
Of course people don't think they are good enough the way they are. That has been the human condition for all of recorded history.
Have you ever met anyone that is gender fluid? Being gender fluid is not the same thing as having gender dysphoria and being trapped in the wrong sex.
Paradox. Irrational.
There are different surgical procedures used for baldness.
Straw man fallacy.
There are different surgical procedures used to deal with sexual dysphoria.
'Gender affirming surgery' is just mutilation. You permanently disfigure yourself. You can never have children after such a procedure.
You have locked yourself into a narrow view and can't seem to see past that.
Inversion fallacy (projection). You are describing yourself again.
Let's see...
I admit that gender has more than one definition.
You've contradicted yourself numerous times (and assigned bogus positions to others). That's all that you've really done.

You claim gender is always synonymous with sex.
Bogus position assignment.

You are the only one denying definitions exist.
Bogus position assignment. You are still denying etymology.

My position is when it comes to gender and sex and humans that have gender dysphoria then gender is not synonymous with sex.
You don't have a position. You keep contradicting yourself.
Special pleading fallacy. Attempted proof by contrivance.

Fallacy fallacy

The fallacy fallacy is repeatedly used by Into the Night. The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims another poster is using a fallacy but Into the Night doesn't identify how that fallacy occurred. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he actually is. Unfortunately for Into the Night, his repeated use of this fallacy reveals how intellectually challenged he is.

Let me give an example of Into the Night not being aware of what is a fallacy or how to identify them:
Into the Night accuse me of a straw man when I said this,
Poor Richard Saunders said:
There are different surgical procedures used for baldness.
The straw man fallacy consists of 2 parts.
1. It misrepresents the argument of the other side
2. It then defeats the misrepresented position instead of the opponents actual position

My statement clearly doesn't make any claim about the position of the other side. Then my statement doesn't defeat any position. My statement is only a statement of fact in defense of an earlier statement I had made about how there are many types of surgeries that can used to resolve an issue. Calling my statement a straw man is complete nonsense and shows Into the Night doesn't understand what the fallacy is.
So now you're switching from the noun to the verb? You really are whacked arent you?

You are pretty fucked if you think sex is a verb just because having sex means you are getting action.

If you have a cup of coffee does that make a cup of coffee a verb?

Into the Night has never had sex. <---- sex is a noun in that sentence.
You are pretty fucked if you think sex is a verb just because having sex means you are getting action.

If you have a cup of coffee does that make a cup of coffee a verb?

Into the Night has never had sex. <---- sex is a noun in that sentence.

No in that case have is the veb dipshit.

Yes a noun referring to the act. Again a nurse can nurse.
Are they happier because they no longer have gender with conservatives?
It's quite easy to poke fun at a bogus position that you created and falsely attributed to me, isn't it??

Now try addressing my actual position for a change... :)
Oh wait, you don't have the balls to do it... ;) ;)

Who would have thought surgery can do different things?
You really can't follow a conversation, can you??? No wait... you CAN follow it, you know full well that you've been whipped six different ways to Sunday, so your strategy is erect strawmen and set them on fire... Wow, good job burning a strawman... anyone can do that... now try burning helium.

I wonder why they call it cosmetic surgery.....
Because it's done for appearance purposes. It doesn't lead to the happiness that one believes it will lead to...

Can we refer to this as Mantra 31?

I guess you don't know much about breasts and penises if you think there is no option when it comes to them. Is it because you have never had gender?
Bogus position assignments. You can set a strawman on fire. GOOD FOR YOU!!! Now try that with helium.

Common transgender surgery options include:

RandU fallacy (Only because it makes so much sense when you use it.)
There is no such thing as a "sex change" surgery. It has yet to be performed.