First Annual Fake News Awards

Meh, not to diss economists but economics isn’t a hard science. At least not compared to physics, astronomy or etc.

Too much human element.

Human behavior, as a general manner, is predictable. Not with the accuracy of planetary orbits, but as overall trends.
Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine and Upton Sinclair were advocacy journalists, Shit fer brains.
evince is correct, the most credible explanation is that you are a Russian.
You just don't understand the basics of being American.

And they let their audience know that plainly. Yet you liberals insist that CNN newsreaders are unbiased and impartial. lol
So Woodward and Bernstein were wrong?
Gotta love the irony. Not unlike trump. POTUS wants to jail journalists who print classified material that was leaked by his administration, but he hailed Russia for stealing/publishing stolen documents from DNC. If memory serves, Annoise also hailed Snowden for leaking classified documents.
I don’t know where you’re getting this claptrap that the ‘4th estate’ is somehow threatened by Trump labeling them Fake News. Granted, it could affect their bottom lines but their freedom to indulge in Fake News is very much intact.

Do you have actual evidence that the media’s right to market Fake News has been abridged, by anyone? If so, can you share it with us?

The media has no legal right to publish fake news.
Thanks for again displaying your vast ignorance.
The media has no legal right to publish fake news.
Thanks for again displaying your vast ignorance.


The media can publish anything they want. They can even publish fake Dossiers.

And they’re totally free to whine about being called Fake News when they do. And Trump is free to go on Twitter tirades about it.

Why do you hate freedom?

The media can publish anything they want. They can even publish fake Dossiers.

And they’re totally free to whine about being called Fake News when they do. And Trump is free to go on Twitter tirades about it.

Why do you hate freedom?
He's not called Runeatic without reason.

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Human behavior, as a general manner, is predictable. Not with the accuracy of planetary orbits, but as overall trends.

That's really what you're going with. Any economist who doesn't accurately predict where the economy will be in one month, one year, 4 years, 10 years - they're "lying" because it's so completely predictable.

Let's just get it out there that you're so dug in on proving that Trump is "right" with his fake news awards that this is how far you've gone w/ it.

It's quite something.
Originally Posted by Rune
The media has no legal right to publish fake news.
Thanks for again displaying your vast ignorance.
OMG.. get a clue. whats the recourse? slander? that's not available for public citizens.

The media has Constitutional protection to be a lying rag.
Or CNN lying about Mike Browns hands being in the air.

NBC editing Zimmermans 911 call to make him sound racist.

The list is endless.
That's really what you're going with. Any economist who doesn't accurately predict where the economy will be in one month, one year, 4 years, 10 years - they're "lying" because it's so completely predictable.

Let's just get it out there that you're so dug in on proving that Trump is "right" with his fake news awards that this is how far you've gone w/ it.

It's quite something.

It’s more like the Krugman thing is all you have to hang your hat on lol.

If Krugman was the end all be all to Fake News you’d have an argument.

The media can publish anything they want. They can even publish fake Dossiers.

And they’re totally free to whine about being called Fake News when they do. And Trump is free to go on Twitter tirades about it.

Why do you hate freedom?

Or CNN lying about Mike Browns hands being in the air.

NBC editing Zimmermans 911 call to make him sound racist.

The list is endless.
and the systematic non-publishing of good news for Trump..misleading headlines //slanted coverage.
It’s more like the Krugman thing is all you have to hang your hat on lol.

If Krugman was the end all be all to Fake News you’d have an argument.

It's #1 on the list.

Most of the rest of the list is pathetic. A tweet about a rally crowd? Overfeeding fish? Stories that outlets did the right thing & immediately either retracted or corrected?

And with Russian collusion, again we're going back to opinion shows. People who have DEFINITIVELY stated collusion are expressing their opinion.

This whole thing is ridiculously overblown, and Trump made a fool of himself presenting it.