First post-debate poll reveals startling results in Trump-Biden battle: Who would’ve predicted this?

The figures don’t lie, Gecko…60% is a large majority.

This is also what the poll said, idiot.

“When the survey asked respondents to choose between Biden and former President Trump, 45% chose the president and 44% chose the former commander-in-chief.”

So, they want him replaced, but will vote for him anyway.
This is also what the poll said, idiot.

“When the survey asked respondents to choose between Biden and former President Trump, 45% chose the president and 44% chose the former commander-in-chief.”

So, they want him replaced, but will vote for him anyway.
Anyone but Trump. The country is getting tired of his selfish bullshit. He's wearing thin. By November it will be considerably thinner.
Like Biden's being endorsed by the Border Patrol? Like his claim that fewer border crossings are happening than when Trump was POTUS? Like his pretense that the shutdowns were called by Trump, when they were entirely democrat in origin? His pretending that more people didn't die of COVID under him than Trump? Etc., etc.
The difference at the borders was nothing Trump was doing, except his mishandling of Covid. People were holed up during the Trump disease. That includes immigrants.
Well, let's see...

538 says, in effect, that Trump trounced Biden in the debate overwhelmingly, but it had little impact on people's positions. That is, most people have already made up their minds about the election

Also, the two most important issues to voters are the economy and illegal immigration. Other issues, like abortion or the environment, are an after thought.

Ipsos agrees with that

Overall, I'd say polling indicates that somewhere between 2 in 3 and 3 out of 4 people think Trump crushed Biden in that debate. At the same time, it didn't move many in terms of voting and the potential election outcome. On the whole, the debate was a debacle for Biden but will only result in a minor shift at the polls in November, if anything. However, that means Biden's already slim chances of winning the election just got slimmer.
I still think women's reproductive rights are very important to millions and not the afterthought you suggest. Repubs here in PA thought the same as you back in 2022. That position was part of what put John Fetterman in office.

Abortion access proved to be a powerful force in 2022 midterm elections
I still think women's reproductive rights are very important to millions and not the afterthought you suggest. Repubs here in PA thought the same as you back in 2022. That position was part of what put John Fetterman in office.

Abortion access proved to be a powerful force in 2022 midterm elections
But it isn't a top issue outside the Left. The economy and illegal immigration top the list. Those are two things the Democrats are avoiding discussing like the plague.

Although many Democratic voters say they would prefer President Joe Biden step aside as the party’s nominee after Thursday’s weak debate performance, a new Morning Consult poll reveals that Biden’s support actually improved after the debate.

Biden gained a point in the latest survey.

^^^^^^^^^^ - Convinced there is no problem so big or overwhelming that it can't be lied away.
But it isn't a top issue outside the Left. The economy and illegal immigration top the list. Those are two things the Democrats are avoiding discussing like the plague.
Count it out at your own risk. PA went for trump in 2016 but took a sharp left turn in 2022, mostly because of abortion. Look at it specifically from a woman's point of view. And women are in the majority in the US.