
... yet you ignored my reference to etymology...

Because I'm smart enough to know that the etymology is NOT the definition. The etymology of "muscle" means "small mouse". No one actually believes your muscles are small mice. While it relates to the definition, language ALWAYS evolves. I'm surprised you couldn't read the CLEAR AND CONCISE DEFINITION I posted from the OED. Were the words too big?
Because I'm smart enough to know that the etymology is NOT the definition. The etymology of "muscle" means "small mouse". No one actually believes your muscles are small mice. While it relates to the definition, language ALWAYS evolves. I'm surprised you couldn't read the CLEAR AND CONCISE DEFINITION I posted from the OED. Were the words too big?
I saw what you posted. What is funny is that you truly think that the OED defines all words.
I saw what you posted. What is funny is that you truly think that the OED defines all words.

It doesn't define all words, but it is largely considered the premiere english dictionary. You probably don't know this because you don't seem to be all that hip to linguistics. You should look into it. It's been around for >130 years now.
It doesn't define all words, but it is largely considered the premiere english dictionary. You probably don't know this because you don't seem to be all that hip to linguistics. You should look into it. It's been around for >130 years now.
How was the OED formed? Meaning, how did it come to be...
It is a definition from the foremost repository of english words: the OED.
I'm going to be polite. Don't be stupid. Read what I wrote. No dictionary gets to define any word. Dictionaries only provide usage examples, correct or otherwise.

The idea that dictionaries get to define words is a common misconception. Rid yourself of it. Dictionaries give examples of usage and that's all. If dictionaries were empowered to define words, we'd already have the Marxist People's Dictionary with every word redefined per their agenda.

You shouldn't get high this early in the day.
You should not have dropped out of the fifth grade.

And definitions. Definitions are the primary things for dictionaries to provide.
Did you EVER go to school?

Dictionaries exist to provide spelling for words, guidance on pronunciation, and examples of usage. That's why we have the phrase "Use that word in a sentence." Dictionaries help you use a word in a sentence. This is why there are usually multiple examples corresponding to the multiple usages under different syntaxes.

I hope I didn't burst any bubbles, but your teachers should have been clear with you on this when you weren't playing hooky.

107 pretend "gender" definitions is nothing but woke...;)

Two things:

1) I don’t give a fuck how many genders there are. People can identify however they wish. Regardless of their gender, they should be treated equally and fairly.
2) It ain’t woke. Woke has nothing to do with gender.
A simpleton’s way of looking at the issue. Everything is binary to a simpleton.
Are you saying that you only see two viewpoints, i.e. that 1. gender is a biological category and 2. that gender is much more than a biological category?

You're obviously a simpleton. Everything is binary to a simpleton.

I'm going to be polite. Don't be stupid. Read what I wrote. No dictionary gets to define any word.


Dictionaries only provide usage examples, correct or otherwise.

Wrong again. It's literally what a dictionary is for: definitions of words.

You should not have dropped out of the fifth grade.

Remember two lines ago when you wrote:
I'm going to be polite. Don't be stupid.


Did you EVER go to school?

I'm going to be polite. Don't be stupid.

You're an idiot.

Wrong again. It's literally what a dictionary is for: definitions of words.

Remember two lines ago when you wrote:


You're an idiot.
Too funny. Don't worry about it. I read some of your other posts; they confirm that you are another undereducated leftist who became indoctrinated and now you have been enslaved by thought-masters who do your thinking for you. You clearly know very little and all your opinions have been handed to you by others, so I'm going to have a lot of fun with you.

Tell me all about this Climate Change science that you insist you know. While you're at it, to the best of your understanding of thermodynamics, tell me how you believe electric cars are more fuel efficient than combustion engine vehicles. This kind of humor never gets old.

Oh, please call me an idiot again. I want to eventually be able to ask you "If I'm an idiot, where does this place you?" Anyway, bring it on ... unless you have become rightfully ashamed of your Climate Change faith.

Too funny. Don't worry about it. I read some of your other posts; they confirm that you are another undereducated leftist who became indoctrinated and now you have been enslaved by thought-masters who do your thinking for you. You clearly know very little and all your opinions have been handed to you by others, so I'm going to have a lot of fun with you.

Tell me all about this Climate Change science that you insist you know. While you're at it, to the best of your understanding of thermodynamics, tell me how you believe electric cars are more fuel efficient than combustion engine vehicles. This kind of humor never gets old.

Oh, please call me an idiot again. I want to eventually be able to ask you "If I'm an idiot, where does this place you?" Anyway, bring it on ... unless you have become rightfully ashamed of your Climate Change faith.

Don't worry, on the other thread I laid it out for you. I suspect you'll have a lot of questions because it has some science in it.