Firing into Civilians - Israel isn't going after Hamas

And, if they choose to be mixed in with civilians then what?
If they remove the uniforms and "blend in" with the civilians, they become "unlawful combatants" and receive the harshest penalties. If they aren't killed on the battlefield then they are typically hanged afterwards upon capture (and a tribunal).
If they remove the uniforms and "blend in" with the civilians, they become "unlawful combatants" and receive the harshest penalties. If they aren't killed on the battlefield then they are typically hanged afterwards upon capture (and a tribunal).

Oh, so you think war is like the police going to arrest someone but ramped up like on steroids. You are imbecile.
Oh, so you think war is like the police going to arrest someone but ramped up like on steroids. You are imbecile.
Again, I never accused you of being knowledgeable or rational. Did you see what happened to Saddam Hussein? This would be a good time for you to deny any of that ever happened.



Again, I never accused you of being knowledgeable or rational. Did you see what happened to Saddam Hussein? This would be a good time for you to deny any of that ever happened.




Lose a war, deal with the consequences... Like I've said, The only real war crime is losing. If Saddam had won that war, he would have never gone on trial and been hanged...
Lose a war, deal with the consequences...
So you opted for denial. What happened to Saddam was not the consequences of losing the war but of being convicted of war crimes.


If one merely fights a war and loses without committing atrocities, there is only surrender and the signing of papers.


Like I've said, The only real war crime is losing.
That's completely false and I have already explained why, but you are merely chanting now, because you need to cling to your bigotry that rationalizes in your mind the slaughter of Palestinian civilians that you HATE for some reason. People such as you give legitimacy to monsters who killed many people on the basis that "they deserved it because I HATED them sufficiently." Your position is nothing of which to be proud.
if you take the gun from a dead Palestinian terrorist and take a picture of his body he automatically becomes an innocent fifteen year old......
So you opted for denial. What happened to Saddam was not the consequences of losing the war but of being convicted of war crimes.


If one merely fights a war and loses without committing atrocities, there is only surrender and the signing of papers.


That's completely false and I have already explained why, but you are merely chanting now, because you need to cling to your bigotry that rationalizes in your mind the slaughter of Palestinian civilians that you HATE for some reason. People such as you give legitimacy to monsters who killed many people on the basis that "they deserved it because I HATED them sufficiently." Your position is nothing of which to be proud.

Didn't this whole thing start when Hamas shot missiles into Israel, killing 1200 innocent people? Then proceeded to ravage and kill more innocent people (and families) in their homes and take 200 hostages?

It's not a matter of hate when defending your country from a terrorist organization who attacks unprovoked. What would you do?
Your intellectual fortitude is incomparable.

Irrelevant as I know who talib and the towelhead are. You can whine all you like but Hamas has set the table for what they are getting. As long as one of their stated goals is the elimination of Jews, AGAIN not the Israeli military or the state of Israel but Jews then they deserve what they get. You're whining and plays to emotion are not compelling.
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When it is over, the Palestinian's homes will be destroyed. Many citizens will be dead. The infrastructure will be wrecked. Then Israel will call for peace. The Palestinians cannot be expected to calmly and quietly accept Israelis slaughtering their people. After it is over, they will be under even more repressive Israeli control than they have been under for decades.

Palestinians, specifically Hamas, are the reason Palestinians are being killed. Israel has sent out messages telling them to leave. They often do warning shots at a building to warn people to get out. Hamas uses homes, schools, hospitals, etc as military locations because they know Israel is hesitant to attack those locations.
Irrelevant as I know who talks and the towelhead are.
I think that is what is totally irrelevant.

You can whine all you like ...
... and you may mischaracterize my concern about Israeli war crimes as "whining" all you like, but the bottom line is that you consider Palestinian civilians as sub-human scum.

... but Hamas has set the table for what they are getting.
You are once again making a cowardly attempt to conceal your bigotry by equating Palestinian civilians with Hamas terrorists and using the terms interchangeably. What you just wrote may read "Hamas" but you just expressed that you view Palestinian civilians as having set the table for (deserving) the Israeli war crimes being unleashed upon them. You are evil.

As long as one of their stated goals is the elimination of Jews,
Palestinian civilians are trying to live amongst Israelis. It seems that Israel and you both have the goal of eliminating the Palestinians. Why don't you just come out and say it? You broadcast as much when you try to rationalize how Palestinian civilians "deserve what they get."

By the way, I will reiterate that all of the above makes you a shitty person.

