First post-debate poll reveals startling results in Trump-Biden battle: Who would’ve predicted this?

Interesting poll. In spite of that disaster before the cameras Biden held his own. I think it suggests the more ordinary Americans see of Trump the
less they like him. He can bluster all over Biden in a debate, coming off as younger and stronger, but not more honest or caring, not better for the country.
Why is the New York Times calling for Biden, AKA The Turnip, to withdraw from the race, Marty?

“Biden held his own,” really, Marty?

Are you alright, Marty?

Trump ate his lunch and dinner.

Biden looked like a dazed zombie.

Poor Marty.
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Oh they don't like this!

Wake up, old man. The thread is about a poll, not the debate.
Well, old man, you posted:

“He can bluster all over Biden in a debate, coming off as younger and stronger, but not more honest or caring, not better for the country..”

Are you well, Marty?

Poor, poor Marty.
Well, old man, you posted:

“He can bluster all over Biden in a debate, coming off as younger and stronger, but not more honest or caring, not better for the country..”

Are you well, Marty?

Poor, poor Marty.
Earl, obsess over someone else for a change, please.

But, yes, if I have to fill it our for you. The poll suggests "he can bluster all over Biden in a debate......" but not come off as better for the country.
Earl, obsess over someone else for a change, please.

But, yes, if I have to fill it our for you. The poll suggests "he can bluster all over Biden in a debate......" but not come off as better for the country.
“Fill it our for you.”

Are you well. Marty?

I worry about you, Marty.

So, you did post about the debate, Marty.

I responded to your post about the debate, Marty.

Do try to keep up, Marty.

The NY Times thinks Biden, AKA the Turnip, did so well in the debate that they are advising him to withdraw.
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Although many Democratic voters say they would prefer President Joe Biden step aside as the party’s nominee after Thursday’s weak debate performance, a new Morning Consult poll reveals that Biden’s support actually improved after the debate.

Biden gained a point in the latest survey.

There is not mechanism in place to make Biden step aside?!! Biden's wife told him don't let a 90 minute fiasco define your three and half years as president?!! The only way you can replace Biden now, is for Biden to step down?!! 60% of voters want Biden replaced as candidate after debate, poll says, I was one of them too?!! But that being said, I will vote for him in November?!!
There is not mechanism in place to make Biden step aside?!! Biden's wife told him don't let a 90 minute fiasco define your three and half years as president?!! The only way you can replace Biden now, is for Biden to step down?!! 60% of voters want Biden replaced as candidate after debate, poll says, I was one of them too?!! But that being said, I will vote for him in November?!!
You are going to vote for a turnip?

How bizarre.
“Fill it our for you.”

Are you well. Marty?

I worry about you, Marty.

So, you did post about the debate, Marty.

I responded to your post about the debate, Marty.

Do try to keep up, Marty.

The NY Times thinks Biden, AKA the Turnip, did so well in the debate that they are advising him to withdraw.
Wow, you really are on an attention-whore rampage tonight.

Sober up, pEarl. You're going to be so embarrassed tomorrow as it is. lol
These fiction writers are trying to sell two narratives which when taken together do not compute....More people like Biden even as more people want him replaced.

Wow, you really are on an attention-whore rampage tonight.

Sober up, pEarl. You're going to be so embarrassed tomorrow as it is. lol
Trumpers everwhere may soon have to wake up. The new 538 post debate poll shows virtually no change, Biden still a point ahead.

I wonder if the net result of the debate might be a decrease in Trump's already shaky likability numbers, not the disaster for Biden it looked like at first blush.
Trumpers everwhere may soon have to wake up. The new 538 post debate poll shows virtually no change, Biden still a point ahead.

I wonder if the net result of the debate might be a decrease in Trump's already shaky likability numbers, not the disaster for Biden it looked like at first blush.
Why has the N.Y. Times asked Biden AKA the Turnip, to withdraw, Marty?'s not because he did swell in the debate, Marty.
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These fiction writers are trying to sell two narratives which when taken together do not compute....More people like Biden even as more people want him replaced.

You think. The two are not incompatible, and they might round out in a good way for Biden if he can recover his mojo as he showed in his post debate North Carolina appearance: "...and I know that when you get knocked down, YOU GET BACK UP."

If you haven't seen that clip you soon will.
Why has the N.Y. Times asked Biden AKA the Turnip, to withdraw, Marty>'s not because he did swell in the debate, Marty.

No, he didn't do swell in the debate and many of us thought the same thing. Many of us, including the Times, may find we were hasty.
Well, let's see...

538 says, in effect, that Trump trounced Biden in the debate overwhelmingly, but it had little impact on people's positions. That is, most people have already made up their minds about the election

Also, the two most important issues to voters are the economy and illegal immigration. Other issues, like abortion or the environment, are an after thought.

Ipsos agrees with that

Overall, I'd say polling indicates that somewhere between 2 in 3 and 3 out of 4 people think Trump crushed Biden in that debate. At the same time, it didn't move many in terms of voting and the potential election outcome. On the whole, the debate was a debacle for Biden but will only result in a minor shift at the polls in November, if anything. However, that means Biden's already slim chances of winning the election just got slimmer.
Well, let's see...

538 says, in effect, that Trump trounced Biden in the debate overwhelmingly, but it had little impact on people's positions. That is, most people have already made up their minds about the election

Also, the two most important issues to voters are the economy and illegal immigration. Other issues, like abortion or the environment, are an after thought.

Ipsos agrees with that

Overall, I'd say polling indicates that somewhere between 2 in 3 and 3 out of 4 people think Trump crushed Biden in that debate. At the same time, it didn't move many in terms of voting and the potential election outcome. On the whole, the debate was a debacle for Biden but will only result in a minor shift at the polls in November, if anything. However, that means Biden's already slim chances of winning the election just got slimmer.

Trump still leads in all 7 swing states.