
I'm trying this now! Ordered some blue morning glories, and moonflowers, they came today. I rubbed 'em good. They are soaking now.

As someone who lives in the south, I spit in your general direction. God I get so sick of pulling morning glories out of my garden they are such aggressive bastards.
As someone who lives in the south, I spit in your general direction. God I get so sick of pulling morning glories out of my garden they are such aggressive bastards.

LOL! Yeah, when we lived in STL I quickly learned not to plant them because they are a nightmare. It's odd how something so much work to germinate can be such a pill.
LOL! Yeah, when we lived in STL I quickly learned not to plant them because they are a nightmare. It's odd how something so much work to germinate can be such a pill.

The other thing is honeysuckle. My cousin in Boston gets so chuffed about her honeysuckle plant. I could weave a small planet out of all the honeysuckle vines I have had to rip out during my lifetime. It is a pervasive invader of hedge rows in particular.
And the beat goes on....progress. Tried to post this yesterday but our internet was down.



First squash


Then the fish





Finally the sauerkraut. I didn’t have the time and also ran out of jar lids...will have to do the green beans today.
The other thing is honeysuckle. My cousin in Boston gets so chuffed about her honeysuckle plant. I could weave a small planet out of all the honeysuckle vines I have had to rip out during my lifetime. It is a pervasive invader of hedge rows in particular.

Is it the native vine type, not the bush honeysuckle? We had both in our yard in STL. The bush kind is hell to eradicate. I loved the vining type. Brought some cuttings with us when we moved but they didn't make it.
Is it the native vine type, not the bush honeysuckle? We had both in our yard in STL. The bush kind is hell to eradicate. I loved the vining type. Brought some cuttings with us when we moved but they didn't make it.

The vine. When I bought and additional lot covered in english Ivy and honeysuckle, I started to leave it to see who won the battle royale but was afraid it would result in a giant blackhole opening up in the universe as two undefeated and undefeatables battled to the death.
Is your garden area fenced in? Are critters a problem there?

It’s fences. Rabbits are the only problem. I put my son on guard duty and he eliminates them. It’s worked ok though they do get a few bites of beans and cabbage from time to time. We have lots of deer around but they don’t usually venture into the area where the garden is located.
The vine. When I bought and additional lot covered in english Ivy and honeysuckle, I started to leave it to see who won the battle royale but was afraid it would result in a giant blackhole opening up in the universe as two undefeated and undefeatables battled to the death.

LMAO. I'll take two, please. Seriously, if you want to part with some I'll pay for shipping. PM me if so. I'm not worried about it becoming invasive up here with the climate and the critters. Sure do miss that fragrance in an early summer day.
It’s fences. Rabbits are the only problem. I put my son on guard duty and he eliminates them. It’s worked ok though they do get a few bites of beans and cabbage from time to time. We have lots of deer around but they don’t usually venture into the area where the garden is located.

So you often dine on Hasenpfeffer? lol

Husband build an 8 ft deer fence around ours. Only the herb garden is outside the barricade. The deer did snip the tops off a couple things in the spring before it greened up good, but so far <knocks on wooden leg> they are leaving it alone.

Have you or anyone else ever grown horseradish? I got three roots at the farmer's market the other day. Put them in the herb garden too.
LMAO. I'll take two, please. Seriously, if you want to part with some I'll pay for shipping. PM me if so. I'm not worried about it becoming invasive up here with the climate and the critters. Sure do miss that fragrance in an early summer day.

I will find you some. I have plenty around the fringes. I just have to figure out best to ship so you have a pretty plant and not 12 feet of OMG it is eating me!!!! (That is code for figuring out which plants may not be mixed in with the poison ivy)
I will find you some. I have plenty around the fringes. I just have to figure out best to ship so you have a pretty plant and not 12 feet of OMG it is eating me!!!! (That is code for figuring out which plants may not be mixed in with the poison ivy)

LOL... yeah, no thanks to the poison ivy, heh heh. I can root almost anything so clippings are fine. Wrap them in a wet paper towel, put inside a zip lock bag, and mail in a small padded mailer. I've sent my gardening daughter who lives in VT rooted cuttings like that. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
LOL... yeah, no thanks to the poison ivy, heh heh. I can root almost anything so clippings are fine. Wrap them in a wet paper towel, put inside a zip lock bag, and mail in a small padded mailer. I've sent my gardening daughter who lives in VT rooted cuttings like that. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

No problem. Seriously though will find you some better than a clipping. Between spraying and the poison ivy will find you the best one I can. I have a hedge row of miscanthus that is about as much honeysuckle as grass. Probably can get in mail later this week as it is supposed to break these upper 90's tomorrow I think.
No problem. Seriously though will find you some better than a clipping. Between spraying and the poison ivy will find you the best one I can. I have a hedge row of miscanthus that is about as much honeysuckle as grass. Probably can get in mail later this week as it is supposed to break these upper 90's tomorrow I think.

Thanks so much! I may plant it in a large pot on the deck and let it trail along the rails. In fall I can untangle and/or clip it, and put the pot in the garage for the winter.
Thanks so much! I may plant it in a large pot on the deck and let it trail along the rails. In fall I can untangle and/or clip it, and put the pot in the garage for the winter.

It is coming up a T-storm right now so hopefully that will assist in getting it travel ready. Will drop at last minute Friday to minimize waiting around time and hopefully you will get it Monday or Tuesday.