
The universe is not infinite. Where you come up with this stuff?

From his


Poor Spazsky. lol
I give him credit for trying. The fact he leaps to conclusions without evidence is more indicative of a lack of training since I do believe Spaz is trainable in history.

"Training" can only happen with a blank chalk or dry erase board. If the board's already filled up with nonsense, there's no room for actual facts and data.
A single photo shows the tower exploding. This is basic Einstein E=M. The amount of energy required to send 200,000 tons of steel rocketing in a cannonball arc is enormous. Plus the 425,000 cubic yards of concrete that was pulverized. Molten iron burned in the basement of the towers for 3 months. They stopped using iron in building construction in 1880. Where did all that molten iron come from and why did it burn so long?

1800 degree F thermal hot spots


Who blew it and why? Why is Trump such a pederast pussy that he didn't kill the people responsible?...with his bare hands?
shut up troll

I've posted this before and I'll post it again, you have a lot in common with Trump. In this case, both of you are Masters of Pigeon Chess.

As you've seen with me with others, I can see lots of things from various points of view along with accept, but disagree with other points of view. You seem to have a zero tolerance approach to diversity; either they conform to your standards or they are labeled stupid trolls and the like.
I've posted this before and I'll post it again, you have a lot in common with Trump. In this case, both of you are Masters of Pigeon Chess.

As you've seen with me with others, I can see lots of things from various points of view along with accept, but disagree with other points of view. You seem to have a zero tolerance approach to diversity; either they conform to your standards or they are labeled stupid trolls and the like.

you're an idiot
Like most right wingers, they mistake their beliefs for knowledge.
Newton's laws of motion are accepted by the scientific community. Physicists applied those laws to the towers exploding and concluded the planes could not create that much heat and energy.
The so-called JPP intellectuals post a lot of ad homs but refuse to address why NIST denied the overwhelming evidence of explosives being used in the twin towers, then completely ignored the obvious controlled demolition of WTC-7. WTC was a crime scene yet Rudy Giuliani was ordered to ignore the laws that preserve a crime scene for investigation and shipped all the evidence to China to be destroyed.

The cover up of a crime is always proof of government involvement.