freedom, without pot??

Cause as I state earlier, they have enough problems with alcohol being legal and all those consequences. They don't need to make things more difficult then they all ready are.

If they legalize it, they have to regulate it. If they have to regulate it they need to create an infrastructure to enforce the regulations. Then they have to address the health problems and social consequences of legalizing it. Considering they all ready have enough head aches of these nature I can understand why those in government have little, if any, incentive to legalize it.

Pot isn't going to "make things more difficult than they already are". Anyone who will smoke pot whenever it's legal is smoking it now. And frankly, I don't care about THE GOVERNMENTS incentive to legalize anything. I care about our inventive. What we're doing right now, it's just a ridiculously expensive way to raise the price of pot that winds up costing young people their adult lives behind bars. It's just not right, and you as well as I know that its completely impractical and unworkable.

Give me liberty or give me death.
Cause as I state earlier, they have enough problems with alcohol being legal and all those consequences. They don't need to make things more difficult then they all ready are.

If they legalize it, they have to regulate it. If they have to regulate it they need to create an infrastructure to enforce the regulations. Then they have to address the health problems and social consequences of legalizing it. Considering they all ready have enough head aches of these nature I can understand why those in government have little, if any, incentive to legalize it.

Real smart!. Do those problem suddenly not exist because it's illegal? Law enforcement and encarceration costs DWARF the wildest estimates you can come up with for administrative costs of regulating weed. Lost tax revs thrown in. it's a no brainer
why it should be legalized.
1. Many doctors recommend it for pain, Nausia, glaucoma
2. It's was racist reasons given for the prohibition, though Don could be right about the large coprs not wanting the competion.
3. Taxing it could indeed reep billions, and save billions pissed away on the phoney war.
why it should be legalized.
1. Many doctors recommend it for pain, Nausia, glaucoma
2. It's was racist reasons given for the prohibition, though Don could be right about the large coprs not wanting the competion.
3. Taxing it could indeed reep billions, and save billions pissed away on the phoney war.


but wait, think of all of the law enforcement, probation and correctional officers thrown out of work

but wait, think of all of the law enforcement, probation and correctional officers thrown out of work
Sounds like reason for celebration. Think of the poor Prison Industrial Complex and the profits that will be lost without millions in prison!
as a first step it should be a citation if caught with less then a z and not a criminal offense. Additionally it should ALWAYS be available for medical use.
It's really fucking stupid to make cannabis illegal. But every society needs its demons and every gutless hypocritical politician needs a demon to work up so that they can get their fucking lazy arses back into office. So cannabis is illegal even though it's really stupid to make it so. It has created the sort of organised crime we're suffering under now. A fucking plant.

I've never used it and I wouldn't even if it were legal, I haven't even used tobacco because the thought of smoking makes me ill but to criminalise cannabis is the most immense stupidity and I despise the piss-weak politicians who continue the bullshit propaganda.
Can't do the time don't do the crime.

Or as the Republicans say "do not get caught". Or be in the entertainment industry.

always obey the 11th commandment - thou shalt not get favorite

yep and always blame it on whomever you think caused to get caught.

don't get me wrong I think pot should be regulated taxed heavially and sold in liquor stores. the only issue is how to determine an intoxication level / test for DUI like alcohol.

But as long as it is illegal....
Can't do the time don't do the crime.

Or as the Republicans say "do not get caught". Or be in the entertainment industry.

yep and always blame it on whomever you think caused to get caught.

don't get me wrong I think pot should be regulated taxed heavially and sold in liquor stores. the only issue is how to determine an intoxication level / test for DUI like alcohol.

But as long as it is illegal....


there is a test for pot but i do not know if they have developed a 'dui' level yet
There shouldn't be a level for cannabis and there shouldn't be a level for alcohol either. DUI is a separate offence from driving with a prescribed concentration of alcohol (or another drug) in your blood. With DUI a police officer has to give evidence of impaired driving. With a blood reading there doesn't have to be any impaired driving, it's a status offence. It's assumed that at (insert level of alcohol - in Australia it's .05 in all jurisdictions) that level the driver is impaired but that doesn't follow. But politicians like it that way.
Right just got it or not test. Detects even weeks ago useage. Not intocation levels, that to me is the main problem with legalizing it.
It is already illegal to drive while using pot. They test intoxication levels by your reaction and abilities to prove that you are "influenced" by it. Many people have been busted for DUID, and all without a test for blood levels.
It is already illegal to drive while using pot. They test intoxication levels by your reaction and abilities to prove that you are "influenced" by it. Many people have been busted for DUID, and all without a test for blood levels.


right, it is a field sobriety test - walk a straight line, touch nose, lean over backwards

only problem with that test is that i could not pass it sober...
Farily easy to beat in court too if you have a good lawyer.
Now if there is a medical test to back up the DUI charge....
None of that stops people from using and driving, well the irresponsible ones anyway. Nor does it change that one can show evidence and convict those people for driving regardless.

Also, testing is rarely done because the stuff is illegal, it is very possible with it being legal they can and will come up with a more scientific method.