You're whining and plays to emotion are not compelling.
I don't see anyone, least of all myself, accusing you of having any compassion for the people you have apparently been raised to HATE. You are an incorrigible HATER and bigot.
Didn't this whole thing start when Hamas shot missiles into Israel, killing 1200 innocent people?
That depends on what you consider "this whole thing" to be. For Palestinian civilians, "this whole thing" started when Israel geared up for war against them. Yes, Israel publicly declared war against Hamas, but Israeli soldiers are killing Palestinian civilians ... with air strikes, and bullets. Thus far, about 4,500 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers, with about 1,000 being women and about 1,500 being children (under 18), and some of the deaths being due to air strikes on civilian targets containing sheltering Palestinians. This particular "this whole thing" was initiated by Israel, regardless of whether or not it was "in response" to something else.

Then proceeded to ravage and kill more innocent people (and families) in their homes and take 200 hostages?
That was in a different "this whole thing."

It's not a matter of hate when defending your country from a terrorist organization who attacks unprovoked.
You are totally correct. However, rampant war crimes against defenseless civilian populations is HATE, and is evil, immoral, illegal and never justified. Israel has no green light to commit war crimes.

What would you do?
I would defend my country without allowing the military to commit atrocities with impunity. Had I been in Israel's position, I would not have taken the Hitler path of rallying the home population to violence and HATE with racist vitriol against "Palestinians" and then unleashed the military to treat Palestinian civilians as though they were just going to be eradicated anyway once "this whole thing" is over.

Defending the home country = good
War Crimes = bad/unacceptable
You do not know if that is true. I heard Hamas left immediately. They are long gone. They used the tunnel system and went to Egypt. Israel is just slaughtering Palestinian civilians.

What source did you hear that from?

But we shall certainly see in the coming days when Israel starts their ground war.
I think that is what is totally irrelevant.

... and you may mischaracterize my concern about Israeli war crimes as "whining" all you like, but the bottom line is that you consider Palestinian civilians as sub-human scum.

You are once again making a cowardly attempt to conceal your bigotry by equating Palestinian civilians with Hamas terrorists and using the terms interchangeably. What you just wrote may read "Hamas" but you just expressed that you view Palestinian civilians as having set the table for (deserving) the Israeli war crimes being unleashed upon them. You are evil.

Palestinian civilians are trying to live amongst Israelis. It seems that Israel and you both have the goal of eliminating the Palestinians. Why don't you just come out and say it? You broadcast as much when you try to rationalize how Palestinian civilians "deserve what they get."

By the way, I will reiterate that all of the above makes you a shitty person.

I don't see anyone, least of all myself, accusing you of having any compassion for the people you have apparently been raised to HATE. You are an incorrigible HATER and bigot.

As long as Hamas seeks to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth I have no sympathy for them and anyone who does is as evil as they are.
Palestinians, specifically Hamas, are the reason Palestinians are being killed. Israel has sent out messages telling them to leave. They often do warning shots at a building to warn people to get out. Hamas uses homes, schools, hospitals, etc as military locations because they know Israel is hesitant to attack those locations.

How do you know Hamas is there? I read they left after the attack. They are long gone and Israel is bombing the Palestinians. If you look at the photos of the damage, you would not make that claim.
As long as Hamas seeks to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth I have no sympathy for them and anyone who does is as evil as they are.
You just pivoted in order to be EVASIVE. As long as the Ayatollah seeks to eliminate the Jews, you'll seek to eradicate Palestinians. Your logic is impeccable.
Palestinians, specifically Hamas, are the reason Palestinians are being killed.
Not good enough. Let's continue with your (il)logic and see where that leads us.

* Humans, specifically Hamas, are the reason humans are being killed. Israelis therefore have the moral green light to kill any humans they desire by any means that they desire.

Israel has sent out messages telling them to leave.
* Let's suppose, hypothetically of course, that the US were at war with, say, Japan. Would it be perfectly OK for the US to tell all "Japanese" people to leave, for their own protection, of course?
* Let's suppose, hypothetically of course, that the US had told all "Japanese" people to leave. Would it be perfectly OK for the US to launch air strikes on the homes of any who did not, or could not, leave?
* Let's suppose, hypothetically of course, that the US had launched air strikes on "Japanese" people who didn't leave as directed, resulting in thousands being killed. Would it be appropriate to blame those so killed as "getting what they deserve" and pointing to the fact that "they were told to leave"?

They often do warning shots at a building to warn people to get out.
There is no such thing as a "warning shot" air strike.

Hamas uses homes, schools, hospitals, etc as military locations because they know Israel is hesitant to attack those locations.
How wrong they are! Israel apparently has no compunction against attacking any of those sites without checking who is within.