that's why, I'm so over Biden and I will vote for anybody running in my party next year, but Joe....I've had enough. He's turning black communities' into sanctuaries for all these fuckin illegals, giving them everything for free. He did nothing to help students with their debt, forget about the George Floyd bill, he's just another tired old white motherfucker that need to go. And I wouid rather vote for a soiled diaper fresh off a seniors ass, than ever vote the GOP ticket, sos you'd know!!

truth be told, this jew motherfucker wants to wipe the Palestines off the fuckin map and with fuckin frail Biden giving him the okay, its just a matter of time......Bush jr got a shoe thrown at him, I fear Joe will get the entire shoe store someday for what he's doing....but Biden is old, frail and so lost into yesterdays ideology and ways....that's why, I'm so over Biden and I will vote for anybody running in my party next year, but Joe....I've had enough. He's turning black communities' into sanctuaries for all these fuckin illegals, giving them everything for free. He did nothing to help students with their debt, forget about the George Floyd bill, he's just another tired old white motherfucker that need to go. And I wouid rather vote for a soiled diaper fresh off a seniors ass, than ever vote the GOP ticket, sos you'd know!!

Sometimes putting a rabid dog down is the only cure. They have proven they don't want to live peacefully with Jews. It's been 18 years since James has had control of Gaza and instead of working with their neighbors they want to shit in them.
Would you be kind enough to link to videos of all the rallies by Arabs in Gaza condemning the acts by Hamas?
What makes you think there are any of those?

Because all I can find are videos of so-called "Palestinians" dancing in the streets in response to the brutal terrorist attack by Hamas.
Let's presume for the sake of discussion that the vast bulk of Palestinians HATE Jews for their own reasons, and that they applaud and cheer whenever those who they perceive as HATING them are killed.

Question: Is this a bad thing?

Question: In contrast, is it nonetheless a good thing to HATE Palestinians and applaud and cheer whenever they are killed by those who HATE them?

My position stands: It is wrong to kill a living human who has not committed any crime. All people who commit war crimes and atrocities should be made to answer for them.

Recognizing Israel's right to exist does not excuse atrocities on the part of the IDF.
Recognizing Israel's right to defend itself does not excuse atrocities on the part of the IDF.
Voting for Hamas in elections is not a crime, and is not a capital offense that carries the death penalty, nor does it leave anyone in the state of deserving a death sentence at the hands of the IDF.
Recognizing that many Palestinians HATE Israelis is not sufficient justification to eradicate the Palestinians.
Recognizing that Hamas has the stated objective of wiping all Jews off the face of the earth is insufficient justification for wiping all Palestinians off the face of the earth.
Ignoring the elephant in the room, i.e, that Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israel, does not excuse IDF war crimes against Palestinian civilians.
Ignoring the elephant in the room, i.e. that Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israel, does nothing to shift responsibility for the attacks to Palestinian civilians.
If air strikes by Hamas on civilian populations are wrong, then they are wrong for the IDF as well.
"Special Pleading" is a fallacy, even when the special pleading is for Israel.

That would sure make it seem like the Arabs in Gaza fully support Hamas.
This requires unpacking. Let's assume for the sake of discussion that every man, woman and child in Gaza thinks the world of Hamas. So what? Let's assume for the sake of discussion that every man, woman and child in Gaza secretly wants to own a Prius. So what? Nothing mentioned thus far is a crime. Nonetheless Palestinian civilians who have committed no crime, least of all ever attacked Israel, are nonetheless being bombed by the IDF.

But let's ask about those who do not support Hamas. Hamas is a political group. Just like there are those in the USA who don't support the DNC, there are Palestinians who, for their own political reasons, don't support Hamas. Unfortunately, the IDF doesn't really care about their politics, the Palestinians all look alike to them. Those who did not support Hamas are bombed as well.

But I'm sure you have TONS of evidence that they really oppose Hamas
Why are you sure of this? Have I stated this anywhere? [ANSWER: No, I have not]
Let's clear up a few things. I think everybody who joined Team Israel decided to stop reading for comprehension. Suddenly "special pleading" fallacies", overt racism and historical revisionism have become the norm, just to excuse any malfeasance on the part of Israel and to justify treating Palestinian civilians as subhuman.

