

"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem." http://jezebel.com/5968540/fuck-you-guns?tag=gun-control

Just as acts of terror are addressed by society, continuous acts of terror with guns are the responsibility of the society that allows them to repeat themselves ad infinitum. If a plane crashed daily the wackos who think the 2nd amendment is about freedom to murder would be up in arms. They'd blame someone for surely it would be someone else's fault. Those who feel the need to be armed to the teeth are the weak and cowardly and this woman was another prepper according to an article today. Another nutcase loony with a sick son. Great combination.

"The tragedy isn’t one school shooting, it’s the unceasing toll across our country. More Americans die in gun homicides and suicides in six months than have died in the last 25 years in every terrorist attack and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined." Article below.

And what others do:

"Other countries offer a road map. In Australia in 1996, a mass killing of 35 people galvanized the nation’s conservative prime minister to ban certain rapid-fire long guns. The “national firearms agreement,” as it was known, led to the buyback of 650,000 guns and to tighter rules for licensing and safe storage of those remaining in public hands.

The law did not end gun ownership in Australia. It reduced the number of firearms in private hands by one-fifth, and they were the kinds most likely to be used in mass shootings.

In the 18 years before the law, Australia suffered 13 mass shootings — but not one in the 14 years after the law took full effect. The murder rate with firearms has dropped by more than 40 percent, according to data compiled by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, and the suicide rate with firearms has dropped by more than half.

Or we can look north to Canada. It now requires a 28-day waiting period to buy a handgun, and it imposes a clever safeguard: gun buyers should have the support of two people vouching for them." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/16/opinion/sunday/kristof-do-we-have-the-courage-to-stop-this.html


the rights ability to scream down sanity is dying.

This is true of most of their historically failed ideas now.

Their little tactic of screaming so loud people mistakenly think they are the majority has lost its luster
Respect them by starting the conversation right now.

You don't want a national conversation, you want to enforce your anti-gun views on the rest of society against its will. THAT is what you want, the only thing you want, so why don't we start by being honest about that in our conversation?

You see, you defiantly don't want to have the conversation about putting God back in schools... no way you want to have THAT conversation. You don't want to have the conversation about how our culture has abandoned God and morality because it's the "cool" thing to do these days. You don't even want to have the conversation about involuntary institutionalization of mentally disturbed people. You will refuse to have a conversation about the "death culture" found in our video games, music videos, and movies. You don't want to talk about rappers glorifying violence and "capping" people. All those things are off the table in your national discussion, the only thing you want to discuss is taking liberty away from law-abiding gun owners in America.
and you dicksee want to handle your "gun" all day long so you can feel safe and powerful while children die
and you dicksee want to handle your "gun" all day long so you can feel safe and powerful while children die

If the principle had been armed with a legal concealed weapon, this tragedy would have never happened. Granted, you may be here whining about a principle shooting an autistic 20-year-old, but I think we could all probably live with that.
If the principle had been armed with a legal concealed weapon, this tragedy would have never happened. Granted, you may be here whining about a principle shooting an autistic 20-year-old, but I think we could all probably live with that.

Man, if I hear another person talking about arming our principals, I may go out of my mind.

What makes you think that every principal wants a gun, or would want to keep a gun in the office at school, or would want to have the responsibility of shooting someone if necessary, or even could pull a trigger against another human being, even in the craziest circumstances?

It's insane.
Man, if I hear another person talking about arming our principals, I may just lose it.

What makes you think that every principal wants a gun, or would want to keep a gun in the office at school, or would want to have the responsibility of shooting someone if necessary, or even could pull a trigger against another human being, even in the craziest circumstances?

It's insane.

And you know how people like Dicksee would repay the principals and teachers for their new found job discription?

KILL their unions and CUT their pay
Man, if I hear another person talking about arming our principals, I may go out of my mind.

What makes you think that every principal wants a gun, or would want to keep a gun in the office at school, or would want to have the responsibility of shooting someone if necessary, or even could pull a trigger against another human being, even in the craziest circumstances?

It's insane.

Fire em! Get em out the fucking school if they don't want to carry a gun! Hire someone who isn't afraid of guns, doesn't mind carrying one, and knows how to use it. Problem solved!
Fire em! Get em out the fucking school if they don't want to carry a gun! Hire someone who isn't afraid of guns, doesn't mind carrying one, and knows how to use it. Problem solved!

Good plan! Make the top priority for hiring school administrators comfort & skill with a gun.

Gotta love the priorities of the "gun enthusiasts" of America.
Good plan! Make the top priority for hiring school administrators comfort & skill with a gun.

Gotta love the priorities of the "gun enthusiasts" of America.

Wouldn't be the "top priority" and I never said that. Stop being such an extremist.

We have a right to keep and bear arms in America. Until you fucking repeal the 2nd Amendment, that's how it is. Sorry!
and you cant own a rocket launcher either.

The second amendment has already been deterimied by the scotus to be able to do that.

semis are next
and you cant own a rocket launcher either.

The second amendment has already been deterimied by the scotus to be able to do that.

semis are next

I own a rocket launcher. I own fully-automatic machine guns. You'll never find them, the ATF will never know where they are. I am a peaceful, relatively harmless person minding my own business, and I will defiantly refuse to turn over my guns to the government, what kind of trouble do you think you may run into with people who are not as "civil" as me?

You're not taking people's guns away. I'm sorry, I know this tragedy has you all emotional and distressed, and you think that you somehow have authority you don't have, in light of the elections, but I suggest you get a grip on reality before things start to get bloody. Gun owners are NOT going to turn their guns over to you. NOT GUNNA HAPPEN!
If the principle had been armed with a legal concealed weapon, this tragedy would have never happened. Granted, you may be here whining about a principle shooting an autistic 20-year-old, but I think we could all probably live with that.
I never cease to be amazed by your stupidity, Dixie. You mis-read, deliberately mis-understand and, even at a time like this, cannot see the truth that people have been showing you for years.
You, as far as I can tell, epitomise the very worst of America.
I never cease to be amazed by your stupidity, Dixie. You mis-read, deliberately mis-understand and, even at a time like this, cannot see the truth that people have been showing you for years.
You, as far as I can tell, epitomise the very worst of America.

The TRUTH is, we've allowed 40 years of counter-culture upbringing, denouncement of morality and God, and restrictions of the ability to lock away the insane. During this time, we've passed all kinds of gun laws and restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. The problem isn't lack of more gun laws.