George Stephanopoulos Shuts Down Interview With Sen. J.D. Vance

[FONT=&]Sen. J.D. Vance's interview on ABC's "This Week" gets cut short after he made a comment implying he believes Trump can defy the Supreme Court.[/FONT]:whoa:[FONT=&]

[FONT=&]During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” with Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) Sunday, George Stephanopoulos abruptly ended the interview after Vance implied that Donald Trump can defy Supreme Court rulings.

[FONT=&]“The Constitution says that the Supreme Court can make rulings, but if the Supreme Court ― and look, I hope that they would not do this ― but if the Supreme Court said that the president of the United States can’t fire a general, that would be an illegitimate ruling and the president has to have Article 2 prerogative under the Constitution to actually run the military as he sees fit,” Vance said.

Wow. Stephanopoulos shuts down his interview with Vance and cuts him off after Vance insists that the president can defy the Supreme Court.

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) Vance’s comment was made after Stephanopoulos asked Vance about his comments on a 2021 podcast, where Vance said that if Trump is reelected in 2024, he would advise Trump to “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people,” according to ABC News, and then when the courts tried to stop Trump, he should “stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did, and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”


This is the subject

Wanna go back to it?

Then stop making up fucking lies
Frank, you're being a dishonest dumbass again. The US was never a democracy. It has always been a Constitutional (representative) republic. It says so in the Constitution. Neither the word "democracy" nor "democratic" appear in the Constitution whatsoever. To the Republic for which it stands, not to the Democracy for which it stands.

Democracies quickly devolve into tyrannical oligarchies that arbitrarily and capriciously throw people into prison for the rest of their lives.

Post seven

So I crushed this diversion lie
Post five

Yep, and you asked me to prove that Biden has defied Supreme Court rulings which I did giving multiple instances and sources. You focused on one source, attacking it, because you didn't like the source but never have bothered to so much as post one sentence of rebuttal that any of the content was wrong.
In part. In whole, it is a Republic.

a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

But can be without actual elections and a constitution

Who gets to appoint the leader?

Which is why we are a representative DEMOCRACY

Your argument isn’t with me

It’s with every dictionary and encyclopedia in the world
If Trump were to defy Supreme Court rulings, then he'd have get in line behind Biden and a number of other Presidents in history doing so...

1. That's a load of bullshit. Biden has never defied the Supreme Court.
2. Even if he did, two wrongs don't make a right.

Your hatred of everything Democrat to the point you make shit up all the time is really getting boring.
J. D. Vance seems to be an even more dedicated shithead than I thought.

The MAGA element just wants to end the democratic experiment that has been in place here since the American Revolutionary War of the late 18th century.

They should all be thrown into prison for the rest of their lives.

That Depends frankie. BTW, we are a Republic.
Do I have to break out every dictionary and encyclopedia YET AGAIN to prove how fucking uneducated and brainwashed you are
Mr. Fucking Cum-bubble, do I have to break out the Constitution YET AGAIN to prove how fucking uneducated and brainwashed and reamed up the ass you are?

Ok here we go you fucking idiot: The US Constitution - Notice that the word "democracy" never appears.

Section. 4.
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government

If you've got an encyclopedia or dictionary that says something different, the Constitution is correct and your gullibility has you believing something that is wrong.

Fuck you very much. Next time, don't let them drill into the back of your head with a 3/4" bit. At least make them use a 1/2" bit or smaller. Of course, after the eighth time, it starts to matter a lot less, as you well know.
Post seven So I crushed this diversion lie
Post #73, I crushed your lie. By the way, you don't lie very well. Your feigned "anger" merely detracts from your delivery. It's fairly obvious that you don't believe what you have been ordered to regurgitate.

Blow me.
BTW, we are a Republic.

US Constitution, Article IV, Section. 4.
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government

Neither the word "democracy" nor "democratic" appear in the Constitution whatsoever, since the founders wanted to avoid democracy and oligarchies and tyranny, and instead wanted a Constitution and individual liberties.
The Regime violates the Constitution constantly, to include is no longer a legal is a second Legislature.

It is a way, way right-wing Republican court. The Roberts court is the most pro-business, anti-worker of all time.
The Court performs its constitutional duties as the-Constitution prescribes. They make mistakes and show slant. With Trump, there is a separation of powers problem. He wants the court to rule for him and ignore the law.
Who do you call the regime?
It is a way, way right-wing Republican court. The Roberts court is the most pro-business, anti-worker of all time.
The Court performs its constitutional duties as the-Constitution prescribes. They make mistakes and show slant. With Trump, there is a separation of powers problem. He wants the court to rule for him and ignore the law.
Who do you call the regime?

The people in power who constantly violate the Constitution as they give me the finger.
No, the US is a Republic and a representative democracy. We are not a pure democracy and shouldn't be.

Because no pure democracies exist for large (or even small) countries and should not exist.

it would be impossible to govern by pure democracy where each and every citizen had to vote on every measure.

Instead the TYPES of DEMOCRACY we all use are variations of the citizens using their vote to empower others to speak for them while maintaining the ability to fire them, if they do not approve of what they do.

Saying it is not a pure Democracy IN NO WAY means it is not a democracy. it is just a stupid person retort.
No, you just spouted the usual right-wing propaganda then called it proof.

Everyone knows how you people operate.

You're not fooling anyone.

Terry is a person claiming in another thread that if government allows corporations to buy government owned land (taxpayer land) at massively discounted rates to current market value, that DOES NOT count as a subsidy to the company.

Why is he arguing that? Because he has taken an ideological stance that only Green Energy receives subsidies and that OIl and Gas have never got any subsidies and thus he refuses to concede that corporations getting greatly discounted land is one of the MANY forms of subsidy that O&G regularly get in States.

So once Terry takes an ideological position no logic will cut thru and he will gaslight and spin and lie about the question to avoid answering.
