
If guns were completely illegal to possess, it would not have prevented this tragedy. How long has marijuana been illegal? other drugs?

Society afraid to address human behavior is the issue here and as long as PC and someone getting their feelings hurt are considerations when addressing these issues, nothing will change.
Man, if I hear another person talking about arming our principals, I may go out of my mind.

What makes you think that every principal wants a gun, or would want to keep a gun in the office at school, or would want to have the responsibility of shooting someone if necessary, or even could pull a trigger against another human being, even in the craziest circumstances?

It's insane.

Yes it is.
I think I understand my own problems better than you. After all, you know absolutely nothing about me. You have an opinion, and I respect that, but it doesn't mean your opinion is correct or well-founded. You make a decent point about culture, but I think it has far more to do with abandoning a more "wholesome" culture, where God isn't bashed, trashed, mocked and ridiculed, than anything else. We pump out video games which glorify killing... there's probably some sicko game that actually has a scenario where you mow down kindergarten kids for points! That's how depraved we've become as a society, and the youth of today thinks nothing of it.

To add a point, rather than engage in further argument.
If, IF we could abolish the labels by which people brand themselves Muslim, Christian, Hindu or whatever and bring up our children as religion free human beings, Israel/Gaza problem would not exist, Born Again stupids would not exist, most of the trouble in todays world would not exist OR we would have to invent other reasons for killing innocent people.
Please believe in your god, whichever one(s) it is, but dont parade a belief in the non existent as a solution to real life problems.

It is not possible to trash or bash something that does not exist.
dude I said I would try to shield the children and draw the fire and use a desk to try and survive and disstract long enough to do so.

It might even get me close enough to kill a guy whos about to kill me anyway

That must be one of those "special" desks there, Desh. :palm:
Its gun worship

that is why we have these incident.

Gun worshipers who see guns as their symbol.

They see them as the answer to anything.

They are so nutty they will teach a mentally illl young man to shoot and kill because they love guns so much and cant see reality

And you worship a desk. :D
You don't want a national conversation, you want to enforce your anti-gun views on the rest of society against its will. THAT is what you want, the only thing you want, so why don't we start by being honest about that in our conversation?

You see, you defiantly don't want to have the conversation about putting God back in schools... no way you want to have THAT conversation. You don't want to have the conversation about how our culture has abandoned God and morality because it's the "cool" thing to do these days. You don't even want to have the conversation about involuntary institutionalization of mentally disturbed people. You will refuse to have a conversation about the "death culture" found in our video games, music videos, and movies. You don't want to talk about rappers glorifying violence and "capping" people. All those things are off the table in your national discussion, the only thing you want to discuss is taking liberty away from law-abiding gun owners in America.

Most people I have heard mentioned all those issues. And no liberals or Democrats ever proposed taking away guns from law abiding citizens. But there is absolutely no need for ANY LAW ABIDING gun owner to have weapons of mass destruction; assault rifles, high capacity clips or armor piercing ammunition.
And no liberals or Democrats ever proposed taking away guns from law abiding citizens.
But there is absolutely no need for ANY LAW ABIDING gun owner to have weapons of mass destruction; assault rifles, high capacity clips or armor piercing ammunition.
Is diametrically opposed to this. In one post you've listed untold hypocrisy, not to mention that you, like so many other, have no clue what you're talking about.
The TRUTH is, we've allowed 40 years of counter-culture upbringing, denouncement of morality and God, and restrictions of the ability to lock away the insane. During this time, we've passed all kinds of gun laws and restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. The problem isn't lack of more gun laws.

First of all Dixie, the America we live in today was the creation of a conservative era. Even Charles Krauthammer fully acknowledges that fact.

Second, NAME the 'all kinds of gun laws and restrictions on law-abiding gun owners'?

Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy.
Charles Krauthammer
Most people I have heard mentioned all those issues. And no liberals or Democrats ever proposed taking away guns from law abiding citizens. But there is absolutely no need for ANY LAW ABIDING gun owner to have weapons of mass destruction; assault rifles, high capacity clips or armor piercing ammunition.
ridiculously false. we the people MUST RETAIN POWER OVER THE GOVERNMENT by being as equally armed.
Fire em! Get em out the fucking school if they don't want to carry a gun! Hire someone who isn't afraid of guns, doesn't mind carrying one, and knows how to use it. Problem solved!

This is exactly why the schools should be given back to the state. So those of us who would rather have armed principles and military at our schools can have it, and those who don't can keep worrying about all of the illegal guns still floating around their "gun free" states.
To add a point, rather than engage in further argument.
If, IF we could abolish the labels by which people brand themselves Muslim, Christian, Hindu or whatever and bring up our children as religion free human beings, Israel/Gaza problem would not exist, Born Again stupids would not exist, most of the trouble in todays world would not exist OR we would have to invent other reasons for killing innocent people.
Please believe in your god, whichever one(s) it is, but dont parade a belief in the non existent as a solution to real life problems.

It is not possible to trash or bash something that does not exist.

Ha!!! This is ridiculous.
ridiculously false. we the people MUST RETAIN POWER OVER THE GOVERNMENT by being as equally armed.

The problem with the gun debate is the sane, moderate and reasonable people are not being served or heard. And then we have the NUTS. On the far left we have people who want to confiscate all firearms. But YOU have yet to become aware the YOU ARE THE NUT at the other extreme. Of the two extremes YOU are the most dangerous to a civilized society, unless you consider THIS a civilized society...

To you, obviously.

Find me someone else who thinks the world can be rid of religion. And anyway, religion isn't the only thing people disagree on. Just look at how angry people get about politics, guns, etc.

Look at the columbine shooting. Those boys shot people who said they believe in god. Should people give up their religion so it's one less thing for people to kill them over?
That just IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. You are delusional if you belive that is possable. How many nukes does the Government have?

So the government would use nuclear weapons on its own cities and infrastructure? That's not in any contingency plan I've ever read (and I've read a lot).

Also, what are next weeks PowerBall numbers, oh seer of the future?