I'm not the one that wants the Jews to march quietly to the ovens that you adolf
Nobody on JPP has called for this as far as I have read. You, Dr. Mengele, however, have claimed on multiple occasions that Palestinian civilians deserve whatever they get from the IDF in your blatant equating of Palestinian civilians with Hamas terrorists. Every time that I point out to you that this is wrong, your only response is "stop whining!"

@Into the Night, overt racism is Yakuda's reason for wishing ill upon Palestinians. You should be rebuking him for this. In every post he treats Palestinians as sub-human and won't listen to anything that calls for compassion for civilians if they are Palestinians. You should not be supporting him in this.

Nobody wants that and nobody is threatening that. The topic on the table, Dr. Mengele, is how you want all the Palestinians to march quietly into the slaughterhouse.
He never made any such statement. No one has. Hallucination.
He has made many, and retorts "stop whining!" if I suggest that he is wrong for his sentiments.

Sometimes putting a rabid dog down is the only cure. They have proven they don't want to live peacefully with Jews.
@ Into the Night, you should not be supporting this.

I will say confused at this point.
I am not confused. My crime is trying to tell Team Israel that war crimes should be investigated and tried. Team Israel only wants to hear about how Palestinians are sub-human. Team Israel wants to revise history and claim that Iran is somehow not Israel's attacker, so as to maintain plausibility that Palestinian civilians attacked Israel.

Yeah since people have noticed his anti Jewish rhetoric.
What anti-Jewish rhetoric? Specify. I'd call you Goebbles if Mengele weren't so perfectly fitting.

I've been defending Israel this whole time
Nope. You've been excusing Israel this whole time. Thousands of civilians needlessly dead at the hands of the IDF and because the dead are Palestinians who were bombed by the IDF, you're just fine with it. You're a racist with no morals and no conscience. You go right on virtue-signaling how you excuse Israelis for whatever they do and I will continue to point out that you are a racist fuck who likes to see the class of people he HATES die in large quantities.

but he's called me a Nazi.
It really is only a metaphor; you are identical in every way except for the emblems you sport.

I'm not sure. He's been making conflicting statements.
I'll repost my composite position, i.e. the ones that give Team Israel so much heartburn, and you tell me which ones are "conflicting."

IBDaMann's position:
It is wrong to kill a living human who has not committed any crime.
All people who commit war crimes and atrocities should be made to answer for them.
Recognizing Israel's right to exist does not excuse atrocities on the part of the IDF.
Recognizing Israel's right to defend itself does not excuse atrocities on the part of the IDF.
Voting for Hamas in elections is not a crime, and is not a capital offense that carries the death penalty, nor does it leave anyone in the state of deserving a death sentence at the hands of the IDF.
Recognizing that many Palestinians HATE Israelis is not sufficient justification to eradicate the Palestinians.
Recognizing that Hamas has the stated objective of wiping all Jews off the face of the earth is insufficient justification for wiping all Palestinians off the face of the earth.
Ignoring the elephant in the room, i.e, that Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israel, does not excuse IDF war crimes against Palestinian civilians.
Ignoring the elephant in the room, i.e. that Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israel, does nothing to shift responsibility for the attacks to Palestinian civilians.
If air strikes by Hamas on civilian populations are wrong, then they are wrong for the IDF as well.
"Special Pleading" is a fallacy, even when the special pleading is for Israel.

Then i guess he just loves himself some Hamas.
You guess incorrectly. I don't know any individuals affiliated with Hamas.

Why you are trying to defend Hamas actions is beyond me.
I'm stunned. I haven't defended anything in this thread. I seriously think that something happens to the reading comprehension of those who join Team Israel. I have been pushing for accountability. You and the rest of Team Israel have been working overtime to excuse Israel for ... well, for anything and everything. Israel can kill any civilians that they want to kill and Team Israel will excuse it.

So, let me fire your question back at you: Why are you preemptively excusing Israel of everything? I simply want war crimes to be forthwith answered. You translate that as "supporting Hamas." What gives?
Let's clear up a few things. I think everybody who joined Team Israel decided to stop reading for comprehension. Suddenly "special pleading" fallacies", overt racism and historical revisionism have become the norm, just to excuse any malfeasance on the part of Israel and to justify treating Palestinian civilians as subhuman.

