
Gender is not structured by is structured by biology.......

Not anymore! It's the 21 century! You have the freedom to pretend to be whatever gender you chose or gender neutral if you chose!
You Republican Trump cum garglers want to take Mericans Choice of gender away from citizens!
It is a good rule too bad you don't follow it. People aren't assigned gender at birth their gender is identified at birth. It's moronic to suggest otherwise. Why should we abandon science and common sense just to appease a tranny freak?

FREEDOM mister! Or miss ,Or whatever!
I couldn't swear to it,

but I don't think that there's another contributor to this forum
who disagrees with both sides at once
more often and on more issues than I do.

I think that I'm the only one, for example, who's arrived at the three-possibility conclusion:

male, female, and genetic freak [actually, "anomaly" has been suggested, come to think of it].

Are we good with "anomaly," then?
Being modest, I'd rather somebody else get the credit.
Here, let me educate you.
[FONT=&quot]Projecting is when someone unconsciously attributes their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to another person.[FONT=&quot]May 22, 2023[/FONT]


CoLxBpl2uWhMAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC › p...

[h=3]What Does Projecting in Psychology Mean? - Verywell Health[/h]

You DO realize that he's just messing with you, right?? Holy hell... take a chill pill...:cool:
I don't read links if someone is not willing to take five seconds to type why they are important.
A VERY smart decision on your part. It's just a moron outsourcing his thinking to others, appealing to some sort of claimed "expert" or "higher authority" that supposedly "knows better than he does". It's intellectual laziness, an all too common problem.

I implement a similar policy. If someone can't form an argument of his or her own, then I don't even bother with their link (because I'm at that point not speaking to them, but to whoever within their link they're allowing to think FOR them).
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There is no difference. They are synonymous terms referring to biological differences between 'male humans' and 'female humans'.

Sex definitely does not refer specifically to humans.

There is lack of agreement on gender, so the two words are indeed different.