freedom, without pot??

Pot laws have no impact on my life whatsoever. I'd prefer it be legal, but in the meantime, I'm not losing sleep.

Well good for you, you cowardly little shit.

Sit around while thousands of kids get their lives and careers ruined for this bullshit "war."
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You're being overly dramatic.

I did NOT state that I don't care about the people whose lives have been devastated by the war against drugs; I'm fully aware of the damage it has caused. What I said is that I don't care about the kids who get locked away in juvie for a week or two, and learn a hard lesson in the process. Do I agree with that approach to the issue? Not at all. But kids know better; they shouldn't be smoking pot anyway.

Can we agree?

The war against drugs is a terrible waste of resources, one that continues to be supported by BOTH major parties. This is not the Dem vs Rep issue that Topspin makes it out to be. If we want reform, we're going to have to elect Libertarians and Greens to national office, or sensible people like Ron Paul.
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the tax could pay for fee healthcare and college for everyone.:cof1:

I was mentioned that to my congressman who was at a campaign meet n greet. I asked him with pot being less dangerous than either alcohol and tobacco why didn't they legalize it? He gave a good answer, he said "Christ! We have enough problems with alcohol and tobacco.
Look, if alcohol is legal then why isn't pot?

Cause as I state earlier, they have enough problems with alcohol being legal and all those consequences. They don't need to make things more difficult then they all ready are.

If they legalize it, they have to regulate it. If they have to regulate it they need to create an infrastructure to enforce the regulations. Then they have to address the health problems and social consequences of legalizing it. Considering they all ready have enough head aches of these nature I can understand why those in government have little, if any, incentive to legalize it.
Yeah all that wasteful spending and abuses of power is hard enough for our leaders. Why make pot legal when so much time and money is wasted arresting people for it and all those court hearings?...
Point out ONE racist Republican who holds National office.

Even if that were true, it has nothing to do with what Topspin is claiming, namely, that Republicans have traditionally been the racist party, when in fact that title belongs to the Democrats.


yeah, like jessie helms

the reps have turned their backs on non-whites in recent decades
Cause as I state earlier, they have enough problems with alcohol being legal and all those consequences. They don't need to make things more difficult then they all ready are.

If they legalize it, they have to regulate it. If they have to regulate it they need to create an infrastructure to enforce the regulations. Then they have to address the health problems and social consequences of legalizing it. Considering they all ready have enough head aches of these nature I can understand why those in government have little, if any, incentive to legalize it.


try looking at what happens when the government makes illegal what the people want, even if they are hypocrites about it, like prohibition worked real well to suppress alcohol

there are too many people that go to church on sunday but feel free to sin the other 6 days of the week
As far as I can tell.


pot was made illegal for the following reasons:

prohibition was just over and the liquor industry did not want the competition;

hearst had paper mills set up to make paper from wood pulp when the residue left over from extracting thc from the cannabis plant or using the fiber from male plants;

cotton growers did not want competition from male cannabis plant fiber - note that the fda and usda keep male pot plants from being grown because of the minuscule amount of thc in the plant;

it is too cheap to grow so there is little profit in legal pot;

too many people are hypocrites about drugs - same reason for prohibition
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I'm glad pot is still illegal because corporate lawyers would have driven corporate scientists to geneticaly engineer weak ass pot so they could reduce liabilities.

Keep it on the streets!!


or let people grow their own