Gay Adoption banned in Arkansas - Kids get ripped from foster homes

And I can respect that point of view. But if we make the laws respective of what is outside of religious views, and let religions teach their messages, would you not be able to hold your same beliefs and views?

Yes I could and I truly think I will have to one day. Religion and belief in the Bible is well on the decline in this country. Desh is absolutely right when she says that things like prop. 8 will eventually be overturned when the younger generation get older.

We have lost many arguments/battles already in this area of morality. Take abortion for instance. While I think that it is murder I am reduced to supporting people who put the least amount of public funding into programs that support abortion. It will never again be against the law.

I know that I am a dinosaur when it comes to this area but that is just the way I am built I guess.
Yes I could and I truly think I will have to one day. Religion and belief in the Bible is well on the decline in this country. Desh is absolutely right when she says that things like prop. 8 will eventually be overturned when the younger generation get older.

We have lost many arguments/battles already in this area of morality. Take abortion for instance. While I think that it is murder I am reduced to supporting people who put the least amount of public funding into programs that support abortion. It will never again be against the law.

I know that I am a dinosaur when it comes to this area but that is just the way I am built I guess.

And I, along with many others, will fight for your rights to worship as you believe.

Being a dinosaur isn't so bad. You look good in green.
And I, along with many others, will fight for your rights to worship as you believe.

Being a dinosaur isn't so bad. You look good in green.

Hey, enjoyed the discussion. Have to go home now and turn the beagles out .... rabbit season is here and I'll be hunting them after a few frosts. Got to get the beagles practiced up.
Hey, enjoyed the discussion. Have to go home now and turn the beagles out .... rabbit season is here and I'll be hunting them after a few frosts. Got to get the beagles practiced up.

Have fun with the dogs and let me know how rabbit season goes.
Prior to that, I hadn't heard of "gay" or knew it existed. In fact, at that point in my life (4 or 5) I thought a "dink" was something to piss through and that's all.

So you never really made a choice. You just remember when you first saw a girl other than your sister?
So you never really made a choice. You just remember when you first saw a girl other than your sister?
Yeah. Being attracted to girls was as natural as say, wanting to ride a bike as fast as possible or hitting that baseball over the fence.
Oh here we go with the disgusting innuendos. If you wish to insult me then be a man about it, get it over with so that I may dismiss you from the debate.
I wasn't trying to insult you Mr. Overly Sensative. I want to know about your choice to be straight instead of gay. Tell me how you reached that decision.
What you have described above is NOT a choice. A choice is about weighing all the pluses and minuses related to homesexual and heterosexual sex. Tell me about that. But you already did. It was automatic. Didn't require any trial and error. Same with me. Same with my gay friends. They were NEVER attracted to women. I do have some bi-sexual female friends that find both men and women equally sexually alluring, and I also have female lesbian friends that knew from day one they liked girls as well. It is the same for us all. You just want to pretend that they all are straight and chose to go against their natural inclinations and be gay. I look forward to your exposition on vegetarian lions.
They have to make the case that it's a choice, because if it's not a choice then their entire argument falls apart.

Too bad they're wrong. I think they know it.
If you're going to skip the logic altogether then there is no sense discussing this further.

Funny, I thought it was completely logical.

Our discussion showed that your sexuality was not a choice, but you insist gays choose.

Thorn made the point that homosexuals have differences in their brains, that develops prior to birth. And yet you insist that their sexuality is not normal.

One of us is skipping logic, but its not me.