Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World

you are 12
Dude, check your self.
There's research on hydrogen vehicle's coming out the wazzu's and even cars on the road with them. Please forgive me if I don't piss my pants cause you caught a pbs on the issue. Here's a clue for you, I'm 48 and have accumulated a mil already mostly in oils stocks. Don't you think somebody like me has read a hundred articles like the one you quoted.
Are daily lookups for me, the thing you say was on these website long ago.
you are 12
Dude, check your self.
There's research on hydrogen vehicle's coming out the wazzu's and even cars on the road with them. Please forgive me if I don't piss my pants cause you caught a pbs on the issue. Here's a clue for you, I'm 48 and have accumulated a mil already mostly in oils stocks. Don't you think somebody like me has read a hundred articles like the one you quoted.
Are daily lookups for me, the thing you say was on these website long ago.

You asked for a link for what I saw. I provided it. Don't be such a dweeb.

You act like a child. You asked I provided, you didn't like, so now you are throwing a tantrum. Repeating "You are 12" doesn't change that I found exactly what I said I would.

The new research is going in this direction. Pretending that it isn't relevant is pretense.
I asked to show me where ethanol was produced and sold in large quantity using other than corn.
You post this research like you got me, who's the dweeb. You are moron.
I asked to show me where ethanol was produced and sold in large quantity using other than corn.
You post this research like you got me, who's the dweeb. You are moron.
I didn't say I would produce that. I said I saw a show on Discovery. You said you didn't and talked up how great you were because of that.

I provided a link to what I saw. As I said I would look for. Note my first post. "The research is going in this direction now... I saw this show on Discovery... I'll try to find a link..."

Now quit with the "My eco-gas knowledge is bigger than yours" junior high crap. I produced a link to what I saw, as I said I would try to find.

This is where the research is heading. Using catalysts to create gasoline rather than ethanol and using non-grain sources like switchgrass.
I quess you should get a cookie or an atta boy for watching discovery channel Damo.
I went back and checked, I asked for large quantities of ethanol from other than corn. You DIDN'T provide it then said I wasn't paying attention as if I didn't understand your post. IF you act like a tool, you should get treated like a tool.
I quess you should get a cookie or an atta boy for watching discovery channel Damo.
I went back and checked, I asked for large quantities of ethanol from other than corn. You DIDN'T provide it then said I wasn't paying attention as if I didn't understand your post. IF you act like a tool, you should get treated like a tool.
You asked somebody else for that. What part of that is a mystery to you?

Are you incapable of compartmentalizing conversations and understanding that different people are saying different things? Seriously, do you have a learning disability?
dude I asked for ethanol sold in large COMMERCIAL QUANTITIES. IE an existing real world solution.
I was asking freak cause he mentioned switchgrass, you post some widley know RESEARCH as if it came close to what I ask and said I can't read.
Your wound up too tight Damo, this is not a commerical alternative TODAY.
dude I asked for ethanol sold in large COMMERCIAL QUANTITIES. IE an existing real world solution.
I was asking freak cause he mentioned switchgrass, you post some widley know RESEARCH as if it came close to what I ask and said I can't read.
Your wound up too tight Damo, this is not a commerical alternative TODAY.
Again. I added to the conversation speaking about something I saw on TV, said I would look for a link to it, then provided it.

Different person, different conversation. And yes, I pointed out the fact that you said you hadn't seen the show and used that for a small dig on whether you were paying attention or not. However, I am not the person you asked for a link to some production of Ethanol. I was adding to the thread with a side conversation.

Again, please tell me, do you have a learning disability that makes you incapable of compartmentalizing conversations and makes you unable to tell the difference between people you are talking to? If so, I'll no longer dig on you for not paying attention.
you didn't provide what I asked for then acted as if I din'nt understand what you provided.
You can have your cookie and I guess I'll stay away from discussions with you if you going to freak when someone throw shit down with you after you tardoff on them. Later
you didn't provide what I asked for then acted as if I din'nt understand what you provided.
You can have your cookie and I guess I'll stay away from discussions with you if you going to freak when someone throw shit down with you after you tardoff on them. Later
You didn't ask me for it.

What part of that is difficult for you?

Again, one more time. Do you have a learning disability? If not, then please pay attention. Only one person is "freaking" here.
I quess you should get a cookie or an atta boy for watching discovery channel Damo.
I went back and checked, I asked for large quantities of ethanol from other than corn. You DIDN'T provide it then said I wasn't paying attention as if I didn't understand your post. IF you act like a tool, you should get treated like a tool.

So because we aren't currently producing something in large quantities that means it is not possible to produce it in large quantities?

The complete ignorance of that position is quite funny toppy.

Just because we ARE using primarily corn doesn't mean we HAVE to. Now do be a good boy and quit acting like a petulent little child.
dude I asked for ethanol sold in large COMMERCIAL QUANTITIES. IE an existing real world solution.
I was asking freak cause he mentioned switchgrass, you post some widley know RESEARCH as if it came close to what I ask and said I can't read.
Your wound up too tight Damo, this is not a commerical alternative TODAY.

well you twit.... producing corn based ethanol is a net loser for the economy. So, tell us oh wise guru master teacher... should we continue to produce it because we are currently doing so or should we stop production of it and find an economically viable option? Preferably one that doesn't tap into our food supply.
I didn't realize he really was getting upset! Wow. I have the POWER!!!!11!!!shift@!!11plus!!11one!
GOD you fuckers are clueless.
OK, maybe it's me. This is my industry we're talking here.
Commercialization means, somebody puts up money to build a plead. Freak dumbass that's for you.
Again Damo, my bad for slamming you on providing something I've been knowing and hadn't asked freak for.
P.S. I'll assume the investors who put up real money for the 5 billions barrells of corn ethonal know a little more than a partisan hack like freak.
GOD you fuckers are clueless.
OK, maybe it's me. This is my industry we're talking here.
Commercialization means, somebody puts up money to build a plead. Freak dumbass that's for you.
Again Damo, my bad for slamming you on providing something I've been knowing and hadn't asked freak for.

That is quite funny toppy.... your industry? Give me a break.

Commercialization means someone builds a plead???? I am not even going to attempt to decipher that.
A plant for production.
Just because you and some partisan hack say ethanol is not profitable doesn't make it soo. Like I said, Cash is king and King is selling 5 BILLION BARRELLS OF IT. DORK