Yeah, that basically seems to be the case.
Let's clear up a few things. I think everybody who joined Team Israel decided to stop reading for comprehension. Suddenly "special pleading" fallacies", overt racism and historical revisionism have become the norm, just to excuse any malfeasance on the part of Israel and to justify treating Palestinian civilians as subhuman.

Nobody on JPP has called for this as far as I have read. You, Dr. Mengele, however, have claimed on multiple occasions that Palestinian civilians deserve whatever they get from the IDF in your blatant equating of Palestinian civilians with Hamas terrorists. Every time that I point out to you that this is wrong, your only response is "stop whining!"

@Into the Night, overt racism is Yakuda's reason for wishing ill upon Palestinians. You should be rebuking him for this. In every post he treats Palestinians as sub-human and won't listen to anything that calls for compassion for civilians if they are Palestinians. You should not be supporting him in this.

He has made many, and retorts "stop whining!" if I suggest that he is wrong for his sentiments.

@ Into the Night, you should not be supporting this.

I am not confused. My crime is trying to tell Team Israel that war crimes should be investigated and tried. Team Israel only wants to hear about how Palestinians are sub-human. Team Israel wants to revise history and claim that Iran is somehow not Israel's attacker, so as to maintain plausibility that Palestinian civilians attacked Israel.

What anti-Jewish rhetoric? Specify. I'd call you Goebbles if Mengele weren't so perfectly fitting.

Nope. You've been excusing Israel this whole time. Thousands of civilians needlessly dead at the hands of the IDF and because the dead are Palestinians who were bombed by the IDF, you're just fine with it. You're a racist with no morals and no conscience. You go right on virtue-signaling how you excuse Israelis for whatever they do and I will continue to point out that you are a racist fuck who likes to see the class of people he HATES die in large quantities.

It really is only a metaphor; you are identical in every way except for the emblems you sport.

I'll repost my composite position, i.e. the ones that give Team Israel so much heartburn, and you tell me which ones are "conflicting."

You guess incorrectly. I don't know any individuals affiliated with Hamas.

I'm stunned. I haven't defended anything in this thread. I seriously think that something happens to the reading comprehension of those who join Team Israel. I have been pushing for accountability. You and the rest of Team Israel have been working overtime to excuse Israel for ... well, for anything and everything. Israel can kill any civilians that they want to kill and Team Israel will excuse it.

So, let me fire your question back at you: Why are you preemptively excusing Israel of everything? I simply want war crimes to be forthwith answered. You translate that as "supporting Hamas." What gives?

Yes let's clear it up. Where should the Jews go?
What makes you think there are any of those?

You said the Arabs in Gaza are not part of or supporting Hamas.

IF that were true - which clearly you know it is not - then there would be protests against Hamas.

Let's presume for the sake of discussion that the vast bulk of Palestinians HATE Jews for their own reasons, and that they applaud and cheer whenever those who they perceive as HATING them are killed.

We don't need to presume, the evidence is overwhelming.

Question: Is this a bad thing?


Terrorism is bad. Do you really need to be told that?

Question: In contrast, is it nonetheless a good thing to HATE Palestinians and applaud and cheer whenever they are killed by those who HATE them?

My position stands: It is wrong to kill a living human who has not committed any crime. All people who commit war crimes and atrocities should be made to answer for them.

Firing rockets into civilian neighborhoods unprovoked as the Arabs in Gaza do continuously is a crime against humanity.

This is where your bullshit falls apart. You depend on the fiction that the Arabs are innocent. They are not. I push those who support those in Gaza to show them opposing Hamas to prove the point that even in America - they are 100% behind Hamas. There is no distinction between Hamas and the so-called "Palestinians." They are one and the same.

They brutally attacked without provocation. Again the bullshit of "that wasn't them it was Hamas" has collapsed under the weight of the evidence. Those in Gaza are no more innocent than the people of Dresden in WWII building bombers and munitions. Yeah, it sucks that they have children, as did the Germans and Japanese.

The opposite of war is not peace. The opposite of war is slavery - sometimes annihilation. Israel fights for their survival. As the only functioning democracy in the region, it is overwhelmingly in our interest to support them