Firing into Civilians - Israel isn't going after Hamas

When are you going to figure out that your whining isnt an argument?
When are you going to figure out that your desire to see Palestinian civilians killed makes you a shitty person?

One of the overtly stated goals of Hamas is to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth.
What does this have to do with Palestinian civilians and your desire to see them eradicated?

I think a decent, intelligent, upright and rational adult should be able to see that the two parties in this conflict, i.e. Palestinian civilians and the Israeli soldiers who are gunning them down, are not at all morally equivalent.
ill ask you right now.

which is more important, enforcing the american border or helping israel fight it's fights?

the american border is far more important but the two arent mutually exclusive. If you want all Jews killed just say so I would actually respect you more than I do right now.
the american border is far more important but the two arent mutually exclusive. If you want all Jews killed just say so I would actually respect you more than I do right now.

but if you had to choose one..which would you choose.. consider it a hypothetical.
No, it's immoral to go out of your way in a war to shoot civilians just because. Civilians unlucky enough to be caught in a firefight on a battlefield are just that. They can become accidental targets of both sides. Israel did give civilians in Gaza a warning and time to get out. If they don't, that's on them.

The heart of the Hamas "army" is 15 year old boys. I'm far less than convinced these were civilians. When you fight a guerilla war with no uniforms or designations, identification of combatants becomes murky at best.
When are you going to figure out that your desire to see Palestinian civilians killed makes you a shitty person?

What does this have to do with Palestinian civilians and your desire to see them eradicated?

I think a decent, intelligent, upright and rational adult should be able to see that the two parties in this conflict, i.e. Palestinian civilians and the Israeli soldiers who are gunning them down, are not at all morally equivalent.

You can play to my emotions all you like but I have none in the face of clear moral evil. You calling me a "shitty person" only strengthens my point. Hamas has stated its intention to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth. By doing so they have relinquished any claim to being treated with respect or decency.

First Palestinians voted for Hamas. Next copy and paste my words where I said I wanted Palestinians eradicated. I'll save you the embarrassment, you cant.

Maybe Palestianians shouldnt pick fights they cant win. AGAIN you can whine all you like but the Palestinians have no one to blame but themelves.
so american borders are more important, but you pull out all stops for a less important issue like israeli borders?


You did figure it out. Theres hope. Yes Id pull out more stops for that then for misgendering and all the other useless shit that seems to occupy the minds of idiots.
You did figure it out. Theres hope. Yes Id pull out more stops for that then for misgendering and all the other useless shit that seems to occupy the minds of idiots.

the borders are not in the same category of that other shit.

nice moral equivalency jew hater.
the borders are not in the same category of that other shit.

nice moral equivalency jew hater.

You dont mind Jews getting killed but IM the Jew hater????????? When you dispshits go off the rails like this thats when I give even less consideration to your posts.
I would prefer jews not be killed. so you are wrong on that one.

Good then we agree that Israel has every right to defend itself against a group of people whos stated goal is to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth.
Good then we agree that Israel has every right to defend itself against a group of people whos stated goal is to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth.

i agree with all that.

but as an amerian i just think our blood and treasure should go to our borders first.
