freedom, without pot??


Verified User
today we should reflect on the racist mother fucking republicans who claimed decades ago that blacks would rape their white wives if allowed to smoke pot and mexicans wouldn't work.
And how about the spineless dems who disagree but are to wussyfied to change it.:clink:
The marijuana laws are ridiculous. Legalize pot, tax it like we do booze & cigarettes and cure the deficit.
i recommend that all 'vices' (e.g., recreational drugs, gambling, prostitution) be legalized, taxed and regulated and available to adults
today we should reflect on the racist mother fucking republicans who claimed decades ago that blacks would rape their white wives if allowed to smoke pot and mexicans wouldn't work.
And how about the spineless dems who disagree but are to wussyfied to change it.:clink:


Virtually all the racists were Democrats.

More Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than Democrats.

And which party was founded for the purpose of abolition?

The Republican Party.

Learn history!
Oh, and while I do believe pot should be legal, one has to be a real loser to bitch and whine about pot laws on an internet message board, as if pot being illegal is somehow ruining your life. Get real!
The racist party of the moment is whatever party holds the south.

Learn history!

Google "new right" - that's the face of new racism right there.

Point out ONE racist Republican who holds National office.

Even if that were true, it has nothing to do with what Topspin is claiming, namely, that Republicans have traditionally been the racist party, when in fact that title belongs to the Democrats.
then why are republincans still supporting jailing people for using a natural pain reliever.
1. Ghestapo tendencies
2. Clinging to the KKK past
3. Dumb fucks
then why are republincans still supporting jailing people for using a natural pain reliever.
1. Ghestapo tendencies
2. Clinging to the KKK past
3. Dumb fucks

What the Hell do modern pot laws have to do with racism?

Besides, I remind you that BOTH parties support pot laws.

I've decided you're an idiot.
Like I said spineless dems.
The only prominent politicians that are for reducing penalties are democrats ya retard.
Oh, and while I do believe pot should be legal, one has to be a real loser to bitch and whine about pot laws on an internet message board, as if pot being illegal is somehow ruining your life. Get real!

wasted tax dollars
lost tax revenues

You are a retard
I'm glad pot is still illegal because corporate lawyers would have driven corporate scientists to geneticaly engineer weak ass pot so they could reduce liabilities.

Keep it on the streets!!
yeah so they can jail 700,000 kids.
No it's not ruining my life, I'm 48 and won't be riding around blowing dubbies Like I was in the 70's. Pretty sure my kids are done with that phase, I don't need my tax dollars spent that way and corp america could save billions by reducing testing.
Thonicus is so you I bet his breath smells like Gerber baby food.

You're an idiot.

BOTH Democrats and Republicans have funded and voiced their support for the war against drugs. Ultimately, BOTH parties want to tell YOU how to run your own life. There's not a dime's worth of difference between the two. If you think otherwise, you're an imbecile.

And frankly I don't care about the kids being "locked up" for smoking pot. The solution is simple: DON'T SMOKE IT.

Pot laws have no impact on my life whatsoever. I'd prefer it be legal, but in the meantime, I'm not losing sleep.