
Who is denying science? The physics are there for all to see:
The point of this thread is physicists depend on government funding and risk their career and even their life if they publish a peer reviewed paper on taboo topics like 911. Fortunately their are some independent scientists out there writing peer reviewed papers that show all 3 WTC buildings were brought down with controlled demolition. They have lawyers forcing this case through the court system. They name names with documentation.

The courts are hoping that all the government officials involved in the planning, implementation, and cover up of 911 die before their ruling comes out. That means the ruling will most likely call for an independent investigation. Something the people deserve.
The point of this thread is physicists depend on government funding and risk their career and even their life if they publish a peer reviewed paper on taboo topics like 911. Fortunately their are some independent scientists out there writing peer reviewed papers that show all 3 WTC buildings were brought down with controlled demolition. They have lawyers forcing this case through the court system. They name names with documentation.

The courts are hoping that all the government officials involved in the planning, implementation, and cover up of 911 die before their ruling comes out. That means the ruling will most likely call for an independent investigation. Something the people deserve.

Who blew the WTC? The Jews? Who is behind this vast, wide conspiracy you are generating and supporting?
Don't be a Karen and you won't have so many enemies.

I'm not about popularity and believe my enemies are stupid. Didn't you read my personality exam results, Spaz? What were yours? Chicken? Or non-existent.
Who blew the WTC? The Jews? Who is behind this vast, wide conspiracy you are generating and supporting?
I'm not going to waste my time on a science denier like you. The pic of a tower exploding in a cannonball arc is enough for those who passed their 7th grade math class.
I'm not going to waste my time on a science denier like you. The pic of a tower exploding in a cannonball arc is enough for those who passed their 7th grade math class.
I don't deny science. All I've denied is your ability to use logic and science.

So why didn't Trump go after the real killers, Spaz?
I don't deny science. All I've denied is your ability to use logic and science.

So why didn't Trump go after the real killers, Spaz?
Maybe not in our lifetime but the truth of 911 will eventually be read into congress similar to what senator Mike Gravel did with the Pentagon Papers. Government corruption is already in the congressional record, so 911 will be the icing on the cake.
Maybe not in our lifetime but the truth of 911 will eventually be read into congress similar to what senator Mike Gravel did with the Pentagon Papers. Government corruption is already in the congressional record, so 911 will be the icing on the cake.

20 years later? Doubtful. Again, who did it? Why do you keep avoiding saying who would do such a thing and why that fucking Russian-cocksucker Trump didn't go after them?
The so-called JPP intellectuals post a lot of ad homs but refuse to address why NIST denied the overwhelming evidence of explosives being used in the twin towers, then completely ignored the obvious controlled demolition of WTC-7. WTC was a crime scene yet Rudy Giuliani was ordered to ignore the laws that preserve a crime scene for investigation and shipped all the evidence to China to be destroyed.

The cover up of a crime is always proof of government involvement.

shipped all the evidence to China to be destroyed.

fuck off. you're nuts
Part of science is looking for the evidence that should be there but isn't. If a steel frame skyscraper were able to collapse, the 425,000 cubic yards of concrete used in the twin towers would end up in a pile 7 stories tall. The standing exoskeleton is about 4 stories tall. Where is the pile of concrete?

Part of science is looking for the evidence that should be there but isn't. If a steel frame skyscraper were able to collapse, the 425,000 cubic yards of concrete used in the twin towers would end up in a pile 7 stories tall. The standing exoskeleton is about 4 stories tall. Where is the pile of concrete?[/IM][/QUOTE]Look in the background and the surrounding blocks.

FWIW, the pile of rubble continued to burn for 99 days after 9/11: [url][/url]

[QUOTE]Unfortunately, there were not many survivors to find: Two firemen were pulled from their truck in a cavity beneath some wreckage, and a few people were pinned at the edges of the pile. By September 12, workers had rescued all of the people who were trapped at the site. After that, the Ground Zero workers had a new and more heartbreaking mission: to sift carefully through the debris in search of human remains. The fallen buildings were unstable, and engineers worried that the weight of trucks and cranes would cause the wreckage to shift and collapse again, so the workers had to keep using the bucket brigades. Meanwhile, huge fires continued to burn at the center of the pile. Jagged, sharp pieces of iron and steel were everywhere. The work was so dangerous that many firefighters and police officers wrote their names and phone numbers on their forearms in case they fell into the hole or were crushed.

Did you know? Fires continued to burn in lower Manhattan for 99 days after the attack.

Eventually, the pile stabilized enough that construction crews could start using excavators and other heavy equipment. Ironworkers hung from tall cranes and cut the buildings down, one reporter said, “like trees.” Structural engineers worked to reinforce the giant concrete “bathtub” that formed the two-by-four-block foundation of the buildings and protected it from flooding by the Hudson River. Crews built roads across the site to make it easier to haul away the debris. (By May 2002, when the cleanup officially ended, workers had moved more than 108,000 truckloads–1.8 million tons–of rubble to a Staten Island landfill.) But the site was still dangerous. Underground fires continued to burn for months. Every time a crane moved a large chunk of debris, the sudden rush of oxygen intensified the flames. Downtown Manhattan reeked of smoke and burning rubber, plastic and steel.[/QUOTE]
Look in the background and the surrounding blocks.

FWIW, the pile of rubble continued to burn for 99 days after 9/11:
What could possibly cause the underground fires to burn for 3 months? The answer was found throughout the toxic WTC dust containing 425,000 cubic yards of pulverized concrete mixed with gypsum and asbestos. First look at the dustification of the twin towers before I show yet another smoking gun scientists found in the dust.
