
I don't understand how to be a modern "woke" person,
and it involves far too much learning for the time I have left.

"Anomaly," that coy word NASA uses when one of their craft blows up, works well to replace "defect."

The only thing necessary to be a "modern woke person" is to mind our own business. If someone was assigned the male gender at birth and now wants to be seen and addressed/referred to as "she," it doesn't do a thing to harm me. Live and let live is a good rule for life, don't you think?
You are another who chooses to remain ignorant.

You posted this:

"Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people."

That is not what gender refers to it's what you think gender refers to. If a girl woman is a plumber she's doesn't cease to be a girl woman. The labels don't refer to roles, behaviors, expressions and identifies no matter how much you want it to be so.
"Anomaly," that coy word NASA uses when one of their craft blows up, works well to replace "defect."

The only thing necessary to be a "modern woke person" is to mind our own business. If someone was assigned the male gender at birth and now wants to be seen and addressed/referred to as "she," it doesn't do a thing to harm me. Live and let live is a good rule for life, don't you think?

I definitely agree and carry it a bit further.

Live, let live, and help when you can if help is wanted.

I've never gone out of my way to disrespect anybody for any of the previously discussed reasons.

I just have a hard time relating with recent generations,
and they seem to have an even harder time understanding me.:cool:
So? You also post opinion as though it is fact, but don't bother to back it up with credible sources. Very typical of disinformation agents.

The reason you don't use credible sources is because you know what you're posting is bullshit. :rofl2:
Typically, on the rare occasion that she posts links, it doesn't end well for her.
"Anomaly," that coy word NASA uses when one of their craft blows up, works well to replace "defect."

The only thing necessary to be a "modern woke person" is to mind our own business. If someone was assigned the male gender at birth and now wants to be seen and addressed/referred to as "she," it doesn't do a thing to harm me. Live and let live is a good rule for life, don't you think?

It is a good rule too bad you don't follow it. People aren't assigned gender at birth their gender is identified at birth. It's moronic to suggest otherwise. Why should we abandon science and common sense just to appease a tranny freak?
So? You also post opinion as though it is fact, but don't bother to back it up with credible sources. Very typical of disinformation agents.

The reason you don't use credible sources is because you know what you're posting is bullshit. :rofl2:

What facts have you posted? You idiots prefer truth to facts. The imbecile you idiots elected said so.
Typically, on the rare occasion that she posts links, it doesn't end well for her.

I've noticed that. BTW, I'm quite sure that Stinkerbelle is a male. That's based on multiple misogynist posts, as well as his inability to keep his stories straight.
Yep, still bound and gagged. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

I've noticed that. BTW, I'm quite sure that Stinkerbelle is a male. That's based on multiple misogynist posts, as well as his inability to keep his stories straight.
I think so too.

Some 400 pound guy posting from his bedroom in Russia.
It is a good rule too bad you don't follow it. People aren't assigned gender at birth their gender is identified at birth. It's moronic to suggest otherwise. Why should we abandon science and common sense just to appease a tranny freak?
Fake ignore bump...;)
You posted this:

"Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people."

That is not what gender refers to it's what you think gender refers to. If a girl woman is a plumber she's doesn't cease to be a girl woman. The labels don't refer to roles, behaviors, expressions and identifies no matter how much you want it to be so.

Exactly...some random "feminist" made it up...:laugh:
I definitely agree and carry it a bit further.

Live, let live, and help when you can if help is wanted.

I've never gone out of my way to disrespect anybody for any of the previously discussed reasons.

I just have a hard time relating with recent generations,
and they seem to have an even harder time understanding me

This has always been the way of the world, eh?
This is for the morons who don’t understand gender.

[FONT="]Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. [COLOR=#040C28]Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people[/COLOR].[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#5E5E5E][FONT="]May 8, 2023

L1wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › ...

[h=3]What is gender? What is sex? - CIHR[/h]

That's old information! In the new age of gender identification, Gender is what ever you pretend to be on that day.Some old fashioned people have issues with you using the Ladies room just because you have a penis,which NOW has Nothing to do with the gender you pretend to identify with.
It's a new world of gender identification!:)
And you are one who chooses to redefine terms to fit your agenda.

There are very few life forms that classify as having no gender but humans are not one of them.

This is America! We the People can pick and pretend to be whatever or none at all gender we can pretend to be!